Thursday, September 6, 2018, 10:00 am EDT - Compton

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1. Dial Toll-Free Number: 1-888-240-2560 (U.S. & Canada)
2. International participants dial:
Toll Number: 1-408-740-7256
3. Enter meeting ID:140287970

Desktop sharing: 


Meeting room= F224-225 in Cebaf Center


  • Doodle poll for new meeting time
  • Hall lockup is 9/12. Need to get stuff out of hall by 9/7 (Is this still true?)


  • Locking update
  • Polarization optimization update

Photon Detector

  • DAQ work
  • PMT/linearity update

Electron detector

  • EEL test-stand update
  • Manitoba update


  • Photon detector G4 update


Attending: Dave G., Mark D., Bob, Alexandre, Kent, Adam, Juan Carlos, Jinlong, Brian Q.


  • New meeting day/time. Wednesdays at 11 am. Next meeting will be 9/19.

Laser status:

  • After great mode match, can't couple light into cavity - D.G. thinks mirrors must be damaged. Need to open vacuum, but will wait until after upcoming run.
  • Polarization optimization script modifications in progress - not certain of testing status.


  • Kent, Adam, Brian will arrange dates for Adam to visit CMU and gain experience with the linearity system.


  • Juan Carlos and Jinlong were at JLab 8/30-9/2
  • Overall - system looks good. Things to keep an eye on:
    • Cables (need repair) and HV for finger scintillators.
    • Noise trigger pulse suppressed with low pass filter - what's the source of the noise?
    • Epics script stops. Can we make this more robust?

Electron Detector:

  • No update.


  • Amali posted updated plot - will discuss next time.