Meeting solid sidis

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Revision as of 17:57, 19 October 2015 by Zwzhao (Talk | contribs)

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meeting info

Date and Location:  bi-weekly Thursday at 10:30AM in CEBAF center F227 (announcement in solid_sidis emaillist)
Conference ID 681485548 (participant passcode 7290)
Desktop Sharing
Phone Call Dial 18882402560 (US or Canada only)  and enter the Conference ID and passcode.  (This is preferred way for best audio quality, REMEMBER to turn off mic and speaker on your PC)
meeting system "bluejeans" howto
Howto share files for the meeting
you may just send the file to Tianbo Liu
The info below is about how to do it yourself
upload your file to the meeting file dir /u/group/halla/www/hallaweb/html/12GeV/SoLID/download/sidis/talk from any jlab server
then you can link it by + yourfilename
note: your account needs to be in 12gev_solid group to be able to upload.

agenda and minutes

  • 2015/10/22
    • Agenda
      • aaaaaaaaaa
    • Minutes
      • aaaaaaaaa
  • 2015/10/15
    • Agenda
      • aaaaaaaaaa
    • Minutes
      • aaaaaaaaa