Target for E07-006

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Target for E07-006

Target Thickness (mm) Thickness (g/cm^2) Target angle* (Deg) Nucleon (Nucrlear) Luminosity x10^37 for 10 microAmp beam on target (cm^-2 * sec^-1) BDS Position
LH2 150 1.07 90
LD2 150 2.43 90
4He 150 1.7 90
C 0.5 0.09 90
C 0.25 0.05/sin(20) -20
  • The angle is between the target plan and the beam

Related Documents [Rate Estimation for LD2 pmiss=500 MeV/c (based on e01-015)]

Alternative Gas Targets

Cryo targets for 6 GeV