Monday, April 30, 2012 4:00pm

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Revision as of 17:17, 30 April 2012 by Crowder (Talk | contribs)

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  • Detector work to be completed before next collaboration meeting
    • detector geometry into mollersim
    • standalone optics simulations for quartz
    • other new work that could be presented by the collaboration meeting
  • How to divide simulation work
    • Peiqing - put in detector geometry and work on detector class(es?) including optical constant messengers, etc.?
    • Jon - stand-alone code with results double-checked in mollersim?


  1. Detector work to be completed before next collaboration meeting
    1. standalone optics simulations for quartz (Jon)
      1. code developed for and benchmarked against PREx for NIM paper
      • put in quartz shape/lightguide geometry for MOLLER
      • eventually checked in mollersim
    • development of mollersim for detectors (Peiqing)
      • detector geometry into
      • development of detector classes
      • benchmark to Qweak
  1. Design issues:
    • shape of lightguide
    • shape of quartz
    • placement of quartz
  1. Simulation issues:
    • structure of simulation
    • parameterization so that changes can be easily accommodated
  1. Other simulation projects of interest
    • collimator optimization (Jon, KK, Juliette)
    • coil placement sensitivity study (Jon, Juliette, KK)
  1. Other topics related to detectors

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