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Revision as of 16:55, 15 February 2017 by Jbane (Talk | contribs) (Third person)

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How to taking Data

Start Coda

  • How to run DAQ
    • From a terminal login as "adaq2" machine (do "ssh adaq@adaq2" without the quotes)
    • Password is available on the white board
    • After login to adaq2, type "startcoda" to bring up the runcontrol GUI
    • The default configuration is "coincidence", if it is not loaded you can choose it from the menu "configurations->Cool", select "coincidence"
    • Click "Platform->connect"
    • Click on "Download" button
    • Click on "Start (>>)" button, and acknowledge "start-of-run" pop-up window
    • To end a run click on "End" button
  • How to kill coda processes
    • At the terminal of adaq2, type "kcoda"

  • How to setup the Prescale
    • We just use PrescaleR for Ar experiment.
 login as "adaq" on "adaq2" machine
       type "prescaleR &" to open the GUI
       set desired prescale factors and click "Save" and Exit 

Replay data

    • From a terminal login as aonl machine ( do "ssh a-onl" without the quotes)
    • Password is available on the white board
    • After login to a-onl, type gotritium, then Type
      .x replay_coinc.C
      runnumber (You can see the run number from CODA GUI)

Online GUI

(Last updated: February 15th 2017)

Once the run has been replayed (see instructions above), login to aonl1, aonl2, aonl3, or aonl4 as user a-onl (password on the white board) and do

$ gotritium
[] onlineLHRS
[] onlineRHRS

The output files are stored under adaq1/data1/Ar40_[run number].root

Shift Workers

Counting house: 5501 & 5507 | Run coordinator: 876-1787 | MCC: 7046 & 7047 & 7048 | Crew chief: 7045 | Guard house: 8522

Your Responsibilities

Before the start of your shift: read, understand and sign the safety documentation of the experiments.

Shift Leader

  • Communicate clearly and effectively with shift crews and MCC (7047), and log any status information to the HALOG
  • Consult the daily run plans and communicate with [ run coordinator] whenever problems happen that cannot be solved by shift workers.
  • Maintain data taking quality and an efficient use of beam time.
  • Follow the directives in the COO
  • Log the following in a shift summary in the HALOG:
    • run list (describing the goal of this run: eg production on LH2, BMC calibration...) and report main statistic numbers
    • any major events, including accesses

Target Operator

  • Assist the shift leader and third person with their duties

Third person

  • Start and stop the DAQ. Record the purpose for every single run in the "Run list" binders. Read this to create more blank forms.
  • Online replay of all production runs (twice), as described in [online data analysis instructions]. First replay the first 50 k events, check online plots (see next bullet), then run a full replay.
  • Compare replay histograms with the sample ones and report to shift leader any unexplained differences. Halog them.

  • The shift leader or TO can help.


Ar(ee'p) DAQ