SoLID Study

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A collection of studies often involve more than one subsystems

most of codes are at

timeline and tasks


Science Review preparation (2020/05-2021/03)

  • GEM and tracking
    • (ongoing,Oct) GEM digitization with VMM (improve model, study on JPsi and SIDIS_NH3) (Jinlong)
    • (started,Dec) put GEM frames,dead area,layout in the simulation, modify the digitization and tracking reconstruction accordingly. (UVa and Weizhi)
    • (done) single particle tracking for SIDIS NH3. (Weizhi)
    • (done) hadron tracking (Weizhi)
    • (ongoing,Nov) multiple particle tracking for SIDIS and JPsi (Weizhi)
  • generator
    • (ongoing,Oct) evaluate e- generators (Ye)
    • (ongoing,Nov) compare generator with geant4 (Ye)
  • background and trigger with shorter endcap
    • (ongoing,Oct) SIDIS_NH3 (Vlad)
    • (starting,Dec) JPsi (Sylvester)
  • basic physics check with longer endcap
    • (ongoing,Oct) new acceptance for all configuration to check (Zhiwen)
    • FOM
      • (done) PVDIS FOM (Weizhi),
      • (ongoing,Dec) SIDIS projection (Duke)
      • (starting,Dec) JPsi projection (Sylvester)
    • (ongoing,Dec) full simulation to check background and trigger with existing method (Zhiwen and Ye)
    • (ongoing,Dec) adjust all sub-systems for magnet with longer endcap and evaluate performance (all sub-systems)
  • (lower priority) explore software framework include simulation,digitization,reconstruction, analysis
    • initial art implementation (Ole)
    • exploring DD4hep and related software (ANL)
    • prototyping how to migrate from the current software tools (Sanghwa and Zhiwen)

preRD support (2020/05-2021/03)

  • GEM and DAQ (Jinlong and Weizhi)
    • VMM digitization comparing to data, reconstruct track with background in test setup.
  • Cherenkov (Zhiwen,Michael,ANL)
    • high rate
    • background rejection with sum64,quad,pixel
    • understand beamtest,simulation and link to SoLID Cherenkov

item1: GEM simulation, digitization and tracking

(1 fte)

  • basic tasks for simulation
    • put GEM frames,dead area and layout in the simulation, modify the digitization and tracking reconstruction accordingly.
  • basic tasks for simulation, experimental specific
    • 1. Modify the GEM clustering algorithm for PVDIS segmented strips (done by Rich). Test the effect for the PVDIS configuration.
    • 2. Field map precision requirement from tracking
  • more tasks for digitization and tracking
    • 1. Add VMM objects in the digitization, add common mode noise and try to do common mode correction in the GEM clustering.
    • 2. Add refit function to the tracking reconstruction program or use polynomials that extracted from simulation.
    • 3. Fine-tuning the digitization, including finalizing the GEM shaping function and obtaining better match with experimental data.
    • 4. Optimize the out-of-time noise rejection algorithm (and simulation)
    • 5. Speed up digitization code and improve background merging method
    • 6. improve tracking software speed, online tracking in FPGA
    • 6. improve tracking efficiency, by trying other reconstruction and fitting algorithms, including machine learning
    • 7. more complete tracking result output for other study
  • more tasks for digitization and tracking, experimental specific
    • 1. single particle tracking for SIDIS NH3.
    • 2. Understand relative low efficiency for hadron tracking
    • 3. multiple particle tracking for SIDIS and JPsi

item2: other sub-detector simulation, digitization and reconstruction

adjust all sub-system for magnet with longer endcap and evaluate performance (all)

support hardware design and study

  • LGC (0.2 fte)
  • HGC (0.2 fte)
  • EC (0.3 fte)
  • SPD (0.1 fte)
  • MRPC (0.2 fte)
  • magnet (included in tracking?)

item3: Overall simulation and optimization

  • simulation (0.4 fte)
    • software maintenance and distribution
    • full simulation and file sharing
    • generators
  • optimization (FOM and physics evaluation, trigger and background)
    • PVDIS, including baffle (0.8 fte)
    • SIDIS_He3, including collimator (0.4 fte)
    • SIDIS_NH3, including sheet of flame (0.4 fte)
    • JPsi (0.5 fte)

item4: Software framework and integration with simulated data

  • explore software framework include simulation,digitization,reconstruction, analysis (0.5 fte)
    • initial art implementation
    • exploring DD4hep and related software
    • prototyping how to migrate from the current software tools

item5: General reconstruction

(0.3 fte)

  • particle identification combine multiple detectors
  • tool for trigger and background study
  • background merging for all detectors
  • more

