TDIS Bi-monthly meeting, 2024 May 24
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- Report from every working group
Present: Dipangkar, Eric F., Eric C., Ioana, Bogdan, Ed, Gabi, Huong, Aruni, Carlos.
Excused: Salina
- Aruni: summary of tracking meetings
- Eric C.: meeting with Salina to understand the mapping of the prototype
- Ioana:
- joining the collaboration
- will write a DOE proposal for just detector development
- it was open the possibility of Gabi contributing to the tracking effort
- Dipangkar:
- announce the next meeting of Spokespeople
- he, Aruni and Eric F. will continue working in the simulations to get some results for the upcoming meeting
- Houng:
- she visited Eric C. lab to check the prototype
- she offered to host JMU students at UVa
Organizational details
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Topic: TDIS weekly meeting Time: 12:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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