Minutes for Small Angle GDH Target
Meeting, click here.
Minutes for A1n Analysis Meeting,
click here.
Minutes for g2n Analysis Meeting,
click here.
Minutes for GDH Meeting, click here.
Tentative Date of next Collaboration
Meeting: October 18 or 25 2002
SAGDH Septum and Commissioning Meeting
de Jager opened the meeting by discussing the schedule:
At best
the first septum will arrive by Friday, August 23, 2002, and Ed Folts has
said the Hall will be ready by September
18. There will be no second septum for the
running period this fall, and due
to the possible late arrival of the second, the
experiment could be extended.
Two installation
issues that Kees reminded the collaboration about are a solution to
the field gradients and using the
left spectrometer for false asymmetry measurements.
The use of the left HRS is a 'like',
if time permits.
Deur discussed issues and the runplan:
are four major issues for the experiment: the septa, field gradients,
Ice cone
cells, and the beam halo. We
will only have the R-arm septa for the experiment, and
the delivery date can still slip.
The septa causes field gradients in the target area
~ 140 mG/cm. Usual compensation
coils will not work, but Alexandre is working on
a new concept and design.
For the Ice
cone cells, the first good cell exploded (Victor), and since then have
only produce marginal and bad cells.
But the most recent cell Patton has
~ 61 hour lifetime.
Alexandre has
been working on understanding the raising tails in the elastic
scattering cross section from the
GDH experiment and the impact on SAGDH.
By reducing the thickness of the Al and
Be windows from 10 mil to a single 4 mil
Be window, the impact on SAGDH will be small.
But there may be problems finding
a 4 mil window that will work for
the experiment.
The runplan
is ready with 11 kinematics. Coverage includes low Q2 points with
one point overlap with E94010.
Will Switch cell after low energy running is completed.
Chen discussed the status of the septum magnets:
The first
septum is primarily put together. Delay of about a week due to a
repair. Situation still pretty
good, but from Paul's estimates there is a lot of work left
that could take 10 days to 2 weeks
to complete.
Ed Folts discussed
the target and septum installation:
The target
platform is in place, and the platform for the magnets should arrive by
the end of the week. The laser
hut is in place with plans to finish installation on
Saturday. Ed estimates it will
take 3-4 weeks once the septum arrives to have
everything ready for the experiment.
Al Gavalya discussed
the design Status:
The design
work has progressed well with finishing touches being applied. Al
working on the collimator mounts.
Susan is working on making the pick-up coil
mounts removable, and Joyce is working
on a designs to place a target down stream
for monitoring the false asymmetry
with the Left HRS.
Al is also
working on the oven flux lines to prevent the oven shifts that were
seen during last year's experiments.
A major concern for design work that remains
is designing the gradient compensation
Steve Lassiter
discussed solutions for the field gradient:
From earlier
simulations, Steve found that a 1" field clamp sucks the flux away
from the helmholtz coils. Since
the discovery Vince Sulkosky and Alexandre Deur
have been working with Steve to find
a solution to the gradients from the septum.
But the current correction coils are
not adequate to compensate for the gradients.
Steve discussed
one possible solution that would enclose the coils by an iron box
with 1/4" or 1/8" walls. The
technique has been used successfully before. Steve and
Paul Brindza will look into the possibility
next week. One major draw back will be
that the target area will be a closed
area with potential radioactive materials and ODH
In the meantime,
Alexandre will continue looking into a new design for
compensation coils that could use
8 coils and 4 power supplies. The power
supplies should be selected so that
they can easily be incorporated into EPICS.
Scott Higgins
gave an update on the Septum controls:
IOC has been installed for the septum controls, and a driver to talk to
PCL was tested several months ago.
Settings for the septum magnets will be
integrated into P0 on the HRS, which
will take a couple weeks once the
septum arrives.
Doug Higinbotham
discussed the Septum Optics commissioning:
Doug will
be the run coordinator for the optics commissioning period. John
will take care of tuning and the initial
database. Werner Boeglin will work on testing,
while the graduate students will take
care of the on-line analysis. Plus additional help
is available from Nilanga and possibly
For the sieve
slits, is an OSP needed to put the sieve slits in and out? The
commissioning period is 11 days but
can be shortened for a single septum.
Liyanage discussed online monitoring:
We will use
the "official" version of ESPACE, which has all the detectors we will
use and column wise ntuples.
Kumac files will need to be updated to take into
account the new variable names.
Files ready in 2-3 weeks for detector tests.
For physics
analysis, we will need a new optics database. Take about a week
of work to get an online database.
Ron Gilman
discussed detectors and helicity monitoring:
Ron gave an
update on the hardware changes for the G0 helicity system.
Bob Michaels will be responsible for
scaler readout changes and helicity info
in events. Xiaodong will take
care of the ESPACE upgrade.
For the helicity
system, signals to the counting house had problems
that were traced
to glitches in the pseudorandom sequence.
Cabling for the L-arm should be ready by
end of the month. DAQ will be
set up in several days. Collaboration wants to look
into getting in time helicity signals
to Hall A.
Bob Michaels
gave an update on the DAQ, trigger, and Raster systems:
R-arm 2nd Fastbus crate is installed, and expect 3 kHz with 20% DT.
DAQ will work independently.
Experiment will use two independent DAQ's like last
summer. Parity charge asymmetry
feedback is ready. Bob Michaels will provide a
new detector map. Spot++ has
been updated to provide BPMA and BPMB as well.
H. Areti discussed
the Beam:
G0 needs an
average current of 40 uA. Bleedthrough less than 20 nA with fully
opened Hall B chopper slit.
To generate G0 beam needed to modify Ti-sapp laser.
Still much work to be done.
Should discuss beam requirements for SAGDH next week
at a scheduled meeting between Accelerator
and the collaboration.
Sirish Nanda
gave an update on the compton polarimeter:
cavity is operational. Spare mirrors should arrive in a month or
Compton console still in the back
room. Need trained operators for the experiment.
One possibility is to use an xterm
to monitor Compton from the front room. Issue to
implement G0 Helicity scheme, need
software modifications.
Eugene Chudakov
discussed the Moller Polarimeter:
A new detector will
be installed for Moller. Eugene needs some help to mount the
new detector in about 2 weeks.
The detector has been checked and is ready for
installation. No problem with
implementing the G0 Helicity scheme. Systematic error
for Moller is about 3%.
Will need to measure polarization for each energy and any
configuration changes. Approximately
2 measurements a week.
of Beam energy measurements:
Use both ep
and ARC measurements and Tiefenbach.