and Security Notice
Link to April, 2003
Link to March, 2003
Link to February, 2003
Link to November, 2002
Link to October, 2002
Small angle GDH preparation (2nd part):
- Jian-Ping:
- septum was switched.
- the cool down of the septum is about twice faster.
- several sensors were added.
- laser pipes are installed.
- still more work needed on the beam pipe.
- Alexandre:
- the ramping down of the septum current will be fixed.
- showed 3He cross section assuming no ice: more checks and optics results are needed to interprete the elastic cross sections.
- Vince:
- got all information about beam polarization from Eugene.
- finished ice-cone water calibration.
- recalibrated the RF field: problem to go higher RF field since the beginning of small angle GDH (ran at about 60mG).
- Plans: field mapping and water calibration.
Spin duality analysis :(Patricia)
- Pedestal runs analysis:
--> unable to use ESPACE to extract all pedestal positions
--> used pedestal files that Bob Michaels generated during the experiment.
- Cerenkov calibration:
--> with new pedestal values, redid Cerenkov calibration.
--> determined gain coefficients by aligning single photo-electron peak at channel 200 (for both arm).
--> fluctuations and incertainties in the right arm are due mostly to mirror #3 and the low statistics at 5 GeV.
- Pion rejector (left arm):
--> after using the new pedestal positions it looks like only 2 different calibrations will be needed (before 3 needed)
--> still checking
- Preshower-shower (right arm):
--> when started to look at the PID efficiency, discovery of a big problem from the calibration that was obvious in the preshower%shower plot.
--> the strips seen are from a bad calibration of the preshower.
--> after several tests, I realized where my mistake was: I supposed the calibration software determined the pedestal positions.
--> after using the new pedestal values (from pedestal run analysis) and re-running the calibration software, the preshower%shower plot looks much better.
--> still checking and working on it.
- Plans: finish PID calibration + efficiency, generate asymmetries.
g2n analysis :(Kevin)
- Comparison of the internally radiated transverse polarization QE cross section with K. Griffeon calculation: what Kevin gets from Polrad and Keith calculations don't agree.
GDH analysis :(Karl)
- going through all the steps of his analysis a last time in order to be confident in his results.
(last updated: 06/19/2003, maintained by Patricia Solvignon)