Tuesday, June 12, 2018 10:00am ET

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 BlueJeans calling instructions:
 Toll-Free Number (U.S.&  Canada):  888-240-2560
 International toll number:         408-740-7256
 Bluejeans CODE:                    734 609 7559
 Bluejeans link: https://bluejeans.com/7346097559


  1. Prototype coil
    1. water pressure test results
    2. test plan
  2. Sensitivities update
  3. Collimator simulations update


Attendance: Juliette, Sakib, KK, Ernie, Jim, Jason

  1. Prototype coils
    1. JLAB is holding up power supply and cable delivery - hopefully 1st week July
    2. Going to ask Javier to get in touch with Jim Coleman
    3. water test requires some techs, booster pump
    4. let us know if you need any "hands"
  2. Sensitivity study
    1. problems with job submission discovered and fixed
    2. sensitivities seem less restrictive than hybrid
    3. maybe because field integral smaller
    4. finish by end of summer
  3. Collimator simulations
    1. Rakitha - shielding mass around target
    2. Chandan and Cameron around collimators
    3. Full range of radiation estimates by end of summer (site boundary, hall radiation, bkgds det plane)
    4. Cameron moving to thesis
  4. Ruben Fare - head of Magnet Group at JLAB
    1. mostly superconducting experience from industry
    2. wants to review design
    3. KK will present an overview to Ruben
    4. Why do we need vacuum around the coils?
      1. air is a disaster, helium possibly okay (need a helium chamber)
      2. harder to contain helium than hold a vacuum...
      3. how to transition to vacuum for primary beam (have run primary beam through helium at SLAC?)
  5. Collaboration meeting with Bluejeans calls
    1. possibly 2 half-day calls in July 16 and August 9
  6. next teleconference on the 3rd

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