Jefferson Lab HALOG ARCHIVES Logbook for March 01 - All EXCEPT Automatic Entries
59659 03/31/01 18:31 coman kin 25 HV screen
59658 03/31/01 18:10 coman trigger supervisor problem
59653 03/31/01 17:14 atrig Trigger-Download
59652 03/31/01 16:35 coman network connection with the HV crates
59648 03/31/01 16:00 W. Boeglin Shift Summary
59636 03/31/01 08:09 h breuer Shift summary March 31 00-08 shift
59623 03/31/01 01:00 coman kin 25 y target
59613 03/30/01 23:35 adaq kinematic switch
59612 03/30/01 23:34 Higinbotham Failed EP Measurement
59611 03/30/01 23:32 hacuser kin 25 magnets screen
59610 03/30/01 23:28 Tang BeO check
59609 03/30/01 23:23 Jack Trip hazard.
59605 03/30/01 19:37 hacuser high voltage left arm
59604 03/30/01 19:36 hacuser high voltage right arm
59603 03/30/01 19:34 hacuser magnets screen
59602 03/30/01 19:04 Tang Heater problem solved
59600 03/30/01 18:42 Tang, Coman High power heater control problem
59598 03/30/01 17:49 Adaq MCC Path length adjustment
59595 03/30/01 17:02 Jack Gas for RICH now Carbon Dioxide.
59583 03/30/01 11:58 Saha Hall A Arc Energy Measurement
59580 03/30/01 09:54 gilman target reboot
59575 03/30/01 08:01 F.GaRIBALDI shift summary
59560 03/30/01 00:02 Punjabi Shift Summary
59546 03/29/01 17:02 perdrisat target IOC
59542 03/29/01 16:20 boeglin Missing Mass Spectrum
59541 03/29/01 16:04 boeglin Shift Summary
59528 03/29/01 08:01 Gueye Shift Summary
59522 03/29/01 05:24 adaq magnet screen kin 22
59517 03/29/01 02:30 Cole Y target (left and right)
59514 03/29/01 02:28 Gueye Start checking LH2-production
59511 03/29/01 02:05 Adaq Kin22 tools/magnet screen
59508 03/29/01 01:45 Gueye Target comment wrong on run 3180
59503 03/29/01 01:21 Adaq Kin 22 - 12C - 25uA - FR off
59504 03/29/01 01:09 Gueye Kinematic 22 settings
59502 03/29/01 00:54 Boeglin Shift Summary
59479 03/28/01 16:23 adaq shift summary
59476 03/28/01 15:42 Iodice Target motion failure AND BeO target check
59455 03/28/01 08:06 Dohrmann Shift Summary
59451 03/28/01 07:09 dohrmann Right HRS Q2 Helium flow
59444 03/28/01 04:42 adaq fixed the trouble
59443 03/28/01 04:16 dohrmann fixed TS1 and A2 ch1 problems during access
59438 03/28/01 03:46 dohrmann TS1 hung up
59439 03/28/01 03:45 Adaq run 3152
59435 03/28/01 02:30 adaq Right HRS Shower HV trip
59430 03/28/01 01:56 adaq left HRS Q2 tripped
59432 03/28/01 01:56 cusanno The TDC is the same (!)
59431 03/28/01 01:48 cusanno A2 ADC #1 does not yet work
59425 03/28/01 00:39 adaq Fast Feedback on
59424 03/28/01 00:37 Adaq Correction for Run Header
59420 03/27/01 23:59 Vina Punjabi Shift Summary
59418 03/27/01 23:41 pking Changed target alarm setpoint
59416 03/27/01 23:02 Reitz optics target for kin21
59404 03/27/01 20:33 markowitz BeO
59402 03/27/01 17:01 pking Target position change --- BeO
59401 03/27/01 16:51 markowitz kin 21 tools/magnet screen
59400 03/27/01 15:23 markowitz status
59399 03/27/01 15:13 Markowitz setting up for kinematics 21
59398 03/27/01 10:26 Markowitz HV GUI for Le|Croy
59391 03/27/01 08:03 Gueye Shift Summary
59388 03/27/01 05:17 Lingyan target LH2 pressure
59382 03/27/01 01:57 Gueye Beam back
59381 03/27/01 01:46 Gueye QE measurement
59378 03/27/01 01:33 Adaq ROC1 problem for run 3133
59375 03/27/01 00:04 reitz shift summary
59373 03/26/01 23:38 pking Target H2 pressure
59372 03/26/01 23:18 pking Target H2 pressure update.
