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| 73 || Thu 3-14 10:38 || Thu 3-14 12:33 || 1734  || need table || 1600, 1600, 1600, 1600 || HV O-01 increased 50V (-1800V)  ||
| 73 || Thu 3-14 10:38 || Thu 3-14 12:33 || 1734  || need table || 1600, 1600, 1600, 1600 || HV O-01 increased 50V (-1800V)  ||
| 74 || Thu 3-14 12:46 || || || need table || 1600, 1600, 1600, 1600 ||O-01 placed in top left, O-05 placed in middle, HV O-05 set to -1650 (from 1800)  ||
| 74 || Thu 3-14 12:46 ||Thu 3-14 15:20 || 2255 || need table || 1600, 1600, 1600, 1600 ||O-01 placed in top left, O-05 placed in middle, HV O-05 set to -1650 (from 1800) ||
| 75 || Thu 3-14 15:22 ||  ||  || need table || 1600, 1600, 1600, 1600 ||O-05 placed in center, HV O-05 set to -1700V ||

Revision as of 14:22, 14 March 2013


Test setup

Nomenclature of the modules (could be changed)

In order to identify the different modules, the following structure is used:



  • X = O (outer) or M (middle)
  • YY= 01, 02, 03, 04 ...
  • Z (only Middle modules) = A, B, C, D

HV control

  • General info on the HV GUIs is at HV Help page and Slow Control page
  • Running HV control
    • In one terminal:
      • Login in as gep5.
      • type: "su".
      • cd to slowc/LecroyHV_Shimdir .
      • type: ./LecroyHV_Shim_LocalPerl
      • SHould connect to Lecroy crate and give the following message.
    • After LecroyHV_Shim_LocalPerl is running. In another terminal :
      • login as gep5 .
      • cd to slowc .
      • type : ./hvs BOB_TEST
      • Gui window shuold pop up.
    • Presently scintillator Top 1R, Bot 1 and Bot 2 in HV module 13 and chan 0,1,2
    • Calo blocks 1-12 in module 15 for 0-11 and blocks 13-21 in module 14 chan 0-8.
  • HV modules were tested by running -2000V across a 5 Megaohm resistor. we measured the voltage out and current out. The histogram below is the percent error in expected current values. The PDF is the charts holding the data taken during the test. Once the HV mosules are back in the TEDF another (more accurate) test may or may not be performed.

File:HV TEST2.pdf


HV to Match Gain on Calorimeters

Calorimeter HV Calorimeter HV
1 1500 V 12 1600 V
2 1635 V 13  ???? V
3 1650 V 14  ???? V
4 1600 V 15 1600 V
5  ???? V 16 1500 V
6  ???? V 17  ???? V
7 1645 V 18  ???? V
8 1565 V 19 1510 V
9  ???? V 20 1590 V
10  ???? V 21  ???? V
11 1650 V

Light Leaks sealing

The modules were sealed from light leaks with the use of black tape. To check the sealing, the output of the PMT was measured with an micro-amperimeter, before and after the cover with tape. In top of the pipe, where the PMT is allocated, a gum stopper with slits for the cables, are placed. After many checks it was found that:

  • the main light leak come for the joint of the module with the PMT allocation pipe. (Covering it, reduce the current drain from PMT aproximatly in 1-2 orders of magnitude)
  • covering the cap of the pipe, doesn't show significant improve.
  • covering with tape the side corners of the module, the joint of the top and bottom plastic caps and the union of the pipe with the module reduce the current drain from PMT in 4-5 orders of magnitude.

Outer Modules

For the outer modules, the same PMT was used, with a voltage of 1000 V (max 1900 V) to avoid damage to the PMT.

Module Current before Current after
O-01 15.2 μA 0.3-0.2 nA
O-02 10.9 μA 0.3-0.1 nA
O-03 48.5 μA 0.7-0.5 nA
O-04 N/A 2-1.7 nA
O-05 34.4 μA 2-1.4 nA

Middle Modules

For the middle modules, the same PMT was used, with a voltage of 1000 V (max 1900 V) to avoid damage to the PMT.

