TDIS Bi-monthly meeting, 2022 May 26

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Back to Tagged DIS run group >> Bi-monthly TDIS meetings

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  • Conditional release document status edit link
  • AOB


  • Thia did mention about her lack of availability for the current meeting time; We might need to reconsider rescheduling it? (actually let me ask her first)
  • Document status:
    • Nilanga added his contribution (Thank you Nilanga!);
    • Thia still needs to read the whole document through, and provide feedback. If she's happy we can submit!
  • Discussion about follow-up:
    • Complete prototype within the next month? if so, do we want to put in the results?;
    • After hypothetical full approval: push to be ready (ERR, scheduling, etc); ultimate objective: run before Moller...
    • Second mTPC prototype (cylindrical): Has/Will Eric C. take the lead on this? Rachel needs to check for funding from Glasgow;
    • CAD design (it *was* in the questions from the conditional lifting committee)? How will the magnet fit in Hall A, etc? (Do we even have anyone to take care of the CAD design?);
    • Readout electronics: do we want to order next generation chips? We have an order to CERN in the queue.

Organizational details

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Topic: TDIS biweekly meeting Time: Jan 20, 2022 10:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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