TDIS Bi-monthly meeting, 2023 Jun 08

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  • TDIS Task list

1. nTDIS projections for 20 days (Arun, Carlos, Eric F, Rachel)

2. Engineering run runplan (All subsystems) - total 15 days (2 days in 2015 proposal)

3. mTPC prototype tests (Aruni, Huong)

4. tracking algo tests and improvements (Aruni, Carlos, Steve)

5. Target thickness uniformity (Juan, Dave Meekins)

6. BoNUS12 rtpc eff. and tracking eff. (Aruni, Eric C)

7. SBS Cerenkov design (Burcu, Nadia)

8. LAC updates and electron trigger (Simona)

9. DAQ tests (Ed)

10. Plot from Patrick showing the ratio of new/old


Organizational details

ZoomGov meeting.

Topic: TDIS biweekly meeting Time: 10:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)


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