Wednesday, March 25: DAY Shift

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  • General considerations
    • Brad Sawatzky is the current Run Coordinator. Please contact directly via RC phone 757-876-1787
    • Follow the generic Instructions for shift takers
    • Shift leaders: Please make sure to fill out the beam time accounting form and write a "Shift Summary" log entry at the end of your shift regardless if there is beam or not.
    • In general, Hall technical staff should not be contacted by the shift crew - please call the RC first.
    • The target operator is required to supervise the cryo-target.
    • Make sure to use the DVCS CODA configuration for all runs (even when taking single arm HRS data).

  • Instructions for this shift
    • 0) Check the beam position
      • - request beam position: BPM A=(+2.5:-0.5), BPM B=(+2.5:+0.5) ---- please double check
    • 1) When beam first arrives to the Hall
      • - Ask MCC to run the Harps: 1C18A/B and 1C04A/B
      • - halog the results
    • 2) Confirm the beam position using the carbon hole target.
      • - request CW 5uA without raster
      • - check the scaler rate rastered target up to 2x2 (make sure T1 & T3 20Hz)

Elastic Calibration of the DVCS Calorimeter

  • 1. Move to LH2 target to continue DVCS runs
  • 2. Change R-HRS P0 = 1.896 GeV (need to cycle Q2/Q3) - (turn off regulator for Q2/Q3, set I =1600A. turn on regulator)
  • 3. Set Q1 current to 403.8 A
    • 1) Turn on DVCS HV
    • 2) Move to LH2, 1x1 raster, 10uA CW
      • - Take 2 1hr runs with DVCS DAQ
      • - After the first run finished, page Carlos. He will change the calorimeter to the 2nd elastic setting