TDIS Bi-monthly meeting, 2023 Feb 16

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  • Aruni: estimations from BONuS
  • TBD


Present: Eric C., Dipangkar, Aruni, Ed, Carlos

Excused: Rachel, Bogdan

  • Aruni: presented her studies about BONuS12 background.
    • Eric suggested using the TDIS generators with Aruni's machinery and compare.
  • Eric C.: F117 is prepared and has two clean rooms, but it is expected to have some extra work to provide more gas inlets. It is expected to be fully functional at end of March
  • Dipangkar: prototype preparation is delayed by Nilanga, but his technician is back in town. Aruni is expected to work at UVA in the next month.
  • Ed: signatures to acquire the chips are approved. It is just a matter of bureaucracy.

Organizational details

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Topic: TDIS biweekly meeting Time: 10:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)


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