59371 03/26/01 22:46 Reitz HV problems
59364 03/26/01 20:39 Reitz DAQ crash
59363 03/26/01 20:19 pking Drop in target H2 pressure.
59357 03/26/01 17:53 pking Restarted tgt user interface.
59354 03/26/01 16:48 reinhold kin 20 statistics
59353 03/26/01 16:03 bogdanw shift summary
59350 03/26/01 15:25 adaq 3119 and 3122 are junk
59349 03/26/01 15:22 adaq prescale factors
59345 03/26/01 13:57 Adaq correction
59340 03/26/01 11:44 reinhold beam back
59338 03/26/01 10:12 adaq right arm shower#50
59337 03/26/01 10:09 adaq preshower ADC #33
59335 03/26/01 09:42 reinhold run 3119 DAQ crash
59330 03/26/01 07:58 Gueye Shift Summary
59327 03/26/01 06:18 Adaq Control Screen
59319 03/26/01 01:19 Gueye Fast Raster & beam back
59318 03/26/01 01:02 Gueye Fast Raster problem
59316 03/25/01 23:59 Nick Chant Shift Summary
59310 03/25/01 20:23 Nick Chant Reboot IOC HALA
59294 03/25/01 09:35 Adaq control screen
59293 03/25/01 09:29 Adaq run 3103 DAQ problem
59290 03/25/01 07:55 Gueye Shift Summary
59289 03/25/01 07:29 markowitz forgot to change calculation
59285 03/25/01 05:44 Gueye ROC14 problem again ...
59283 03/25/01 05:02 Gueye ROC14 problem
59279 03/25/01 04:22 Gueye QE measurement
59276 03/25/01 02:44 Gueye ROC 1 problem ?
59274 03/25/01 01:23 Gueye Beam back
59273 03/25/01 01:08 Gueye Beam recovery update
59271 03/25/01 00:04 C. C. Chang Run Summary
59270 03/24/01 23:52 C. C. Chang Target control problem
59268 03/24/01 22:41 C. C. Chang ROC14 Problem
59264 03/24/01 20:16 markowitz kin 20 y-target, optics multi-foil
59254 03/24/01 19:01 C. C. Chang Magnet settings for Kin #20
59253 03/24/01 18:39 markowitz kin 19 last 2 plots (online)
59252 03/24/01 18:37 markowitz kin 19, final plots (online)
59251 03/24/01 18:33 markowitz kinematics change
59244 03/24/01 15:50 Jack Left Arm HV card 15.
59243 03/24/01 15:30 adaq control screen
59234 03/24/01 11:43 bogdanw Right Arm S2 HV
59230 03/24/01 10:31 Adaq HV right and left arms
59227 03/24/01 09:39 Adaq left trigger supervisor reset
59222 03/24/01 07:52 Gueye Shift Summary
59212 03/24/01 03:49 Gueye Beam back
59210 03/24/01 03:36 Gueye MCC takes the beam for a QE measurement
59202 03/23/01 23:58 C. C. Chang Shift Summary
59197 03/23/01 22:48 R. Michaels comments re: spot
59196 03/23/01 22:17 markowitz daq troubles/spot - runs 3063-7 junk
59194 03/23/01 21:57 C. C. Chang Problem running spot++
59187 03/23/01 21:25 Reitz Work on RICH
59184 03/23/01 21:07 Jack A2 PMT 7 on Left Arm.
59183 03/23/01 20:59 Jack Work on RICH.
