To Do List

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General DAQ:

1) Any experiment that needs a trigger supervisor and has either L-HRS or R-HRS in the datastream can use that HRS's copy of the following:

  a) helicity info in datastream
  b) helicity-gated scalers
  c) BPM data (striplines)
  d) raster current
  e) BCM scalers

Do we need/want copies of the BCM scalers in the BigBite electronics?

2) Helicity-gated scalers need to be split into N copies corresponding to N-helicity states (N=2).

  Only the Deuteron threshold experiment cares about helicity (need to verify).  How 
  does Qweak helicity requirements affect helicity for Hall A (Bob)?  DVCS has already 
  dealt with these issues.

3) Update the scaler display HRS's and BigBite.

4) We need a pulser simulation of the coincidences to setup timing. Also need a high-random rate pulser
to provide randoms; this verifies that a) the random range fits comfortably around the trues, and
b) a stress test of the final DAQ --stable and no synch loss with ~99% deadtime. It would be a mistake
to start the expt without these pulser simulations.

5) All ROC's need blaster tests (network check).

6) Measure readout deadtime; avoid suprises that way.

7) If we decide to use buffered mode, then we need synch checks of all ROCs.

8) Assuming you use HRS scalers you must send all relevant trigger and other signals needed for normalization
to that HRS. Likewise you need an RS485 cable for the Triger supervisor. These cables already exist and are in Hall A.

9) Pedestal runs and pedestal suppression automated.

10) Trigger latch pattern in HRS, BB or both?

11) Halog start-run/end-run scripts updated.

12) EPICS logger scripts updated.

We need a coherent diagram of the DAQ setups including the "parasitic" or "test" setups. Need to maximize the
efficiency and cooperation of the efforts. We should start with independent DAQs for the two HRS's and BigBite.
Once subsystems are tested and debugged, we can join the DAQ's together.