Module Current before Current after
M-01-A 10.9 μA ~0.5 nA
M-01-B 24.2 μA ~0.2 nA
M-01-C 20.9 μA ~0.2 nA
M-01-D 7.5 μA ~0.2 nA
M-02-A 38.5 μA ~0.7 nA
M-02-B 13.1 μA ~0.4 nA
M-02-C 30.5 μA ~0.3 nA
M-02-D 10.7 μA ~0.2 nA
M-03-A 23.9 μA ~0.7 nA
M-03-B 6.45 μA ~0.6 nA
M-03-C 3.8 μA ~0.3 nA
M-03-D 19.2 μA ~0.3 nA
M-04-A 13.2 μA ~0.7 nA
M-04-B 6.69 μA ~0.5 nA
M-04-C 5.3 μA ~0.5 nA
M-03-D 7.8 μA ~0.45 nA


This is the flow chart for the current trigger logic. We are using 3 scintillators; 1 double sided (2PMTs) on top, and 2 separate scintillators on bottom. The difference between threshold voltages is to match gains, this was not done by adjusting HV since presently using HV units with dual outputs for one HV setting.

Trigger Logic Chart

Scheme of cables

Scheme of the HERA-B modules. The orientation is as follows: top view with the rack modules at its left. Each module is indicated by its nomenclature (explained above), the DAQ and HV cable number (in red) and the signal cable (sgn).

Red: the number of the channel (for DAQ and HV label). Sgn: cable signal label.

Cosmic Test

  • Initial cosmic test could not have the entire calorimeter with HV since Jack has borrowed the Lecroy HV Crate. Got HV crate back on Feb 12 and started with run 45.
  • CODA
    • If computer is rebooted needed to login in as coda and open an terminal and type: msqld
    • As coda start another terminal and type : ./startcoda.
    • This opens Xterm windows for the rcplatform, coda_eb_rc3, coda_er_rc3, rcgui, ssh (connection to the ROC and start ) and the main GUI Run Control.
    • Run Control GUI should be in configuration=V792 and Session=TEDFSBS and EXPID=TEDFSBS.
    • From the Platform menu select "Connect".
      • click on the "Configure" button. Once EB,ER and ROC configured
      • click on the "Download" button. Once EB,ER and ROC downloaded
      • Click on the start run button.
    • If problems first try clicking on the "Reset" button and startover with the "Configure", "Download" sequence.
  • Replay data
    • login as gep5
      • type: source setanalyzer.sh
      • cd Desktop/eel122
    • to create root tree:
      • analyzer
      • at analyzer prompt type: decodeEel(Run number)
      • Create root tree in file eeltestrun#.root
      • then quit analyzer with: .q
  • Analyzer root tree
    • type: root eeltestrun#.root
  • Calo HV on O-01,O-02,O-03,O-04 in ADC channels 0,1,2,3 (CHANGE!!! O-02-> ADC channel 24 after run 51)
  • Scint HV on Top left, Top right, Bot 1, Bot 2 in ADC channels 24,21,23,22 for run 33 . After run 33 adc channels 8,5,7,6
  • Trigger shown above.
  • Voltages till run 54
Modules Channels #-#
Modules Channels #-#

