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Up: Laser System
Previous: Diode Lasers & Controls
Basic procedure for laser alignment
- Set the height of the diode laser, the center of the polarizing
cube (beam splitter), the two-inch mirror, the quarter wave plates,
the lens, and the three-inch mirror to be at the same height.
- Viewing along the direction of the cube, the mirror and the wave
plates, you should be able to see the target. Here target refers to
the 4" mirror on top of the oven (for longitudinal laser beam path),
or the side window on target (for transverse laser beam path).
You might need to adjust the position of each post
to compromise between transverse and longitudinal lasers.
- Place diode alignment laser such that it passes through the center
of the polarizing cube and the center of the target.
- Rotate the cube and change the angle such that the back reflection
hits the alignment laser and such that the reflection hits the diode
laser simultaneously.
- Place the focusing lens in its mount with the flat side away
from the diode laser. Adjust it so that the back reflection goes back
on itself.
- Turn the diode laser on at LOW POWER.
- Adjust the head of the diode laser such that the light goes
through the center of the lens.
- Rotate the cube mount such that the light passes through the
center. Be sure that the cube is mounted so that the light enters
the marked side and is reflected towards the two-inch mirror.
- Turn off the diode laser.
- Place the two-inch mirror into its mount and move such that the
alignment laser hits the center.
- Place a quarter wave plate between the cube and the two-inch
- Turn the laser on at LOW POWER.
- Adjust the position of quarter wave plate so that the laser passes through the
- Adjust the two-inch mirror so that the reflected light hits
the target.
- If you know the axises of quarter wave plate, rotate it according to
. If not,
- Rotate the quarter wave plate so that the light which passes
through the cube from the two-inch mirror is a minimum.
- Rotate the quarter wave plate forty-five degrees.
- Adjust the two-inch mirror so that the light hits the target.
- Check to see where the back reflection of the diode is hitting. It
should be near the head of the diode laser but not directly on top of
it. If it is then rotate the cube slightly and realign the two-inch
mirror. Repeat if necessary. It is important to keep the back reflection
away from the fiber since a small amount of back reflected laser could reach
the diode through fiber and will damage the laser.
- Place the three-inch mirror in its mount.
- Check to see that the diode light is hitting the mirror.
- Adjust the three-inch mirror so that the light is hitting the
- Center a quarter wave plate in the path of each beam.
- If you know the axises of quarter wave plate, rotate it according to
. If not, you need to do bench test first to
find the axises of each quarter wave plate.
- Repeat for all beams heading towards the target.
- Be sure that the helicity of each beam line is the same.
- Place the half wave plates in mounts, adjust the position of the post
and the mounts such that all either (or six) laser beams are able to
hit the center of the corresponding half wave plates simutanuously.
- If you know the axises of half wave plate, rotate each one according
to Figure
. If not, you need to do bench test first to
find the axises of each half wave plate.
Testing quarter (half) wave plates
- Find the direction of the axes:
- Use the laser beam which passes through the polarizing cube (beam splitter).
- Place the unknown wave plate in the beam.
- Place a polarizing cube after the unknown wave plate.
- Place a power meter perpendicular to the polarizing cube such that it
measures the power of reflected light.
- Rotate the unknown wave plate such that the reflected light coming
from the second cube is at a minimum.
- Now one of the axes is in horizontal direction and the other is in
vertical direction.
- Make sure the axes of all quarter wave plates are identical (either fast or slow):
- Use the laser beam which passes through the polarizing cube (beam splitter).
- Measure the laser beam power P.
- Place the 1st quarter wave plate in the beam, rotate it such that one of the
axes (marked axis) is in vertical direction.
- Rotate the 1st quarter wave plate by 45
- Place a 2nd quarter wave plate after the 1st one, rotate it such that one of the
axes (marked axis) is in vertical direction.
- Rotate the 2nd quarter wave plate by 45
- Place a polarizing cube after the 2nd quarter wave plate.
- If the reflected light coming from the cube is at a minimum, then the marked
axes of these two quarter wave plates are opposite (one is fast and the other
is slow);
- If the reflected light coming from the cube is at a maximum and equals roughtly
the full power P, then the marked
axes of these two quarter wave plates are identical (both are fast or both are
- If the reflected light coming from the cube is at a maximum and equals roughtly
the half power P/2, one of the two wave plates is a half wave plate.
Some technical details
- One needs to be careful about backscattering light since it may
damage the laser FAP (diode) if it is right on top of the fiber.
However, if the backscattering light is far away from the fiber, it
indicates that the system is not optimized and will affect the quality
(intensity and polarization) of laser light to the target. The major
part of backscattering light comes from the P light reflected from the
2'' mirror and the beam-splitter. To check position of backscattering
light, one should use a backscattering
test plate. Never use paper or any flammable material around fiber.
Always turn off the laser when putting on or taking off the test plate.
- Adjust position of back-scattering spot vertically:
Probablly the reflecting surfact of beam-splitter is not exactly
perpendicular to the laser beam. Make sure the fiber, focuing lens
and cube(beam-splitter) are at the same level, then rotate cube, at
the same time adjust the 2'' mirror if necessary.
- Adjust position of back-scattering spot horizontally:
- Moving spot to the left (viewing towards fiber): Rotate cube
holder clockwisely (viewing from the top), then rotate cube (relative
to its holder) anticlockwisely. Keep the spot at the center of 2''
mirror. See Figure
- Moving spot to the right (viewing towards fiber): Rotate cube
holder anticlockwisely, then rotate cube anticlockwisely. Keep the
spot at the center of 2'' mirror.
Adjusting back-scattering light
Next: Operation I: Local Mode
Up: Laser System
Previous: Diode Lasers & Controls
Xiaochao Zheng