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APEX Collaboration Meeting, April 22-23 2014RegistrationPlease register for the collaboration meeting, whether you are attending remotely or in person. Registration is free for remote participants and students, $19 (to cover coffee breaks and meeting materials) for in-person attendees. Connection Info
UPDATE 8:00 EDT April 23: The audio problems are supposed to be fixed as of late yesterday afternoon but we did not have time to check. Please try EVO first for sound, but use ReadyTalk as a backup. Natalia will try to keep remote attendees updated by EVO chat (or email directly -- toron AT jlab). UPDATE 11:30 EDT April 22: We are having trouble with EVO audio -- remote people cannot hear the meeting through EVO. As a backup, remote listeners have been using ReadyTalk: US 866-740-1260 International 303-248-0285, Access code: 2855115(#). The EVO connection is still running for video of the slides and chat. Remote participants can join the meeting using SeeVogh/EVO. This is a commercial service and you will need to register, but should be able to do so for free with a JLab email address (see this link for details). Connections will be available from 8am April 22 to 3pm April 23, EDT (GMT-4) AgendaAll meeting sessions will be held in room F113 CEBAF Center.April 22
8:50 Welcome, APEX in Global Context (Rouven Essig, 20'+5') coffee break (30')
11:00 Hall A update (PPT) (Thia Keppel, 20'+5') Lunch 12:20-1:30
1:30 HRS DAQ Rate Capability for APEX (PPT) (Sergey Abrahamyan, 20'+5') coffee break (15') 3pm Colloquium: New Forces Beneath the Weak Scale (Philip Schuster)
4:30 Septa Design/Parameters and Construction (Bogdan W., 20'+5') Adjourn 6:00pm Group Dinner (Bonefish Grill) 7:00pm April 23
9:20 The APEX target (PPT) (Marco Oriunno 15'+10') coffee break (25')
10:50 Radiation study update (Pavel Degtiarenko, 20'+5') Adjourn 1:30pm or earlier |
Based on a design by Iron Spider. APEX Webmaster: Natalia Toro |