59182 03/23/01 18:38 C. C. Chang Left Arm VDC HV trip
59181 03/23/01 18:05 C. C. Chang Kaon statistics for Kin # 19
59180 03/23/01 18:03 C. C. Chang Work on RICH
59176 03/23/01 16:01 LeRose Shift Summary
59170 03/23/01 13:26 LeRose Beam Back
59168 03/23/01 13:22 LeRose Beam Off for Hall B
59164 03/23/01 12:16 reinhold L_AERO2_ADC7 missing
59162 03/23/01 09:45 LeRose Beam Available
59161 03/23/01 09:22 LeRose Beam Off
59156 03/23/01 08:00 Gueye Shift Summary
59145 03/23/01 03:09 K. McCormick High voltage variables no longer valid
59144 03/23/01 02:20 Gueye Started run 3050
59142 03/23/01 01:51 Adaq Beam off
59135 03/22/01 23:55 perdrisat shift journal
59134 03/22/01 23:45 Adaq magnet screen kin 19
59131 03/22/01 22:02 perdrisa aerogel A2 ch. 7 dead
59128 03/22/01 20:35 Jack RICH mostly installed.
59126 03/22/01 20:25 Higinbotham Current Spike
59122 03/22/01 20:17 Higinbotham BeO Check
59119 03/22/01 17:37 atrig Trigger-Download
59114 03/22/01 16:14 markowitz right arm hv
59113 03/22/01 16:11 markowitz last 2 a2 hv channels
59112 03/22/01 16:10 markowitz a2 hv
59111 03/22/01 16:09 markowitz a1 hv
59110 03/22/01 16:08 markowitz s1/s2 hv
59109 03/22/01 16:07 Adaq hv main gui
59105 03/22/01 14:05 reinhold Hall status
59103 03/22/01 07:37 Cole Shift Summary
59100 03/21/01 17:34 R. Michaels DAQ revived
59087 03/21/01 16:13 Adaq y-target for kinematics 19
59085 03/21/01 15:01 R. Michaels increased TC window
59084 03/21/01 13:58 atrig Trigger-Download
59083 03/21/01 12:22 R. Michaels two obscure small problems resolved
59082 03/21/01 09:36 Markowitz visual multi-foil target survey
59078 03/20/01 15:46 hubt shift summary
59076 03/20/01 04:52 F.Klein target.maintenance
59075 03/20/01 04:37 Raue Down for the night
59074 03/20/01 03:40 Raue Moeller quads tripped
59068 03/20/01 00:01 Punjabi Shift Summary
59059 03/19/01 22:38 pking Target IOC reboot
59056 03/19/01 21:31 pking Temperature variation with beam.
59054 03/19/01 20:55 pking Target temperature variation with beam trips
59046 03/19/01 16:54 perdrisa half wave plate
59042 03/19/01 15:45 Adaq magnet screen
59039 03/19/01 14:04 markowitz another daq problem -- discriminator thresholds this time
59033 03/19/01 13:13 raue more DAQ problems
59028 03/19/01 11:24 Raue daq problems
59027 03/19/01 10:36 R. Michaels scaler overflows (negative charge)
59022 03/19/01 09:28 markowitz vme reset
59021 03/19/01 09:18 R. Michaels TS1 problems
59020 03/19/01 09:17 raue trigger supervisor problem
59016 03/19/01 08:03 A.Kozlov owl shift summary
59015 03/19/01 07:26 Miyoshi kaon count from run 3003 to 3009
59007 03/19/01 02:09 Miyoshi in chain_kin17.kumac file,...
59006 03/19/01 01:50 Miyoshi kaon count in kin.19 (run3003 and 3004)
59000 03/19/01 00:04 C. C. Chang Run Summary
58999 03/19/01 00:00 markowitz kin 19 optics 9-foil
58996 03/18/01 23:36 Higinbotham Magnet Screen Kin. 19
58990 03/18/01 23:01 Higinbotham BeO Check
58988 03/18/01 20:24 C. C. Chang Statistics for Kin #18
58984 03/18/01 18:08 C. C. Chang Problems with ROC14 and target
58979 03/18/01 15:01 b raue update
58974 03/18/01 08:24 R. Michaels to check VDC efficiency...
58973 03/18/01 08:00 R.Michaels owl shift summary
58969 03/18/01 07:41 R. Michaels vdc efficiency diff -- plot title
58968 03/18/01 07:34 R. Michaels L-arm VDC effic. decreasing ?
