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Safety Considerations

The heater system represents a significant fire hazard and therefore requires good failsafe protection. Possible failure modes include:

  1. Insufficient air flow. Possible causes: Compressor failure; obstruction in filter; operator error. Possible harzards: Overheating of heater element, resulting in equipment damage and/or fire. Protection: Air flow is monitored; insufficient flow disables heater (and laser) via hardware interlock.
  2. Heater overtemperature. Possible causes: Insufficient airflow; temperature controller failure; RTD failure; operator error. Possible hazards: Damage to heater element and/or tubing; fire. Protection: Heater temperature is monitored; excessive temperature disables heater (and laser) via hardware interlock.
  3. Oven overtemperature. Possible causes: Temperature controller failure; RTD failure; insufficient air flow; excessive laser power; operator error. Possible hazards: Explosion of target cell; damage to oven enclosure and/or optical elements; fire. Protection: Temperature controller will generate alarm if RTD indicates excessive temperature, disabling heater via internal logic and and laser via hardware interlock.

A schematic diagram of the interlock system is shown in Figure [*]. The instruments are programmed such that their dual alarm relays operate simultaneously if a value is out of range. An interlock condition disables the heater as well as puts the lasers in standby mode. Interlocking the lasers is important as the laser light contributes significantly to the heating of the target oven.

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Xiaochao Zheng 2001-06-01