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* [http://hallaweb.jlab.org/experiment/transversity/body.html#meetings  Joint d2n/Transversity notes]
* [http://hallaweb.jlab.org/experiment/transversity/body.html#meetings  Joint d2n/Transversity notes]
* [http://hallaweb.jlab.org/experiment/E06-014/talks/index.html d2n Papers/Presentations]
* [http://hallaweb.jlab.org/experiment/E06-014/talks/index.html d2n Papers/Presentations]
* [http://hallaweb.jlab.org/experiment/E06-014/talks/pac29.pdf d2n 6GeV Proposal (PAC 29)]
* [http://hallaweb.jlab.org/experiment/E06-014/talks/pac30.pdf d2n 12GeV Proposal (PAC 30)]
* d2n 12GeV Proposal PAC 36 (Update to PAC 30) : [[Media:d2n_HallC_PAC36-update_v2.pdf]]
== Analysis Workshops ==
== Other Collaboration Meetings and Conferences ==
* June 11, 2009:
**Hall A Collaboration Meeting
* December 15, 2009:
** Experiment Status Report delivered at Hall A Collaboration Meeting
*** [[Media:Parno_2009HallAMtg_d2nstatus.pdf]]‎
*February 11, 2010:
** APS Presentation
*** [[Media:aps_2010.pdf]]
* June 10, 2010:
**Hall A Collaboration Meeting
== Add progress reports below. ==
=== [[E06-014 Analysis Workshop (Jefferson Lab / May 23, 2012)]] ===
{{:E06-014 Analysis Workshop (Jefferson Lab / May 23, 2012)}}
=== 17 April 2009  Phone meeting: ===
<!-- Go to the above link and put all your talks there, they will automagically show up on this page too -->
* Notes: [[d2n_meeting-17Apr2009.txt]]
=== 12 May 2009  Phone Meeting: ===
=== [[E06-014 Analysis Workshop (Jefferson Lab / February 1, 2013)]] ===
*Progress Reports:
{{:E06-014 Analysis Workshop (Jefferson Lab / February 1, 2013)}}
** Matt Posik:  BB Cerenkov gain [[Media:BBcer_1pe_gain.pdf]]
<!-- Go to the above link and put all your talks there, they will automagically show up on this page too -->
** David Flay: LHRS Pion Rejector Calibration [[Media:Prl_5_12_09.pdf]]
=== 22 May 2009 '''Transversity''' Collaboration Meeting: ===
== Jefferson Lab Hall A Annual Reports ==
*Progress Reports:
* December 2009: [[Media:e06014-2009.pdf]]
** BigBite Optics [[Media:BB_Optics-Xin.pdf]]
* December 2010: [[Media:D2n_Annual_Report_2010.pdf‎]]
** Analysis block diagram (Jiang) [[Media:transn_collaboration_meet_052209-Jiang.pdf]]
* December 2011: [[Media:D2n_HallAReport_2011_v5.pdf]]
** Target Water NMR Analysis (Yi Zhang) [[Media:Target_Water_NMR-ZhangYi.pdf]]
* December 2012: [[Media:E06014-2012.pdf]]
** LHRS Calibrations (Dutta) [[Media:LRHS_Calib-Dutta.pdf]]
* December 2013: [[Media:E06014-2013.pdf]]
** Coincidence Timing and Farm Production [[Media:Coin_Timing_and_Farm_Production-Huang.pdf]]
** BigBite Shower, Scaler, and Beamline Calib [[Media:BB_Shower_Scaler_Beamline_Calib-Allada.pdf]]
=== 26 May 2009 Phone Meeting: ===
== Collaboration Meetings and Conferences ==
*Progress Reports:
** Diana Parno: Compton analysis [[Media:Parno_26May09.pdf‎]]
** Matt Posik: BB Cerenkov Analysis [[Media:cer_tdc.pdf]]
** David Flay: LHRS Calibration Analysis [[Media:DF_prl_5_26_09_edit.pdf]] (edited on 6/25/09 to reflect updated values of 1 p.e. pos. in LHRS Gas Cerenkov)
=== 11 June 2009 Meeting: ===
=== Jefferson Lab Hall A Collaboration Meetings ===  
*Progress Reports:
* June 11, 2009:
** Diana Parno: Special runs and Compton rate cuts [[Media:Parno11Jun09.pdf]]
* December 15, 2009:
** [[Media:Parno_2009HallAMtg_d2nstatus.pdf]]
* June 10, 2010:
* December 09, 2010:
*June 10, 2011:
**[http://hallaweb.jlab.org/experiment/E06-014/talks/Parno_HallASummer2011.pptx#Diana Parno, A1 Analysis]
**[http://hallaweb.jlab.org/experiment/E06-014/talks/posik_jlab_halla2011_summer_final.pdf#Matthew Posik, d2n: A Probe of the Color Force (Analysis Update)]
* December 15, 2011:
* June 8, 2012
** [[Media:Flay_e06-014_060812.pdf]]
* December 10, 2012
** [[Media:posik_halla_winter2012.pdf]]
* June 13, 2013
** [[Media:posik_halla_summer_2013_v4.pdf]]
* December 17, 2013
** [[Media:DF_halla_winter_2013.pdf]]
=== 23 June 2009 Meeting: ===
=== Other Meetings and Conferences ===  
* Progress Reports:
* APS "April" Meeting, February 2010 (Washington, DC)
** Matt Posik: Big Bite Cerenkov Analysis [[Media:BB_cer_06_23_09.pdf]]
** Matt Posik [[Media:aps_2010.pdf]] (general d2n talk)
** David Flay: LHRS Pion Rejector Analysis [[Media:DF_LHRS_6_23_09.pdf]]
** Diana Parno [[Media:Parno_APS2010.pdf]] (Compton commissioning talk)
** Diana Parno: Compton Analysis [[Media:Parno_23Jun09.pdf‎]]
*April 2011
** APS April Meeting (Anaheim, CA)
*** Diana Parno [[Media:Parno_APS2011.pdf‎]] (Preliminary results for A1 on 3He at 4.74 GeV)
*July 28, 2011
** PANic (Boston, MA)
*** David Flay [http://hallaweb.jlab.org/experiment/E06-014/talks/flay_panic11_final.pdf# A Precision Measurement of Neutron d2: Probing the Lorentz Color Force]
*May 23, 2012
** [[E06-014 Analysis Workshop (Jefferson Lab / May 23, 2012)]]
*** [https://hallcweb.jlab.org/doc-public/DisplayMeeting?conferenceid=29 Preliminary Collaboration Agenda for 23 May 2012]
*October 25, 2012
** DNP (Newport Beach, CA)
*** David Flay [[Media:Flay_dnp_2012_v5.pdf]]
*May 30, 2013
** Jefferson Lab Users' Group Meeting
*** Diana Parno [[Media:Parno_UGM_2013.pdf‎]]
* October 26, 2013
** DNP (Newport News, VA)
*** David Flay: [[Media:DF_DNP_2013.pdf]]
*** Matt Posik: [[Media:posik_DNP2013.pdf]]
** Jefferson Lab Users' Group Meeting (2014)
*** Matt Posik [[Media:posik_JLabUserMeeting2014.pdf‎]]
=== 07 July 2009 Meeting: ===
== Publications  ==
* Progress Reports:
*[http://journals.aps.org/prl/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevLett.113.022002#A Precision Measurement of the Neutron Twist-3 Matrix Element d2n: Probing Color Forces (Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 022002 (2014).)]
** David Flay: LHRS Pion Rejector Analysis [[Media:DF_LHRS_7_7_09.pdf]]
*[http://arxiv.org/abs/1406.1207#Precision Measurements of A1n in the Deep Inelastic Region]
** Diana Parno: Compton Analysis [[Media:Parno_07Jul09.pdf‎]]
=== 21 July 2009 Meeting: ===
== Dissertations ==
* Progress Reports:
*[http://hallaweb.jlab.org/experiment/E06-014/talks/DianaParno_Dissertation.pdf#Diana Parno, Measurements of the Double-Spin Asymmetry A1 on 3He]
** David Flay: LHRS Pion Rejector Analysis [[Media:DF_LHRS_7_21_09.pdf]]
*[http://hallaweb.jlab.org/experiment/E06-014/talks/posik_dissertation.pdf#Matthew Posik, A Precision Measurement of the Neutron d2: Probing the Color Force]
** Diana Parno: Compton Analysis [[Media:Parno_21Jul09.pdf‎]]
*[http://hallaweb.jlab.org/experiment/E06-014/talks/dflay_thesis.pdf#David Flay, Measurements of the Neutron Longitudinal Spin Asymmetry A1 and Flavor Decomposition in the Valence Quark Region]
** Matt Posik: BB Cerenkov update [[Media:posik_7_21_09.pdf‎]]
=== 24 July 2009 '''Transversity''' Collaboration Meeting: ===
== Simulation ==
<font color=red>''I strongly encourage you to attend this meeting.''</font>
* Vahe Mamyan: BigBite Geant4 Simulation [[Media:BigBite_Sim.tar.gz]]
=== 04 August 2009 Meeting: ===
== Add progress reports below. ==
* Progress Reports:
** Diana Parno: Compton Analysis [[Media:Parno_04Aug09.pdf‎]]
=== [[2009 Reports]] ===