Run sheet

Run Number Start time End time Events Calo HV Scint HV Comments ADC Spectra
33 Fri 2-8 16:27:39 Mon 2-11 11:07:40 10593 1500, 1500, 1500, 1500 1500, 1500, 1500, 1500 No signal in ADC 22 ( Fix be replacing bad 36ns delay cable) Calo HV adc chan 0,1,2,3 (did not see 1 & 3, seems to be problem with the ADC cable move to cable with the scintillator signals and put this cable in the slot for 0-15)
34 Mon 2-11 12:04:07 crashed 9102 1500, 1500, 1500, 1500 1500, 1500, 1500, 1500 Run crashed. Found that the trigger cable has been moved ( Put it back for run 35). Calo O-01,O-02,O-03,O-04 in ADC channels 0,1,2,3 . Top 1L, Top 1R , Bot 1,Bot 2 channels 6,5,7,8. Thresholds for Top 1L, Top 1R , Bot 1,Bot 2 are 30,50,30,30 mV. Something is strange with data. Looking at Top 1L (adc[8]) see that most events are pedestal. Found that gate had been removed.
35 Tues 2-12 10:25 Tues 2-12 10:29  ? 1500, 1500, 1500, 1500 1500, 1500, 1500, 1500 Test run to see if DAQ was working
36 Tues 2-12 11:21 Tues 2-12 11:31 17431 1500, 1500, 1500, 1500 1500, 1500, 1500, 1500 Test run to check timing between ADC signal and ADC gate. Set trigger to be just Top scintillator. Put the L1A into a gate generator to get a gate width of 300ns. The gate arrived about 30ns before the ADC signal.
37 Tues 2-12 Tues 2-12 11:59  ?? 1500, 1500, 1500, 1500 1500, 1500, 1500, 1500 Placed small bottom scint on the top. Made trigger the AND between "bot 1" and "Top 1L AND 1R". ADC cable was upsidedown
38 Tues 2-12 12:00 Tues 2-12 12:14 1709 1500, 1500, 1500, 1500 1500, 1500, 1500, 1500 Placed small bottom scint on the top. Made trigger the AND between "bot 1" and "Top 1L AND 1R". ADC cable is corrected. Thresholds for Top 1L, Top 1R , Bot 1,Bot 2 are 30,50,30,30 mV.
39 Tues 2-12 12:17 Tues 2-12 12:20  ?? 1500, 1500, 1500, 1500 1500, 1500, 1500, 1500 Placed small bottom scint on the top. Made trigger the AND between "bot 1" and "Top 1L AND 1R". Thresholds for Top 1L, Top 1R , Bot 1,Bot 2 are 50,50,50,50 mV.
40 Tues 2-12 12:21 Tues 2-12 12:30  ?? 1500, 1500, 1500, 1500 1600, 1600, 1600, 1600 Placed small bottom scint on the top. Made trigger the AND between "bot 1" and "Top 1L AND 1R". Thresholds for Top 1L, Top 1R , Bot 1,Bot 2 are 50,50,50,50 mV. Top 1R peak is about 1000, top 1L has no peak. Bot 1 (adc 7) has slight overflow above 4096
41 Tues 2-12 12:33 Tues 2-12 13:49 16969 1500, 1500, 1500, 1500 1600, 1600, 1600, 1600 Placed small bottom scint back on the bottom. Made trigger the AND between "Bot 1" and "Bot 2". Thresholds for Top 1L, Top 1R , Bot 1,Bot 2 are 50,50,50,50 mV.
42 Tues 2-12 13:57 Tues 2-12 14:02 1189 1500, 1500, 1500, 1500 1600, 1600, 1600, 1600 Placed small bottom scint back on the bottom. Made trigger the AND between "Bot 1" and "Bot 2". Thresholds for Top 1L, Top 1R , Bot 1,Bot 2 are 50,50,100,100 mV.
43 Tues 2-12 14:05 Tues 2-12 14:08 603 1500, 1500, 1500, 1500 1600, 1600, 1600, 1600 Placed small bottom scint back on the bottom. Made trigger the AND between "Bot 1" and "Bot 2". Thresholds for Top 1L, Top 1R , Bot 1,Bot 2 are 50,50,100,150 mV. Crashed when ending run.
44 Tues 2-12 14:23 CRASHED 00 1500, 1500, 1500, 1500 1600, 1600, 1600, 1600 Run crashed immeadiately upon beginning
45 Tues 2-12 17:09 Tues 2-12 17:11 27718 all 1600 1600, 1600, 1600, 1600 Full Lecroy HV crate. Test DAQ with trigger an OR of scintillators.
