Thursday, December 4: OWL Shift

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  • General considerations
    • Tanja Horn is the current Run Coordinator. Please contact directly via RC phone 757-876-1787
    • Follow the generic Instructions for shift takers
    • Shift leaders: Please make sure to fill out the beam time accounting form and write a "Shift Summary" log entry at the end of your shift regardless if there is beam or not.
    • In general, Hall technical staff should not be contacted by the shift crew - please call the RC first.
  • Instructions for this shift
    • The target operator is required to supervise the cryo-target.
    • Kinematics, DVCS Kin1: Ebeam = 7.3 GeV, PLHRS=2.71 GeV, Theta_HRS=22.83, Theta_calo=12.35
    • Make sure to use the DVCS CODA configuration for all runs (even when taking single arm HRS data).
    • Continue with the "Beamline" run plan here started during the swing shift.
      • Note that we will NOT be going through the Compton chicane.
      • Initial BPM/Raster checks/Beam centering
      • BPM Calibrations (Bullseye Scan) [1-2 hours]
      • Superharp Scan with Raster off/on
    • If time remains, start spectrometer checkout and begin looking for HRS-calorimeter coincidences. For this part of the plan - contact Carlos and Paul (contact info on the white board).
    • The calorimeter HV will need to be turned on and put in the correct position - this will be done by Carlos or his assigned substitute.
    • Preliminary BCM Calibrations up to 10-20 μA, or what MCC can deliver if lower than this.
    • Note that there may be a cryo switch from ESR to CHL at some point late in the shift which requires the magnets to be ramped down. see this logbook entry for details on the cryo sitation