Reminder: Collaboration meeting next Wednesday!!

GEn Analysis Meeting for May 9, 2007

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Brandon Craver
Talked with Brandon today:
  • he has been working on improving his scripts that dump the EPICS data into the database to properly "decode" the data as opposed to just looking for text strings. After this he will refill the tables.
  • presently kin1 is being dumped, followed by all the others.
  • this week working on MWDC chamber 2.
  • looking at beam scraping: needs runs with small rasters and empty (no) target to compare against.
  • next week will be working on t0 analysis of kin3. and proper GEn analysis.

Rob Feuerbach
  • Working on ND timing calibration of kin3.
  • talk for Exclusive workshop.
  • has the analyzer working properly under MacOS X.

Proposed agenda for Next weeks collaboration meeting:
9:00 Welcome (Bogdan)
9:15 Report on Kin3 Calibration (Rob)
9:45 Jon's report
10:15 Tim's report
10:45 coffee break
11:00 Ameya's report
11:30 Seamus's report
12:00 Sergey's report
12:30 Aidan's report

which will hopefully cover:
  • ND timing calibration (Jon, Tim)
  • BB scintillator and RF timing calibration (Ameya)
  • target polarization magnitude and direction (Aidan/Ameya)
  • BB optics (Seamus)

In the afternoon, discuss Analysis issues and timelines.