46 Tues 2-12 18:40 Wed 2-13 15:10 3474 all 1600 1600, 1600, 1600, 1600 Full Lecroy HV crate. DAQ with trigger an AND of scintillators.
47 Wed 2-13 15:16 Thru 2-14 9:44 3043 need table 1600, 1600, 1600, 1600 Full Lecroy HV crate. DAQ with trigger an AND of scintillators.
48 Thur 2-14 9:47 Thur 2-14 12:00 1084 need table 1600, 1600, 1600, 1600 Full Lecroy HV crate. DAQ with trigger an AND of Top 1R and Bot 2.
49 Thur 2-14 12:05 Thur 2-14 12:11 - need table 1600, 1600, 1600, 1600 Full Lecroy HV crate. DAQ with trigger an AND of Top 1R and Bot 2. Top Scintillator position corrected. False test!!
50 Thur 2-14 12:22 Thur 2-14 13:54 715 need table 1600, 1600, 1600, 1600 Full Lecroy HV crate. DAQ with trigger an AND of Top 1R and Bot 2. Top Scintillator position corrected. O-01 swap with O-05 ( in the center)
51 Thur 2-14 14:06 Tues 10:25 53,704 need table 1600, 1600, 1600, 1600 Full Lecroy HV crate. DAQ with trigger an AND of Top 1R and Bot 2. Top Scintillator position corrected. O-05 in the center. Cable signal form module 2 (adc 1) changed to adc 24 Scint Bot1 was not connected https://hallaweb.jlab.org/wiki/index.php/Image:Adc_spectra_051.gif
52 Tues 2-19 10:37 Tues 10:50 82 need table 1600, 1600, 1600, 1600 Full Lecroy HV crate. DAQ with trigger an AND of Top 1R and Bot 2. Top Scintillator position corrected. O-05 swapped with O-02 ( in the center). Scint Bot1 still not connected (need a 54 ns delay cable)
53 Tues 2-19 11:07 Tues 2-19 11:24 137 need table 1600, 1600, 1600, 1600 Full Lecroy HV crate. DAQ with trigger an AND of Top 1R and Bot 2. Top Scintillator position corrected. O-02 in the center. Scint Bot1 connected. BAD CONNECTION CABLE OF Scint Bot1
54 Tues 2-19 11:40 Thur 2-21 11:16 20664 need table 1600, 1600, 1600, 1600 Full Lecroy HV crate. DAQ with trigger an AND of Top 1R and Bot 2. Top Scintillator position corrected. O-02 in the center. Scint Bot1 connected (adc 30) https://hallaweb.jlab.org/wiki/index.php/Image:Adc_spectra_054.gif
55 Thur 2-21 16:08 Mon 2-25 16:02 42290 need table 1600, 1600, 1600, 1600 O-04 placed in center (swapped with O-02), HV for pmts have been rate matched https://hallaweb.jlab.org/wiki/index.php/Image:Adc_spectra_055.gif
56 Mon 2-25 16:32 Tues 2-26 12:08 8502 need table 1600, 1600, 1600, 1600 O-04 placed in center, HV for pmts have been rate matched. PMT from module O-01 changed with PMT from module O-04 https://hallaweb.jlab.org/wiki/index.php/Image:Adc_spectra_056.gif
57 Tues 2-26 12:18 Wed 2-27 12:00 10395 need table 1600, 1600, 1600, 1600 HV on Module O-04 (containing pmt 0-01) set to 1600. HV on module O-01 (containing pmt O-04) set to 1715, HV on M-02C set to 1750 https://hallaweb.jlab.org/wiki/index.php/Image:Adc_spectra_057.gif
58 Wed 2-27 12:20 Wed 2-27 16:13 1613 need table 1600, 1600, 1600, 1600 PMTs of modules O-04 and O-01 swapped (turning to their original location). Both HV had been set to 1600V as was before run 55. The others had not been changed from run 55 HV table.
59 Wed 2-27 16:06 Thur 2-28 11:57 8868 need table 1600, 1600, 1600, 1600 PMTs of modules O-04 and O-01 swapped (turning to their original location). HV on Module O-01 set to 1600. HV on module O-04 set to 1715. The others had not been changed from run 55 HV table. Silent alarm when shut off https://hallaweb.jlab.org/wiki/index.php/Image:Adc_spectra_059.gif