58960 03/18/01 00:05 K. Aniol swing shift summary
58958 03/17/01 23:28 aniol 622 kaon_18 cnts after r2987
58955 03/17/01 21:04 K. Aniol 596 kaon_18 cnts,end 2986
58951 03/17/01 19:33 K. Aniol 92uA on target
58950 03/17/01 19:16 K. Aniol kaons_18 through run 2985
58949 03/17/01 19:04 K. Aniol extraction magnet fails
58943 03/17/01 13:03 b raue lost beam
58939 03/17/01 10:36 b raue kaon count
58938 03/17/01 10:29 b. raue hv glitch
58936 03/17/01 07:57 R.Michaels owl shift
58934 03/17/01 07:11 R. Michaels, kaon count
58930 03/17/01 04:36 R. Michaels BeO spot check, target GUI problem
58923 03/17/01 03:06 R. Michaels updated ref histo's, hana and dhist
58919 03/17/01 00:05 Reitz shift summary
58909 03/16/01 16:56 reitz daq crash
58907 03/16/01 16:02 Raue End of shift
58898 03/16/01 10:42 Raue update
58896 03/16/01 10:04 hubt General tools chart
58893 03/16/01 09:32 Higinbotham Arc Energy 3400 GeV
58892 03/16/01 08:01 R. Michaels owl shift
58888 03/16/01 07:07 R. Michaels kaon picture again
58887 03/16/01 06:52 R. Michaels kaon count
58884 03/16/01 05:47 R. Michaels Beam position
58881 03/16/01 03:49 R. Michaels trigger checks
58880 03/16/01 03:46 R. Michaels re: empty TC events
58879 03/16/01 03:39 R. Michaels Coincidence Time Bumps
58876 03/16/01 01:30 R. Michaels mysterious trigger loss
58872 03/15/01 23:53 perdrisat 3/15/2001 16-24 hr shift
58870 03/15/01 23:24 markowitz optics 9-foil target at (-.5,0)
58867 03/15/01 23:15 markowitz 9-foil optics target
58855 03/15/01 22:32 perdrisa BeO
58854 03/15/01 22:17 Punjabi magnet settings for kinamatic # 18
58853 03/15/01 21:19 perdrisat Warning
58852 03/15/01 21:12 perdrisat Q2 R frozen
58850 03/15/01 19:02 perdrisat potential LCW problem
58843 03/15/01 16:34 K. Aniol kin17 tally, r2943-
58842 03/15/01 16:31 K. Aniol shift summary
58827 03/15/01 08:00 A.Kozlov owl shift summary
58807 03/15/01 00:02 fissum shift summary
58800 03/14/01 21:37 markowitz kaon rates
58797 03/14/01 20:52 fissum half-wavelength plate in for run 2929
58795 03/14/01 20:04 K. McCormick Rebooted target IOC
58791 03/14/01 18:40 fissum new runlength
58788 03/14/01 17:57 fissum Hall A General Tools Sheet
58783 03/14/01 16:18 fissum shift changeover
58781 03/14/01 16:04 R. Michaels day shift
58780 03/14/01 16:03 aniol kaon counts through r2924
58773 03/14/01 13:59 R. Michaels L-arm VDC efficiency, a bit low
58768 03/14/01 12:32 R. Michaels increased current
58763 03/14/01 10:32 R. Michaels synch check good
58760 03/14/01 10:09 R. Michaels beam gone, then back. BeO check
58757 03/14/01 09:15 aniol kaon sum to 2915
58754 03/14/01 08:36 R. Michaels ps8 was 12
58753 03/14/01 08:18 Higinbotham OTR Check
58750 03/14/01 08:02 T. Chang owl shift summary
58746 03/14/01 06:57 Miyoshi # of kaon (kin 17)
58737 03/14/01 03:44 Miyoshi rebooted x-tarminal
58729 03/14/01 00:16 Higinbotham OTR Check
58727 03/14/01 00:05 fissum shift summary
58723 03/13/01 23:46 fissum tuning to begin at 00.10
58722 03/13/01 23:25 fissum request 90 uA again
58719 03/13/01 23:04 fissum temporary beam interruption
58716 03/13/01 21:33 fissum not possible - run at 40 uA
58715 03/13/01 21:31 markowitz kin 17 kaons
58714 03/13/01 21:19 fissum target instability due to Hall C cooldown
58701 03/13/01 18:24 fissum accepted the beam
58699 03/13/01 18:13 fissum the decision...
