Spin Flip/NMR Signal Phase Analysis

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This article also serve as part of spin flip manual.

The Phase Analysis window double checks the spin state by taking information of both channel of Lock-In Amplifier. It's GUI looks like below: NMR Signal Phase Analysis GUI snape shot for Hall A Polarized He3 Target spin flip control.

  • Phase Range Setup / Spin Up Slide Bar : if the phase of NMR signal peak is in this range, then the final state will be count as spin up.
  • Phase Range Setup / Spin Down Slide Bar : if the phase of NMR signal peak is in this range, then the final state will be count as spin down.
  • NMR Signal Phase Plot : NMR signal phase through all scan
  • NMR Amp. Threshold : If peak of NMR signal is above this level, then, in the view of this GUI, it will be count for a valid spin flip
  • NMR Signal Amplitude Plot : NMR signal amplitude through all scan. The amplitude is calculated by square root sum of square of both Lock-In X and Y Channel (with background subtraction).
  • Peak Amp./mV : the max point of NMR signal in mV
  • Peak Phase /Degree : the phase of NMR signal. It's actually approximated by average of phase of any data point, whose amplitude is above 90% of peak amplitude.
  • Spin Expected : The final spin state is the flip is successful
  • Spin Calculated : the measured spin