TDIS DAQ, 21 September 2017

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Organizational details

10:00 AM, JLab meeting room: CC F224-225

We will be using the BlueJeans system. To join via Phone:

  1. Dial: 1-888-240-2560 (US or Canada only); other access numbers are available from
  2. Enter Conference ID: 733 235 522, and press #

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Thia's notes from the meeting (also available as a PDF file TDIS_DAQ_notes_21sep2017.pdf‎)

  • Some discussion of the 250 ns time resolution collection window from the APV25… should we look at resolution? Other options? Nilanga thinks that we can get this down to 100 ns.
  • Nilanga noted that the inner cylinder kapton foils should maybe be more like 25 microns than 2 microns, need to try and see what thickness (thin-ness) is possible
  • Some discussion of the 5 x 5 mm pads… if we reduce, we have larger data rate/volume challenge, but improved resolution
    • Should be driven by physics, currently using the 10% assumed by the kaon TDIS proposal - should make sure that this resolution is good enough!
    • Can also have variable pad size with radius (larger pads at larger radius), need to put this in Monte Carlo
  • Paul asked about difference of longitudinal and transverse momentum, angle reconstruction
    • We need to do full simulation, but expect resolution of longitudinal and transverse to be similar
  • Discussed the possibility of a level II trigger where we use the z position from the electron track to reduce the data, maybe other software processing
  • Measure arrival time of different pads, resolution in longitudinal drift will give angular resolution (better)
  • Paul calculating from Slide 13… assuming 40 ns time slicing, would give ~1 GByte/s… also use chamber filtering, then go down by factor ~5 with some processing
  • Nilanga general question – will we move forward with this design? As it is, looks acceptable (better rates, 1 microsec drift, easier to construct, longer paths,…) – we decided to move forward with mTPC concept for Nilanga’s proposal and detailed Monte Carlo
  • Other news: Dipangkar will be testing materials/design for target straw