58698 03/13/01 17:54 fissum tolerances H04A and B
58697 03/13/01 17:40 fissum requested more tuning
58695 03/13/01 17:29 fissum steering
58692 03/13/01 17:09 fissum return to kinematics 17
58690 03/13/01 17:04 fissum move to Kaon production
58689 03/13/01 17:02 fissum 9-foil target scan completed
58687 03/13/01 16:46 R. Michaels day shift summary
58671 03/13/01 15:37 R. Michaels BeO check
58665 03/13/01 13:17 R. Michaels oops... HV screen
58664 03/13/01 13:12 R. Michaels HV problems
58663 03/13/01 11:40 R. Michaels patch panel mods
58662 03/13/01 10:48 markowitz kin 17 missing mass
58661 03/13/01 10:08 R. Michaels L-arm EDT
58660 03/13/01 10:03 R. Michaels stop for ACC maintenance
58658 03/13/01 09:13 markowitz kaons in run 2870
58654 03/13/01 08:04 T. Chang owl shift summary
58644 03/13/01 04:37 leon replay troubles
58634 03/13/01 01:30 T. Chang ER backed up
58632 03/13/01 00:25 markowitz first missing mass spectra, kin 17
58630 03/13/01 00:04 eschulte Transition-Swing Shift Summary
58624 03/12/01 22:07 Adaq otr screen
58623 03/12/01 22:00 fissum first real kinematics 17 run
58622 03/12/01 21:56 fissum accepting 95 uA
58619 03/12/01 21:26 markowitz y-target for kin 17
58618 03/12/01 21:20 fissum 25 uA OK, move on to 75 uA
58616 03/12/01 21:01 Lingyan HV for PR turned off
58615 03/12/01 20:51 fissum 15 cm lH2
58613 03/12/01 20:46 fissum 9-foil 12C optics check
58611 03/12/01 20:33 fissum 12C pointing check
58609 03/12/01 20:24 fissum begin new experiment - e98108
58607 03/12/01 20:22 atrig Trigger-Download
58603 03/12/01 20:16 Higinbotham Magnet Screen Kinematics 17
58602 03/12/01 20:12 Lingyan Beam postion on BeO
58601 03/12/01 19:23 R. Michaels software switchover to e98108
58596 03/12/01 18:48 eschulte sing21 run table
58594 03/12/01 18:20 eschulte Left Arm High Voltage Summary Screen
58593 03/12/01 18:19 eschulte HV Summary screens Right Arm
58577 03/12/01 16:48 atrig Trigger-Download
58576 03/12/01 16:22 eschulte sing21 spectrometer settings
58575 03/12/01 16:02 Krishniw Day shift summary
58553 03/12/01 13:01 atrig Trigger-Download
58549 03/12/01 12:45 atrig Trigger-Download
58548 03/12/01 12:44 LeRose New Magnet settings
58536 03/12/01 10:02 LeRose New Spectrometer Settings
58534 03/12/01 09:28 atrig Trigger-Download
58530 03/12/01 08:55 LeRose Q2 left trip
58523 03/12/01 07:52 K . Hafidi Shift summary
58518 03/12/01 06:46 K hafidi New spectrometer setup:coin21
58517 03/12/01 05:19 atrig Trigger-Download
58474 03/12/01 00:07 Higinbotham Run Table Coin10
58470 03/11/01 23:58 Higinbotham Shift Summary
58465 03/11/01 23:27 Higinbotham EP Measurement
58459 03/11/01 22:43 Higinbotham Run Table Single 10
58458 03/11/01 22:40 Higinbotham Magnet Screen Coin10
58457 03/11/01 22:25 atrig Trigger-Download
58406 03/11/01 16:02 eschulte Shift Summary
58400 03/11/01 15:47 eschulte Reduction of Current and Increase of singles prescales
58388 03/11/01 15:13 atrig Trigger-Download
58387 03/11/01 14:57 eschulte spectrometer setup for sing10
58386 03/11/01 14:15 eschulte Run Table coin11
