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(A temporary view of 1st run plan)
(NEW as of 11/18/08: Production Run Plan, Xiaodong Jiang)
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This is the run plan for transversity experiment
This is the run plan for transversity experiment
== Pre-experiment checklists, should be done by Oct. 1st, 2008 ==
== Pre-beam checklists [http://hallaweb.jlab.org/experiment/transversity/wikifile/prebeam_checklist_101608.txt txt file updated on 10/21/2008] ==
=== All sub-system's pre-run check list saved in here ===
=== [[Transversity/pre-beam checklist|All sub-system's pre-beam check list saved in here]] ===
[[Transversity/pre-beam checklist|Overall Transversity pre-beam checklist as of 07/21/2008]].
== Hall A floor plan layout for Transversity/d2n ==
== Hall A floor plan layout for Transversity/d2n ==
== Commissioning run plan ==
== Run plan ==
== Production run plan ==
=== 1st order run plan (07/18/2008, Xiaodong Jiang) ===
  0. Beam delivery, one pass beam, initial checks.
      Start up conditions:
      HRS_L at 16 degree, negative mode, P_HRS=xxx.xx GeV/c
      BigBite at 30 degree, 1.5 m drift (target to front surface of
      BigBite magnet), 710 A current.
      Beam tuned through Compton magnets.
      Compton detector initial check.
      Harp scan require that beam sigma_x: 100~200 micron, sigma_y:100~200 micron.
      Check lumi-monitors, beam position monitors, beam charge monitors.
      HAPPEX feedback working.
      Moller run.
      check beam steering by BigBite magnet.
      Target cell alignment check. Move beam around (through grid locations on BPMA and BPMB)
      and check detctor rates.
  1. One pass beam, E0=1.234 GeV, polarized, 5 days total.
      HRS_L@16 degree, negative mode, quasi-elastic kinematics, P_HRS=xxx.xx GeV/c
    i, Carbon hole targets beam-target alignment check, HRS singles.
        Verify that beam goes through middle of holes on carbon targets.
    ii, HRS_L single arm detector shakedown, carbon multi-foil target.
        RICH, A1, Gas Cherenkov, S2M and Leadglass blocks. Check DAQ, HRS scalers,
  iii, HRS_L sieve slit runs, carbon multi-foil target, double-check optics (optional).
    iv, HRS@16 degree, He3 delta-production kinematics, P_HRS=xxx.xx GeV/c
      a. Carbon multi-foil run.
      b. Pol. He3 target, transverse in-plane polarization, transv. asy.
          at delta-production  measurement.
      c. tests of target spin flip while in step-b.
    v. HRS@16 degree, He3 elastic kinematics, P_HRS=xxx.xx GeV/c.
      a. Rotate target to Long., Pol. He3 elastic Asymmetry calibration.
== NEW as of 11/18/08: Production Run Plan, Xiaodong Jiang ==
      b. Reference cell run, He3 pressure curve. Run He3 gas 20~130 psi.
Production, basic principles.
      c. Reference cell N2 runs, with different gas pressure, 20~130 psi..
    Production, target transversely polarized, in-plane left/right and verticle up/down.
    And, reference cell runs H2 gas 110 psi, when plarized He3 cell need a recovery time.
    Keep doing production runs as much as possible, limit controlled access whenever possible.
    Keep all HV and low-voltage settings and magnet settings stable. All changes need run coordinator's
    explicit approval.
    At the same time, BigBite at 30 degree, 710A magnet current,
    BigBite gas Cherenkov, left arm RICH detector, and Compton related activities in the Hall
    should only happen during a planned down time.
     i, detector shakedowns, carbon multi-foil targets.
     Basic principles guiding the decisions for production run, changes include:
        Wirechambers, gas Cherenkov, preshower+shower, scintillators.
        Wirechamber HV scan, threshold scan.
    i. HRS_L polarity change, equally split time between HRS_positive and HRS_negative polarity
    ii, check beam helicity sorted scalers, synk-check of HRS and BigBite scalers.
        Set HRS_left to 2.35 GeV/c.
  iii, check Lumi-monitors. Synk-check of Lumi and BigBite scalers.
    ii. Beam half-wave plate IN/OUT changes, equally split.
        Need to coordinate with Hall B.
    2. One pass beam, E0=1.24 GeV, polarized, HRS@58.1 degree in positive
  iii. Moller measurement every week (or after major injector change).
      mode, P_HRS=0.62. BigBite at 30 degree, 710 A current.
        Prefer two back-to-back Moller measurements before/after the beam half wave plate changes.
     i. Carbon multi-foil run.
     iv. Whenever the polarized target is down or need a recovery, run reference cell H2 gas 110 psi,
        With the same configuration (and keep the same prescale factors) .  
  ii, H(e,e'p) coincidence run, with reference cell H2 gas ~130 psi. I~15 uA.
        The "true target-spin-flip" should be turned off to prevent target polarization loss.
        However, the "Real-fake" target spin flip signal should be ON for false asymmetry measurements.
         Check coincidence trigger. Coin. Time-of-flight, S2M t0 offsets.
         A run on BeO target (same as carbon multifoil), 10 minutes, should be taken once every two days,
