and Security Notice
Link to September, 2003
Link to August, 2003
Link to June, 2003
Link to April, 2003
Link to March, 2003
Target lab:
- Jing and Ameya:
- Plugged back everything.
- Did coil calibrations.
- RF coil calibration: don't get enough power --> need to change the amplifier and check capacitor box.
- Todd:
- Seonho and Wolfgang compared their Blumlein-Bottcher calculations: the errors look similar.
- Got potassium and will try to make an hybrid cell.
- working on NMR using frequency sweep.
Small angle GDH:
- Jaideep:
- Created a code to extract halog variable values.
- Writing several technical notes.
- Vince:
- Optimization: looking into x_tg calculation in ESPACE -- > calculation error might probably be causing optimization problems.
- Began working on DNP presentation.
- Working with Jing and Ameya on the field calibrations and with Richard on wall thickness.
- Coherent #1 was shipped.
- Tim:
- Bleedthrough study.
- Attenuator had no effect..
Spin duality analysis:
- Patricia:
- BPM/ raster correction done: about (50 * 2) runs needed to be corrected for beam drifts.
- Regenerated all Ntuples and now creating all histos.
- Looking at VDC's Ntrack=0 problem --> at the first look, the problem doesn't exist anymore in these Ntuples.
- Comparing Ring Buffer and scalers
- working on pion rejector re-calibration.
- Be done with all above before leaving to France.
- Then will start elastic analysis.
Small angle GDH:
- Vince:
- finishing the minutes of the last collaboration meeting.
- Optimized y_tg at 6deg; After adding BPM info, y_tg went a little bit off.
- from y_sieve vs x_sieve plot, strange behavior on the edge can be seen.
- Tim:
- Looking at data when slit was wide open.
- comparing data with open slit at different energies.
- Jing:
- working on PID detectors calibration.
- working on setting back the target lab.
Spin duality analysis:
- Patricia:
- Elastic and delta asymmetries at E=1GeV.
- Looking into pion rejector calibration.
- regenerate ntuples without using filter.f
- a lot of elastic runs failed at the replay.
- BPM/raster calibration by correcting for beam position drifts.
- comparison between Ring buffer and Scalers data.
(last updated: 10/18/2003, maintained by Patricia Solvignon)