58373 03/11/01 08:21 K. Hafidi Shift summary
58369 03/11/01 07:20 K Hafidi magnet screen for coin11
58367 03/11/01 07:01 atrig Trigger-Download
58366 03/11/01 07:00 K Hafidi New spectrometer setup:coin11
58354 03/11/01 05:09 Adaq TS1 problem: access
58339 03/11/01 02:08 Lingyan correction to 2755: R out, not in
58324 03/11/01 00:27 Higinbotham Problem Solved
58321 03/11/01 00:03 Higinbotham Shift Summary
58318 03/10/01 23:54 Higinbotham EP Measurement
58314 03/10/01 23:29 Higinbotham Magnet Screen for Single11
58311 03/10/01 23:09 atrig Trigger-Download
58277 03/10/01 16:04 eschulte Shift Summary
58272 03/10/01 15:27 eschulte Runs 2720-2725 kinematics mislabled
58268 03/10/01 15:09 eschulte Runs 2720 through 2724: Incorrect Radiator Position on Run Starts/Stops
58256 03/10/01 14:19 eschulte New Spectrometer setup sing12
58255 03/10/01 14:16 atrig Trigger-Download
58252 03/10/01 10:34 atrig Trigger-Download
58251 03/10/01 08:20 k. Hafidi Run summary
58230 03/10/01 06:04 atrig Trigger-Download
58228 03/10/01 05:51 Lingyan kinematics number
58218 03/10/01 03:45 atrig Trigger-Download
58195 03/10/01 00:40 atrig Trigger-Download
58193 03/10/01 00:08 eschulte coin20 event totals
58188 03/09/01 23:58 eschulte Shift Summary
58185 03/09/01 23:34 Lingyan E_gamma for coin20_ld2
58183 03/09/01 23:28 eschulte change to LH2 target
58178 03/09/01 23:06 eschulte Radiator out requested
58172 03/09/01 22:12 eschulte raster size changed to 2.5 by 2.5
58168 03/09/01 22:00 eschulte Begin data taking
58167 03/09/01 21:57 Lingyan harp scan and BeO check
58166 03/09/01 20:54 eschulte CW orbit check
58165 03/09/01 19:24 eschulte Pulsed Beam
58164 03/09/01 19:10 mitchell et cooldown motion-last target change
58163 03/09/01 18:50 eschualte When the Right Arm dipole appears to lock up
58162 03/09/01 18:41 eschulte Right Arm Quads Cycled
58161 03/09/01 18:35 eschulte Right Arm manget
58160 03/09/01 16:08 atrig Trigger-Download
58158 03/09/01 16:00 Saha Shift Summary
58120 03/09/01 09:15 krishniw Magnet screen for Sing 12
58116 03/09/01 08:51 Saha Harp scan and BeO check
58115 03/09/01 08:49 Krishni W. Beam position on BeO
58113 03/09/01 08:14 Lingyan Zhu Shift summary
58110 03/09/01 08:00 atrig Trigger-Download
58085 03/09/01 00:00 Reitz shift summary
58079 03/08/01 22:47 Olivier Target IOC reboot
58072 03/08/01 20:57 Hong Xiang E_gamma spectrum for coin12(ld2/out)
58071 03/08/01 20:46 Olivier JT valve change
58067 03/08/01 19:30 Reitz DAQ crash
58065 03/08/01 18:40 reitz ROC 14 crashed
58063 03/08/01 18:27 Olivier LD2 target during trip
58056 03/08/01 17:28 Olivier Deuterium target run
58055 03/08/01 17:13 johna Shower calibration code.
58051 03/08/01 16:39 Reitz BeO check
58049 03/08/01 16:15 atrig Trigger-Download
58048 03/08/01 15:29 mitchell et Target swap
58047 03/08/01 08:13 T. Chang 3/8/01 owl shift summary
58040 03/08/01 06:48 Lingyan correction for run 2633
58024 03/08/01 04:20 Lingyan E_gamma for coin10_he4
58018 03/08/01 03:02 Adev MV_AI_YWID, etc...
