Meeting solid coll 2012 01 06 brainstorm

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Revision as of 14:31, 10 January 2012 by Zwzhao (Talk | contribs) (Final Agenda)

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Solid Collaboration Meeting


time and location

Time: 1-4PM
Date: 2010_01_06 Friday
Location: Jlab CEBAF F113


Phoneline: US 866-740-1260 International 303-248-0285 Access code: 1978431
remote desktop sharing: EVO room "solid", password "solid"

upload talks

You can upload talks on jlabl1 at the directory /u/group/halla/www/hallaweb/html/12GeV/SoLID/meeting_coll/2012_01_06_brainstorm/

Then make a link in the agenda with the address like ""+"yourfilename"

or if you encounter any problem, ask or send the talk to

Final Agenda

1:00 Summary, magnet and electronics Rolf Ent

1:15 Discussion

1:30 Summary of requirements and special considerations pdf Xin Qian

1:40 Discussion

1:50 Update on Calorimeter pdf Xiaochao Zheng

2:00 Discussion

2:10 Status of Magnet Paul Reimer

2:15 Discussion

2:25 Simulation pdf Zhiwen Zhao

2:35 Discussion

2:45 Update on GEM Nilanga Liyanage

2:50 Discussion

2:55 Update on Gas Cherenkov Simona Malace

3:00 Discussion

3:05 DAQ ppt Alexandre Camsonne

3:15 Discussion

3:25 Beam Polarimetry Kent Paschke

3:30 Discussion

3:35 Cryotarget J. P. Chen

3:40 Discussion

3:45 Overall discussion

~ 4:00 Adjourn


The task list from JP and Paul Souder before director review

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