** David Flay: LHRS Analysis [[Media:DF_LHRS_8_4_09.pdf‎]]
=== 1 September 2009 Meeting: ===
* Progress Reports:
** Diana Parno: Compton Analysis (prepared for 18 August) [[Media:Parno_18Aug09.pdf‎]]
=== 15 September 2009 Meeting: ===
*Progress Reports:
** Matt Posik: D2 DataBase/Shower [[Media:posik_20090914.pdf]]
** Diana Parno: Compton [[Media:Parno_15Sep09.pdf‎]]
** David Flay: LHRS Analysis [[Media:DF_LHRS_9_15_09.pdf‎]]
=== 29 September 2009 Meeting: ===
* Progress Reports:
** Diana Parno: Compton; BB Optics update [[Media:Parno_29Sep09_OpticsCompton.pdf‎]]
** Matt Posik: Database update [[Media:posik_20090929.pdf‎]]
** David Flay: LHRS Analysis [[Media:DF_LHRS_9_29_09.pdf‎]]
=== 20 October 2009 Meeting: ===
* Progress Reports:
** Diana Parno: Compton update; BCM calibration [[Media:Parno_20Oct09.pdf]]
** Matt Posik: d2 Analyzer update [[Media:posik_20091020.pdf]]
=== 3 November 2009 Meeting: ===
* Progress Reports:
** Diana Parno: BCM calibration, Compton cavity state ID [[Media:Parno03Nov09_progress.pdf‎]]
** David Flay: LHRS Analysis: Trigger Study [[Media:LHRS_11_3_09.pdf‎]]
** Matt Posik: d2n Shower Calibration [[Media:posik20091103.pdf]]
=== 17 November 2009 Meeting: ===
* Progress Reports:
** Diana Parno: Compton Study, BCM Calibration [[Media:Parno_17Nov09_progress.pdf]]
** David Flay: LHRS PID Analysis [[Media:DF_LHRS_11_17_09.pdf]]
=== 01 December 2009 Meeting: ===
* Progress Reports:
** David Flay: LHRS PID Analysis [[Media:DF_LHRS_12_1_09.pdf]]
** Matthew Posik: BB Shower Calibration [[Media:posik_20091201.pdf]]
=== 05 January 2010 Meeting: ===
* Progress Reports:
** David Flay: LHRS PID Analysis [[Media:DF_LHRS_1_5_10.pdf]]
** Diana Parno: Compton [[Media:Parno_05Jan10.pdf‎]]
** Matt Posik: BigBite [[Media:posik20100107.pdf‎]]
=== 19 January 2010 Meeting: ===
* Progress Reports:
** Diana Parno: BB Optics/Compton [[Media:Parno_19Jan10.pdf‎]]
** David Flay: LHRS Analysis [[Media:DF_LHRS_1_19_10.pdf‎]]
** Matt Posik: BB Cer/Shower [[Media:posik_011910.pdf‎]]
=== 04 February 2010 Meeting: ===
* Progress Reports:
** Matthew Posik: BB Cerenkov [[Media:posik_20100203.pdf‎]]
** David Flay: LHRS Analysis [[Media:DF_LHRS_2_4_10.pdf‎]]
** Diana Parno: Saclay Compton Data / BPM Calibration [[Media:Parno04Feb10.pdf‎]]
=== 18 February 2010 Meeting: ===
* Progress Reports:
** Matthew Posik: BB Cerenkov [[Media:posik_20100217.pdf‎]]
** Diana Parno: Compton analyzing power (proof of principle) [[Media:Parno18Feb10.pdf‎]]
** David Flay: LHRS Analysis: PID [[Media:DF_LHRS_2_18_10.pdf‎]]
=== 09 March 2010 Meeting: ===
* Progress Reports:
** David Flay: LHRS Analysis: PID, Scintillator Calibration Studies [[Media:DF_LHRS_3_9_10.pdf‎]]
** Diana Parno: A few Compton loose ends; Beam current calibration (scalers) [[Media:Parno_09Mar10.pdf‎]]
=== 18 March 2010 Meeting: ===
* Progress Reports:
** David Flay: LHRS Analysis: PID, Scintillator Calibration Studies [[Media:DF_LHRS_3_18_10.pdf‎]]
** Matt Posik: BigBite Cerenkov Cut [[Media:posik_17032010.pdf‎]]
** Diana Parno: Preliminary Compton polarization; BCM calibration [[Media:Parno18Mar10.pdf‎]]
=== 01 April 2010 Meeting: ===
* Progress Reports:
** Matt Posik: BB Analysis: T2 Trigger and Missing Tracks [[Media:posik_01042010.pdf‎]]
** David Flay: LHRS Analysis: PID, Scintillator Calibration [[Media:DF_LHRS_4_1_10.pdf‎]]
** Diana Parno: Compton Analysis; BPM Calibration [[Media:Parno2010_04_01.pdf‎]]
=== 15 April 2010 Meeting: ===
* Progress Reports:
** Diana Parno: BPM Calibration [[Media:Parno2010_04_15.pdf‎]]
** Matt Posik: BB Analysis (Reconstructed tracks,T2 trigger) [[Media:posik15042010.pdf‎]]
** David Flay: LHRS Analysis: Scintillator Calibrations [[Media:DF_LHRS_4_15_10.pdf‎]]
=== 23 April 2010 Meeting: ===
* H2 Cross Section Update Report:
** Matt Posik: H2 cross section (Update)[[Media:posik_H2.pdf‎]]
* LHRS Optics Discussion
** David Flay: LHRS Optics Study [[Media:DF_LHRS_4_24_10.pdf]]
=== 29 April 2010 Meeting: ===
* H2 Cross Section Update:
** Matt Posik: H2 cross section (Update)[[Media:H2_sum.pdf‎]]
** Diana Parno: Raster [[Media:Parno2010_04_29.pdf‎]]
=== 13 May 2010 Meeting: ===
=== [[2010 Reports]] ===
* Progress Reports:
** Matt Posik: H2 cross section(Update),MWDC t0 [[Media:posik_13052010.pdf‎]]
** David Flay: LHRS Analysis: Optics and Scintillator Studies [[Media:DF_LHRS_5_13_10.pdf]]
=== 27 May 2010 Meeting: ===
=== [[2011 Reports]] ===
* Progress Reports:
** Matt Posik: MWDC, H2 BB Coin.[[Media:posik_27052010.pdf‎]]
** Diana Parno: Raster signs, analysis lessons from Transversity [[Media:Parno2010_05_27.pdf‎]]
** David Flay: LHRS Analysis: Optics, Scintillators [[Media:DF_LHRS_5_27_10.pdf]]
=== 17 June 2010 Meeting: ===
=== [[2012 Reports]] ===
* Progress Reports:
** Matt Posik: H2 BB Coin.[[Media:posik_17062010.pdf‎]]
** David Flay: LHRS Analyis: Optics, Scintillators [[Media:DF_LHRS_6_17_10.pdf]]
** Diana Parno: LHRS Elastics; Compton [[Media:Parno2010_06_17.pdf]]
=== 01 July 2010 Meeting: ===
=== [[2013 Reports]] ===
* Progress Reports:
** Matt Posik: 4-pass Efficiencies & Shower Calibration [[Media:posik_01_07_2010.pdf]]
** David Flay: LHRS Analysis: VDC Efficiency, Trigger Efficiency, and Scintillator Studies [[Media:DF_LHRS_7_1_10.pdf]]
=== 15 July 2010 Meeting: ===
=== Phone conference instructions for these meetings ===
* Progress Reports:
** David Flay: LHRS Analysis: VDC t_0 Check, Trigger Efficiency, and Scintillator Studies [[Media:DF_LHRS_7_15_10.pdf]]
** Matt Posik: BigBite Analysis: BB cer efficiency, transversity shower check [[Media:posik_15072010.pdf]]
** Yawei Zhang: Target Density During Production [[Media:d2_density.pdf]]
=== 29 July 2010 Meeting: ===
[[How to connect to a d2n VNC Session]]
* Progress Reports:
  [http://esnet.readytalk.com ESnet Readytalk]
** David Flay: LHRS AnalysisTrigger Efficiency, Data Quality, and Scintillator Studies [[Media:DF_LHRS_7_29_10.pdf]]
  Dial Toll-Free Number: 866-740-1260 (U.S.& Canada) ([http://www.readytalk.com/legacy/an.php?tfnum=8667401260 International Access Numbers])
  Enter your 7-digit access code, followed by "#"
  Your access code: 2836069

Latest revision as of 07:46, 26 August 2014

How to connect to a d2n VNC Session

Earlier Collaboration Meetings

Analysis Workshops

E06-014 Analysis Workshop (Jefferson Lab / May 23, 2012)

Collaboration Meeting Agenda for 23 May 2012 -- The agenda will also have links to the lastest version of the presented talks.

E06-014 Analysis Workshop (Jefferson Lab / February 1, 2013)

Collaboration Meeting Agenda for 1 February 2013 -- The agenda will also have links to the lastest version of the presented talks.

Jefferson Lab Hall A Annual Reports

Collaboration Meetings and Conferences

Jefferson Lab Hall A Collaboration Meetings

Other Meetings and Conferences




Add progress reports below.

2009 Reports

2010 Reports

2011 Reports

2012 Reports

2013 Reports

Phone conference instructions for these meetings

How to connect to a d2n VNC Session

 ESnet Readytalk
 Dial Toll-Free Number: 866-740-1260 (U.S.&  Canada) (International Access Numbers)
 Enter your 7-digit access code, followed by "#"
 Your access code: 2836069