58004 03/08/01 00:29 atrig Trigger-Download
58002 03/08/01 00:00 Olivier Swing shift summary
57990 03/07/01 21:02 Olivier Cryogenics alert
57987 03/07/01 20:29 R. Michaels scalers accidently cleared, run 2608
57983 03/07/01 19:40 Olivier ROC1 pb; access
57977 03/07/01 17:58 Lingyan E_gamma for coin11_he4
57974 03/07/01 16:32 Olivier CODA mode unbuffered
57969 03/07/01 16:02 LeRose Nice Beam!
57968 03/07/01 16:01 LeRose Shift Summary
57964 03/07/01 15:43 eschulte Intermittent Fan Alarm
57961 03/07/01 13:51 eschulte 4 K helium pressure
57960 03/07/01 13:49 LeRose New Spectrometer settings
57958 03/07/01 13:12 Hong Xiang RC Weekly Summary(continued)
57957 03/07/01 13:04 atrig Trigger-Download
57956 03/07/01 12:53 Hong Xiang Run Coordinator Weekly Summary
57949 03/07/01 11:47 eschulte 15K Helium pressure
57948 03/07/01 11:35 atrig Trigger-Download
57947 03/07/01 11:32 LeRose New Magnet settings
57938 03/07/01 09:27 LeRose Hall C target Cooldown
57937 03/07/01 09:23 LeRose Q2 Left Nitrogen Level
57933 03/07/01 08:02 kramerk Owl Shift Summary
57909 03/07/01 00:17 Lingyan E_gamma for coin12_he4
57905 03/06/01 23:57 S. Strauch Swing Shift Summary
57901 03/06/01 22:04 Dieterich false alarm for target fan
57900 03/06/01 21:32 S. Strauch MCC optics problems
57899 03/06/01 19:17 S. Strauch FSD from burn through detector
57891 03/06/01 17:27 S. Strauch Harp Scan
57889 03/06/01 16:00 Saha Shift Summary
57888 03/06/01 15:48 R. Michaels eP trigger loose
57887 03/06/01 15:31 atrig Trigger-Download
57886 03/06/01 12:10 johna Final HRS-R shower counter calibration.
57885 03/06/01 12:01 Saha Arc Integral Measurement
57884 03/06/01 10:18 Ole Hansen Reduced target coolant flow
57882 03/06/01 10:04 gilman radiator operations
57881 03/06/01 09:51 Ole Hansen Enabled alarm vents for H2 and D2 target gas systems
57872 03/06/01 08:07 kramerk Owl Shift Summary
57867 03/06/01 07:25 kramerk Left Arm Q1 tripped again
57852 03/06/01 05:15 atrig Trigger-Download
57834 03/06/01 03:21 kramerk Reboot Target IOC
57830 03/06/01 02:39 kramerk Left Q1 tripped
57821 03/06/01 01:17 mitchell ep energy measurement
57820 03/06/01 01:08 kramerk Magnet Screen
57819 03/06/01 01:06 kramerk Target Alarm Values Changed
57818 03/06/01 00:50 atrig Trigger-Download
57817 03/06/01 00:37 atrig Trigger-Download
57815 03/06/01 00:02 S. Strauch Swing shift summary
57794 03/05/01 21:17 johna HV trips from unused(?) channels (and strange server behavior)
57790 03/05/01 21:02 Dieterich Target alarm value changed
57787 03/05/01 20:36 johna HRS-left shower counter calibraion.
57786 03/05/01 20:30 Lingyan Harp scan
57781 03/05/01 18:00 atrig Trigger-Download
57780 03/05/01 16:37 McCormick/Mi Target cooldown completed
57779 03/05/01 16:25 Dieterich Magnet screen
57778 03/05/01 16:15 Hong Xiang Done with the spec survey
57777 03/05/01 15:57 Saha Shift Summary
57766 03/05/01 08:18 Hafidi Shift summary
57765 03/05/01 08:18 atrig Trigger-Download
57764 03/05/01 08:17 atrig Trigger-Download
57736 03/05/01 04:23 Lingyan E_gamma coin6
57734 03/05/01 03:55 atrig Trigger-Download
57723 03/05/01 00:45 atrig Trigger-Download
57718 03/05/01 00:03 Gao Gao
57707 03/04/01 22:11 atrig Trigger-Download
57676 03/04/01 18:58 atrig Trigger-Download
57651 03/04/01 16:10 Gao wrong header for Run 2473!
