Thursday, October 6, 2:00pm ETD

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Revision as of 09:48, 3 October 2011 by Crowder (Talk | contribs) (Agenda)

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  • Updates to simulation (Juliette)
    • Messenger to use a "constant" random seed or not
    • Fixed random number generator (got duplicate rootfiles ~15% of the time)
  • Geometry progress
    • Have step files for detector and hybrid torus
    • Reduced detector step file to less than 20 volumes
    • Can write out current G4 geometry to a gdml
    • Working out bugs to read in the detector gdml file
  • Figure-of-Merit Discussion (Sereres)
  • Other items
    • When to have the regular meetings?
      • Thursday at 2-3pm (or at 4pm if Qweak meeting changes again), with a room
      • Wednesday at 11am with no room, assuming the Qweak meeting doesn't move to this time
    • Date/time for a "major" simulation meeting (teleconference) where we update the whole collaboration
      • KK would like to have this in early October
    • Other projects


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