60 Thur 2-27 12:06 Fri 3-1 14:47 11764 need table 1600, 1600, 1600, 1600 swapped O-03 with O-04 https://hallaweb.jlab.org/wiki/index.php/Image:Adc_spectra_060.gif
61 Fri 3-1 14:58 Mon 3-4 16:45 32112 need table 1600, 1600, 1600, 1600 swapped M-01(now in center) with O-03. PMT M-01-D and M-03-C voltage increased to 1800V ERROR!!: The Modules with the HV increased were M-03-D and M-01-A. The error was counting the channels in the HV GUI https://hallaweb.jlab.org/wiki/index.php/Image:Adc_spectra_061.gif
62 Mon 3-4 17:34 Wed 3-6 ~14:00 ~20800 need table 1600, 1600, 1600, 1600 Paddle placed below O-03. PMT from M-01-D replaced -> HV -1730V. The other voltages are the same, except M-03-B->1780V and M-03-D->1750V. CODA was stopped due to a power shutdown, so no finish time detemined https://hallaweb.jlab.org/wiki/index.php/Image:Adc_spectra_062.gif
63 Wed 3-6 16:36 Thu 3-7 11:43 16946 need table 1600, 1600, 1600, 1600 No small paddle connected. Bottom scintillator was raised closer to the table. M-01-D PMT HV increased to -1700V. Module M-04 swap with M-01 -> M-04 in center M-01 at middle left. O-03 still at bottom center. https://hallaweb.jlab.org/wiki/index.php/Image:Adc_spectra_063.gif
64 Thu 3-7 11:49 Mon 3-11 11:24 84393 need table 1600, 1600, 1600, 1600 Same as run 64, but scintillators' position corrected to cover better M-04-B and C.Note: I found two cables unplugged, O-05 and M-01-D. Also, is possible there were some signal cables in wrong position (respect to the scheme). I set the cables as the scheme for the next run (Carlos) https://hallaweb.jlab.org/wiki/index.php/Image:Adc_spectra_064.gif
65 Mon 3-11 12:51 Tues 3-12 11:07 21929 need table 1600, 1600, 1600, 1600 O-03 center, M-01 botton center, M-04 middle left. O-04 hv not connected. Module O-02 has cable 117 (from O-05), O-03 has cable 118 (from O-02), O-05 has cable 49(from O-03) https://hallaweb.jlab.org/wiki/index.php/Image:Adc_spectra_065.gif
66 Tues 3-12 11:55 Tues 3-12 15:14 2978 need table 1600, 1600, 1600, 1600 ADC cables returned to original modules. HV on O-04 increased by 50V https://hallaweb.jlab.org/wiki/index.php/Image:Adc_spectra_066.gif
67 Tues 3-12 15:25 Tues 3-12 19:01 3228 need table 1600, 1600, 1600, 1600 ADC cable cable for M-02B reconnected. HV on O-04 decreased by 50V, HV on O-03 increased 50V
68 Tues 3-12 19:04 Tues 3-12 22:13 2778 need table 1600, 1600, 1600, 1600 HV on O-03 increased 50V (-1800V)
69 Tues 3-12 22:16 Wed 3-13 09:58 10279 need table 1600, 1600, 1600, 1600 HV on O-03 decreased to-1650V
70 Wed 3-13 10:16 Wed 3-13 14:02 5124 need table 1600, 1600, 1600, 1600 O-01 in center, O-03 top right. HV O-01 increased 50V (-1650V)
71 Wed 3-13 14:04 Wed 3-13 19:42 5019 need table 1600, 1600, 1600, 1600 HV O-01 increased 50V (-1700V)
72 Wed 3-13 19:47 Thu 3-14 10:34 13231 need table 1600, 1600, 1600, 1600 HV O-01 increased 50V (-1750V)
73 Thu 3-14 10:38 Thu 3-14 12:33 1734 need table 1600, 1600, 1600, 1600 HV O-01 increased 50V (-1800V)
74 Thu 3-14 12:46 Thu 3-14 15:20 2255 need table 1600, 1600, 1600, 1600 O-01 placed in top left, O-05 placed in middle, HV O-05 set to -1650 (from 1800)
75 Thu 3-14 15:22 need table 1600, 1600, 1600, 1600 O-05 placed in center, HV O-05 set to -1700V