57650 03/04/01 16:07 Reitz shift summary
57647 03/04/01 15:29 atrig Trigger-Download
57618 03/04/01 11:34 Reitz Harp Scan and BeO
57617 03/04/01 10:25 atrig Trigger-Download
57616 03/04/01 09:27 Reitz right arm bogie camera
57612 03/04/01 08:04 Crawford Shift summary
57577 03/04/01 00:09 johna more e94104_det_paw.kumac updates.
57573 03/04/01 00:00 Gao Shift summary
57557 03/03/01 20:17 Gao beam on BEO target!
57553 03/03/01 19:17 Gao Pulsed beam to Hall!
57552 03/03/01 18:57 Gao update on beam from MCC!
57551 03/03/01 16:30 johna MCC estimates beam at 19:30
57550 03/03/01 15:37 Lingyan day shift summary
57548 03/03/01 14:02 Ransome Machine off for >= 3 hours
57547 03/03/01 13:04 Lingyan accelerator vacuum leak
57546 03/03/01 12:55 Lingyan beam off
57519 03/03/01 08:09 Crawford Shift summary
57478 03/03/01 00:31 Lingyan harp scan
57476 03/03/01 00:27 adaq Short runs during harp scans
57474 03/03/01 00:26 H. Gao Shift summary
57449 03/02/01 23:25 atrig Trigger-Download
57448 03/02/01 23:22 Lingyan 9-foil y-target
57446 03/02/01 23:14 johna Finished kinematics 13
57425 03/02/01 18:34 Hong Xiang More check on the pion PID/counts
57411 03/02/01 16:02 LeRose Shift Summary
57396 03/02/01 13:30 LeRose Beam Back
57395 03/02/01 11:47 LeRose Work Completed
57394 03/02/01 11:09 LeRose Restricted Access
57393 03/02/01 09:32 LeRose Beam Off
57392 03/02/01 09:03 Hong Xiang pi- PID/count check after database update
57383 03/02/01 08:09 Crawford Shift Summary
57370 03/02/01 06:41 atrig Trigger-Download
57354 03/02/01 03:21 Crawford left trigger supervisor reset MEDM
57341 03/02/01 00:25 Ddutta Egamma spectrum, coin14
57338 03/01/01 23:57 ransome Shift summary, swing shift.
57337 03/01/01 23:56 johna Shower block 15.
57329 03/01/01 22:52 johna Updated to e94104_det_paw.kumac
57322 03/01/01 21:23 ransome run 2330 header file wrong
57321 03/01/01 21:17 johna Change spectrometer angles and momenta
57319 03/01/01 21:11 atrig Trigger-Download
57318 03/01/01 21:09 arrington Beam spot on BeO.
57300 03/01/01 16:24 johna Start data taking, LH2, radiator IN, kine 14.
57298 03/01/01 16:11 johna BeO spot check.
57296 03/01/01 16:04 gilman,ranso day shift summary
57295 03/01/01 15:02 Ole Hansen Change to empty target
57293 03/01/01 14:43 ransome header file for run 2318 incorrect
57290 03/01/01 14:18 Ole Hansen Switched to 15cm LH2 target
57289 03/01/01 14:13 Ole Hansen Reboot target IOC
57275 03/01/01 11:12 Saha Arc Integral Measurements
57269 03/01/01 10:23 Hong Xiang Header Files Made for Remaining Singles Settings
57260 03/01/01 09:06 ransome header file for single_14
57257 03/01/01 08:49 gilman beam back
57255 03/01/01 08:37 Ole Hansen Cleaned up /adaql1/home/adaq
57254 03/01/01 08:27 gilman spot move
57252 03/01/01 08:11 Crawford Shift Summary
57236 03/01/01 06:20 Wang Xu /adaql1/home online disk is full
57230 03/01/01 05:15 atrig Trigger-Download
57214 03/01/01 03:10 Crawford TS1 died
57213 03/01/01 01:50 Wang Xu About run 2284
57205 03/01/01 00:00 Higinbotham Shift summary