         Beam RF timing signal check.
        to verify tracking reconstruction (take all T5, 100-200 Hz T3 and T1 and T6, dead time doesn't matter).
         Expected T5 rate is roughly:xxx.xx Hz.
    v. Special runs on continous commissioning of BB Cherenkov, left-arm RICH, etc can be taken once
         (or maybe twice)  daily, 10-15 minutes each. This activity should be well coordinated, prefer to be
         during the polarized target's down time. Run coordinator's explicit approval is needed.
  iii, change BigBite magnet current (in 20% steps to ~20% of Max.) to have
        elastic electron event spread over several rolls of blocks.
        hardware gain adjustement. Sotfware gain calibration.
        Check trigger thrshold.
    iv, BigBite sieve slit run, H(e,e') single arm, with Coin T5 taken at
Day-to-day run plan, 11/18/2008, 11:00am,
        the same time.  This provide one set of optics calibration at
        E'=1.05 GeV for BigBite.
     v, While BigBite sieve slit in, take one run with carbon multi-foil target, BigBite field off.
     1. Reestablish beam position after target movement failar.
    2. Start polarized He3-cell production run, 12 uA beam,
        Target spin orientation: Transvers-in-plan, same as during the last week.
  3. Two pass beam, E0=2.400 GeV, un-polarized, HRS@46.1 degree in
    3. Around 6:00pm or so, when target experts recovered:
      positive mode, P_HRS=1.25 GeV/c.
        Rotate target spin to: vertical up-down. Target laser need to be re-configured, target polarization
        need to be measured before and after.  
    i. Carbon multi-foil run.
        During this time,  we can run reference cell with H2 gas 110 psi, with the same configuration as in
        production (and keep the same prescale factors) . The "true target-spin-flip" should be turned off
        to prevent target polarization loss. However, the "Real-fake" target spin flip signal should be ON for
        false asymmetry measurements.
    ii, H(e,e'p) coincidence, with reference cell H2 gas ~130 psi. I<15 uA.
        The nominal beam position on the reference cell need to be checked (and established), the procedure
         Expected T5 rate is roughly:xxx.xx Hz.
         should be:
  iii, Change BigBite magnet current (in 20% steps to ~20% of Max.) to have
        i. Move target to reference cell, run a lower current, 1uA or 2 uA.
        elastic electron event spread over several rolls of blocks. for sotfware
          With the regular BPM position, regular raster setting (3*4 by MCC), record the scaler rates.
        gain calibration around E'=1.80 GeV.
        Check trigger thrshold.
    iv. BigBite sieve slit run, H(e,e') single arm, with Coin T5 taken at
      ii. Change raster size, to 5*5, and 6*6 (MCC setting) record scaler rates.
        the same time. This provide one set of optics calibration at
          If the scaler rates do not shot up dramatically, then it is fine, we are not hitting the cell walls.
        E'=1.80 GeV for BigBite.
    v, While BigBite sieve slit in, take one run with carbon multi-foil target, BigBite field off.
          Otherwise, we need to move the beam around by the same offsets in BPMA and BPMB until a spot can be
          found where the rates are stable for different raster settings.
  4. E0=5.900 GeV, polarized beam, pre-production check out (1 day).
          Record the final BPM positions for bothe A and B. This is our reference cell production spot setting.
     i, Beam tune through Compton magnet, Compton detector commisioning.
     4. After the target spin rotation is completed, return back to production, 12 uA beam.
    ii, Moller run.
        Same running condition, prescale factors as during the day.
  iii. Beam position vs BigBite background rate check.
    iv. Coincidence trigger check, P_HRS=-2.4 GeV/c NEGATIVE mode, at 16 degree.
    5. Keep production, watch out for target spin-flip and monitor target polarization.  
        Software check for coin-tinme of flight corrections.
        With enough confidence, shrink TOF window from 100 ns to ~60 ns(?)
    v. Pol. He3 target, transvers in plane polarization, spin-flip check.
        The DAQ goal is to take at least 1 kHz (100 Hz coin.+900Hz
        with 90% live time,
  5. Production, target transverse polarized, in-plane and verticle.
      With reference cell runs in between, H2 gas 130 psi, N2 gas 130 psi.
  6. Around Thanksgiving, change target cell.
[http://hallaweb.jlab.org/experiment/transversity/wikifile/run_plan_102508.txt updated txt file on 10/25/08]
  7. Production, target transverse polarized, in-plane and verticle.
[[Wiki run plan]]
      With reference cell runs in between, H2 gas, N2 gas.
  8. Complete data taking, switch over to d2n, change cell, with Long.
[[RICH commisionning plan]]
      target polarization setup.
  9. One pass beam again, polarized, He3 elastic asymmetry calibration.
[[Compton commisionning plan]]
  10. d2n production ...
[[Current issues]]
== Switch over to d2n ==
[[Current short term run plan]]