Photo Electron Table

Only fits with Photo Electron percent error of .15 or less are displayed in table. Red denotes center module for a given run.

Run Number Module Mean Mean Error Sigma Sigma Error (+/-) Number of Photo Electrons Photo Electron Error (+/-)
55 O-01 454.546 18.5784 238.855 14.8351 3.62148 0.538523
51 O-02 469.25 2.97868 76.2928 3.12961 37.8305 3.14063
54 O-02 515.024 1.34261 69.3861 1.42455 55.0947 2.28043
55 O-02 596.767 5.30139 95.9359 5.59597 38.6944 4.56616
64 O-02 464.037 2.86399 73.5338 2.88502 39.8227 3.16323
51 O-03 264.619 7.3473 89.2805 5.0326 8.78474 1.10399
55 O-03 366.586 7.20312 117.004 5.08625 9.8164 0.93659
60 O-03 635.485 2.0946 93.2432 1.86784 46.449 1.88595
61 O-03 607.316 1.97804 100.665 1.98522 36.3974 1.45504
62 O-03 607.677 3.01966 109.182 3.33217 30.9774 1.91573
63 O-03 668.804 2.93831 85.0465 2.21045 61.8422 3.26029
64 O-03 706.673 1.28382 97.2782 1.08622 52.7723 1.19402
51 O-04 353.288 2.10624 58.7741 2.22258 36.1315 2.76643
54 O-04 353.312 2.65331 48.6605 2.63737 52.7187 5.76924
55 O-04 650.665 1.15982 96.4187 1.15395 45.5399 1.10207
56 O-04 981.409 3.93024 136.892 4.16247 51.3977 3.15269
57 O-04 594.917 2.19896 81.6447 2.14099 53.0953 2.81219
59 O-04 610.675 2.56594 91.4254 2.37514 44.6156 2.34826
51 O-05 281.658 0.53716 41.2731 0.51039 46.5702 1.16541
54 O-05 304.061 2.47553 44.0867 2.65921 47.5669 5.79028
55 O-05 670.521 5.2752 91.5394 5.28525 53.6548 6.25303
61 O-05 701.645 5.99958 86.3993 5.69911 65.9501 8.77325
62 O-05 699.412 5.93348 79.9847 5.94173 76.4633 11.4341
64 O-05 681.23 5.26812 112.89 7.25465 36.4145 4.71396
62 M-01A 741.744 4.93275 84.7092 5.50719 76.6739 10.0216
51 M-01B 422.995 3.5189 55.0194 2.77485 59.107 6.04256
55 M-01B 877.6 4.39652 91.1388 3.59559 92.7229 7.37493
64 M-01B 782.17 7.95726 105.323 7.14845 55.1509 7.56998
51 M-01C 883.408 3.7414 115.755 4.24036 58.2429 4.29555
54 M-01C 885.157 5.41567 102.708 5.53496 74.2733 8.05665
55 M-01C 938.27 3.89958 103.574 3.39709 82.064 5.42623
60 M-01C 954.194 8.9184 125.088 8.92073 58.1888 8.37049
62 M-01C 868.305 6.73365 136.306 9.35247 40.58 5.60412
62 M-01D 403.794 4.9346 86.9664 4.55723 21.5584 2.32004
51 M-02B 513.039 2.35154 65.8843 2.82223 60.6368 5.22456
54 M-02B 519.368 3.20465 65.8375 3.7373 62.2306 7.10672
55 M-02B 738.374 3.48718 93.2785 3.7401 62.6599 5.05956
61 M-02B 742.421 4.36202 98.8749 4.84979 56.3804 5.57043
62 M-02B 745.975 4.73368 92.4042 4.54427 65.1725 6.46327
63 M-02B 726.7 5.7932 99.2945 6.69004 53.5624 7.26795
64 M-02B 730.188 2.67756 99.9109 3.05635 53.4125 3.29125
51 M-02C 211.265 4.21693 56.6299 3.92159 13.9177 2.00605
55 M-02C 212.375 3.79891 66.4572 4.36559 10.2123 1.39055
61 M-02C 619.848 8.94519 131.642 9.33528 22.1708 3.20891
64 M-02C 633.034 4.56806 134.848 4.19203 22.0377 1.4066
64 M-04A 803.175 3.02447 74.2972 2.31096 116.863 7.32293
51 M-04B 756.44 3.94851 77.3372 3.70996 95.6692 9.23291
64 M-04B 758.395 2.98733 81.1218 2.80868 87.4009 6.0912
51 M-04C 429.384 3.92941 53.8083 3.63173 63.6785 8.67448
64 M-04C 714.632 8.16685 186.713 6.21706 14.6493 1.03143
63 M-04D 962.039 7.82265 118.219 8.25085 66.2235 9.30641
64 M-04D 974.558 3.18477 117.661 3.52947 68.6046 4.14023