TDIS DAQ, 12 November 2020

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Organizational details

1:00 PM

We will be using the BlueJeans system. To join via Phone:

  1. Dial: 1-888-240-2560 (US or Canada only); other access numbers are available from
  2. Enter Conference ID: 550 654 514, and press #

To join through a browser:



Participants: David Flay, Eric, Jan, Simona, Paul King, Alexandre, Thia

  • Brief updates:
    1. David --- no update
    2. Simona --- continuing to test PMTs, does not need DAQ support yet
    3. Jan --- no update
    4. Paul --- no update
  • Eric
    • Considering to use a 3 PMT coincidence for the trigger in the RICH, but backgrounds in the RICH would give too high an accidental coincidence
    • Including alignment of hits in the RICH and LAC could bring accidentals to smaller rates
      • But his study on slide 3 assumed the LAC is triggered in a single row. If the LAC triggering is done in groups of rows, this will be more spread out
    • Some questions raised in discussion
      • Could we use smaller grouping of PMTs in the RICH (clustering?) to help reduce the accidentals?
      • How many pe's do we expect in the RICH?