Latest revision as of 12:57, 18 November 2008

This is the run plan for transversity experiment

Pre-beam checklists txt file updated on 10/21/2008

All sub-system's pre-beam check list saved in here

Overall Transversity pre-beam checklist as of 07/21/2008.

Hall A floor plan layout for Transversity/d2n

Run plan

NEW as of 11/18/08: Production Run Plan, Xiaodong Jiang

Production, basic principles.
    Production, target transversely polarized, in-plane left/right and verticle up/down.
    And, reference cell runs H2 gas 110 psi, when plarized He3 cell need a recovery time.
    Keep doing production runs as much as possible, limit controlled access whenever possible.
    Keep all HV and low-voltage settings and magnet settings stable. All changes need run coordinator's
    explicit approval.
    BigBite gas Cherenkov, left arm RICH detector, and Compton related activities in the Hall
    should only happen during a planned down time.
    Basic principles guiding the decisions for production run, changes include:

    i. HRS_L polarity change, equally split time between HRS_positive and HRS_negative polarity
       Set HRS_left to 2.35 GeV/c.
   ii. Beam half-wave plate IN/OUT changes, equally split. 
       Need to coordinate with Hall B.
  iii. Moller measurement every week (or after major injector change).
       Prefer two back-to-back Moller measurements before/after the beam half wave plate changes.
   iv. Whenever the polarized target is down or need a recovery, run reference cell H2 gas 110 psi,
       With the same configuration (and keep the same prescale factors) . 
       The "true target-spin-flip" should be turned off to prevent target polarization loss. 
       However, the "Real-fake" target spin flip signal should be ON for false asymmetry measurements.
       A run on BeO target (same as carbon multifoil), 10 minutes, should be taken once every two days,
       to verify tracking reconstruction (take all T5, 100-200 Hz T3 and T1 and T6, dead time doesn't matter).  
    v. Special runs on continous commissioning of BB Cherenkov, left-arm RICH, etc can be taken once
       (or maybe twice)  daily, 10-15 minutes each.  This activity should be well coordinated, prefer to be
       during the polarized target's down time. Run coordinator's explicit approval is needed.

Day-to-day run plan, 11/18/2008, 11:00am,
    1. Reestablish beam position after target movement failar.
    2. Start polarized He3-cell production run, 12 uA beam, 
       Target spin orientation: Transvers-in-plan, same as during the last week.
    3. Around 6:00pm or so, when target experts recovered:
       Rotate target spin to: vertical up-down. Target laser need to be re-configured, target polarization 
       need to be measured before and after. 
       During this time,  we can run reference cell with H2 gas 110 psi, with the same configuration as in
       production (and keep the same prescale factors) .  The "true target-spin-flip" should be turned off 
       to prevent target polarization loss. However, the "Real-fake" target spin flip signal should be ON for 
       false asymmetry measurements.
       The nominal beam position on the reference cell need to be checked (and established), the procedure
       should be:
       i. Move target to reference cell, run a lower current, 1uA or 2 uA.
          With the regular BPM position, regular raster setting (3*4 by MCC), record the scaler rates.
      ii. Change raster size, to 5*5, and 6*6 (MCC setting) record scaler rates.
          If the scaler rates do not shot up dramatically, then it is fine, we are not hitting the cell walls.
          Otherwise, we need to move the beam around by the same offsets in BPMA and BPMB until a spot can be 
          found where the rates are stable for different raster settings.
          Record the final BPM positions for bothe A and B. This is our reference cell production spot setting.
    4. After the target spin rotation is completed, return back to production, 12 uA beam.
       Same running condition, prescale factors as during the day.
    5. Keep production, watch out for target spin-flip and monitor target polarization. 

updated txt file on 10/25/08

Wiki run plan

RICH commisionning plan

Compton commisionning plan

Current issues

Current short term run plan