2018/02 - 2020/02

  • Before science review
    • high priority
      • How to increase DAQ limit? risk and resources? check with GEM digitization and new parameters matching new chips (Alex,Weizhi,Jinlong)(SAMPA done for SIDIS He3, need for PVDIS and JPsi)
      • Consistency of check halld based generator rate with nuclei target (Ye Tian, Jixie, Rakitha) (done)
      • Comparison of DVCS and MARATHON data to hadron generator (halld based) and Geant4 for charged and neutral pions (Ye Tian from SDU and Ye Tian) (charged pion done, need pi0)
      • SIDIS He3 trigger rates in coherent analysis with validated hadron generator (Ye Tian)(has progress, ongoing)
      • SPD double check for occupancy and rejection (Sangwha)(ongoing)
      • First pass at reevaluation of FOM with new magnet and detector geometry (Zhiwen,Michael,Rich)(LGC and HGC have initial implementation,need to implement new map and check baffle)
  • After science review:
    • Medium priority
      • Jpsi trigger study, 2 or 3 particle trigger? (Zhiwen)
      • SIDIS NH3 trigger study, what level of rate we have? (Chao Gu)
      • DAQ simulation
      • GEM data size reduction
      • GEM position optimization for SIDIS, detailed layout and dead area
      • Complete MRPC study timing resolution with background
      • Complete SPD study timing resolution with background
      • MRPC in trigger for occupancy and rejection (Sangwha)
      • add photon and position dependent EC response
      • Provide ability to reevaluate of all subsystems including number of sector (30 or something else) (subsystems must be done by respective groups)
    • Low priority
      • PVDIS tracking with divided strips
      • Reevaluate radiation in new magnet
      • Migrate to github
      • Expand digitization for all systems, experiment with pseudoanalysis framework
      • Internal radiative corrections for DIS
      • Reconcile eicRate vs. Yuxiang electron generator
      • initial art implementation


hadron generator; check the hallD one; ???

electron generator; check and compare Yuxiang's new one and the eicrate; Seamus

electron generator; radiative correction; Seamus

Software framework; initial art implementation; Ole

Magnet; new map; Zhiwen

GEM simulation; position optimization, detailed layout and dead area; Nilanga and new person

GEM digitization and tracking; resolution with background, documentation, code optimization; Weizhi and new person

MRPC; digitization verification, documentation, code optimization, trigger response; Sanghwa

SPD; rate study; Sanghwa

EC; add photon effect, digitization, trigger response and performance; Ye

LGC; update design within new magnet; Michael

HGC; update design within new magnet; Zhiwen

background and trigger; more detailed study of Jpsi 3e trigger, SIDIS NH3 trigger; Zhiwen and ???

DAQ deadtime; ??? ; Alex

radiation; checking after new magnet??? ; Lorenzo

repo change from svn to github; Zhiwen and Ole

code control and document; can we repeat result with version controlled code, existing simulation data and simple instruction;all


Sanghwa, MRPC simulation and digitization

Zhiwen, SIDIS He3 detection eff

Kalyan, SIDIS NH3 detection eff

Kalyan?, SIDIS NH3 trigger rate

Seamus/Yuxiang, electron generator merging resonance and DIS part

Yuxiang, hadron generator (SIDIS He3 window)

Ye Tian, EC for SIDIS and JPsi

Alex, DAQ deatime

??? justification for detector optimization


what who goal by Sep,response to director review status goal by Dec,prepare for science review status
acceptances and efficiency Zhiwen, Kalyan, Rich Holmes simple geometry acceptance for all, detailed acceptances and efficiency study for SIDIS He3,PVDIS ongoing detailed study for JPsi,SIDIS NH3
PVDIS Q2 Bob Michaels, Paul Souder, Rich Holmes general method and sensitivities ongoing method details
SIDIS impact Tianbo,Zhihong,Kalyan transversity,tensor charge for SoLID,SBS,CLAS12 ongoing other TMD
J/psi bin migration and signal/background Michael Paolone and Zhiwen Zhao 4 fold and 3 fold ongoing  ?
Magnet optimization ANL  ?  ?
EC old trigger function wrapper Yuxiang as is done in March trigger
EC new trigger Rakitha PVDIS,SIDIS_He3 PVDIS done PVDIS ECAL Trigger PVDIS Background SummaryPVDIS trigger fuction PVDIS trigger_efficiency_numbers, SIDIS_He3 ongoing JPsi,SIDIS_NH3
LGC trigger response Michael PVDIS,SIDIS,JPis done in March, can be adjusted (PVDIS threshold: 2P.E, 2pmts for one sector)
SPD and MRPC trigger Sanghwa SPD trggier ongoing MRPC trigger
PVDIS e trigger Yuxiang as is done in July trigger_rate
SIDIS e trigger Yuxiang as is ongoing
SIDIS hadron trigger Yuxiang as is ongoing
JPsi e trigger Yuxiang as is
DAQ deadtime Alex,Bob as is ongoing
GEM response parameterization Nilanga with source onging with beam
GEM Digitization and Occupancy Weizhi SIDIS_He3 done with initial result, need UVa input to finalize PVDIS,JPis,SIDIS_NH3
tracking Weizhi tracking fitting for all, track finding for SIDIS_He3 done with tracking fitting for all, ongoing with track finding for SIDIS_He3 track finding for others
Baffles optimization Rich as is done
Radiation and activation Lorenzo as is done
Kaon identification TOF group initial study done more study
unified simulation Zhiwen Zhao and all as is done fine tuning, testing with software framework
software framework Ole identify and make the choice, short doc done with choice, working on doc testing

SoLID full simulation and file sharing

list of study


new electron generator combining both DIS and resonance region with existing code

new hadron generator (Rakitha)



background merging

EC Digitization

MRPC Digitization

SPD Digitization

GEM Digitization


neutron background

list of old studies

rate and background

Compare to geant3 result

Figure of Merit for baffle designs

pi e Ratio