GEn Analysis Meeting for April 11, 2007

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Meeting minutes and contributions

Rob Feuerbach

In the ND analysis, protons and neutrons are defined as:

proton = (V1_10 && V2_10) && (NDhit)
neutron = (!V1_100 && !V2_100) && (NDhit)

where for the proton, there MUST be correlated veto hits within 10ns; for the neutron there must be NO hit within 100ns before and 10ns after the ND hit.

If the electronic DEADTIME in the veto is ~100ns, then a random hit within 100ns before the ND hit will BLOCK the identification of protons and neutrons equally.

If the electronic deadtime is less than 100ns, then a random hit might cause the neutron-candidate to be dropped while the proton could still be found.

If the electronic deadtime is greater than 100ns, then proton-candidates could be dropped while "neutrons" would still be accepted.