Jefferson Lab HALL A Logbook for April 09 - All EXCEPT Automatic Entries
270065 04/30/09 23:40 Shahinya Target
270064 04/30/09 22:54 zhangyi pcm chart
270063 04/30/09 22:54 golge beam loss stop Run #1710
270060 04/30/09 22:52 gjin lumi got saturated
270051 04/30/09 22:06 zhangyi unstable beam
270050 04/30/09 21:44 Shahinyan Target
270049 04/30/09 21:15 golge spot ++ for Run # 1708
270032 04/30/09 19:56 Moffit ND ADCs look better after the change.
270023 04/30/09 18:57 golge production started
270022 04/30/09 18:53 golge spot ++ confirm
270021 04/30/09 18:51 golge trigger rates
270019 04/30/09 18:50 deng Lumi HV adjusted
270017 04/30/09 18:45 golge trigger rate wrong
270012 04/30/09 18:27 miham ND HV trips
270009 04/30/09 18:18 golge T3 rate for 6x6 Run # 1702
270006 04/30/09 18:17 Bo/Ramesh 50ns delay for the triggers in RHRS
270003 04/30/09 18:12 zhangyi spot++ on He3, 6x6mm
270000 04/30/09 18:02 Moffit RightHRS edtm turned off
269997 04/30/09 18:01 zhangyi rates on he3 target, 2uA
269996 04/30/09 18:00 zhangyi spot++ on He3 target, 2x2mm
269993 04/30/09 17:54 golge SPOT++ Run #1699
269990 04/30/09 17:47 zhangyi spot++, 4x4 on carbon
269984 04/30/09 17:30 miham ND HV turned ON!
269983 04/30/09 17:29 Moffit ROC5 rebooted through hareboot26
269982 04/30/09 17:22 Moffit righthrs edtm on
269980 04/30/09 17:13 Yi Qiang NMR Calibration Constant Updated
269979 04/30/09 17:11 brads auto-snapshot restarted (side effect of adaq exceeding quota on Wed)
269978 04/30/09 17:11 brads BB Field probe reading is bogus
269969 04/30/09 16:52 Shahinyan Target Status
269968 04/30/09 16:52 A. Saha Moller Measurement
269967 04/30/09 16:18 R. Michaels happex7 blaster test
269966 04/30/09 16:11 ellie One more HAND HV Change
269964 04/30/09 16:02 Saha Shift Summary
269963 04/30/09 15:56 ellie HAND HV Changed for Gain Matching
269962 04/30/09 15:42 gjin modified hit efficiency graph
269961 04/30/09 15:17 mcanan abs_spectrum_04_30_day_shift
269960 04/30/09 15:12 Target target: Spin Flip Report: Halog_report_day_shift_04_30
269959 04/30/09 14:45 R. Michaels re: edtm
269958 04/30/09 14:15 averett HAND HV's are off
269957 04/30/09 14:05 averett HAND HV trip
269956 04/30/09 13:19 mcanan target motion
269953 04/30/09 13:17 Saha Spot++ for Run 1696
269948 04/30/09 13:12 Moffit RHRS edtm was on... now it's off.
269947 04/30/09 13:11 Moffit Changed F1reference channel for 20090424 database
269946 04/30/09 12:25 atrig Trigger-Download
269941 04/30/09 12:19 gjin MWDC thresholds and HV scan plan
269930 04/30/09 11:32 mcanan Target Motion
269929 04/30/09 11:16 averett HAND HV trips
269928 04/30/09 10:51 mcanan Target Motion
269927 04/30/09 08:23 averett Maximum beam current to 10uA on 3He
269926 04/30/09 08:02 miham Owl Shift Summary (04/30/09)
269924 04/30/09 07:44 miham Beam has been taken away
269921 04/30/09 07:30 Target target: Spin Flip Report: TO - Owl Shift
269920 04/30/09 07:26 miham Spot++ check (#1691)
269919 04/30/09 07:23 miham Beam current slowly ramping down
269918 04/30/09 07:16 miham Golden runs set to #1688 and #20581
269917 04/30/09 07:14 miham Golden runs set to #1688 and #20581
269914 04/30/09 06:45 miha Beam has been taken away for the OPTICS CHECK
269911 04/30/09 06:44 R. Michaels clarification
269910 04/30/09 06:39 miham Scaler snap shots
269909 04/30/09 06:37 miham Spot++ check (#1690)
269908 04/30/09 06:34 R. Michaels re: slow happex7 downloads
269907 04/30/09 06:26 miham ROC 3 crash
269906 04/30/09 06:23 W. Luo No end run information for run 1689
269902 04/30/09 06:04 miham Hall A Tools
269901 04/30/09 05:51 Higinbotham Comment on Data Taking During Problems
269900 04/30/09 05:35 Higinbotham Needs Offline Check
269895 04/30/09 05:04 miham Scaler Snap Shots
269894 04/30/09 05:03 miham Spot++ check (#1687)
269889 04/30/09 04:28 miham Number of events lowered to 1M
269888 04/30/09 04:27 Yawei Right arm VDC plots, run #20579
269883 04/30/09 04:03 miham Shall we lower the number of events per run?
269882 04/30/09 03:15 W. Luo run 20579 is production run, wrong comment
269881 04/30/09 03:07 Yawei Lumi HV after been adjusted.
269880 04/30/09 03:06 miham Started taking production data.
269879 04/30/09 03:04 miham Scaler snap shots
269878 04/30/09 03:01 Yawei Finally, the Lumi is OK
269877 04/30/09 02:59 miham Spot++ during first production run (#1686)
269872 04/30/09 02:35 miham Useless runs #1685 and #20578
269871 04/30/09 02:19 miham LOW Rates but HIGH Dead time
269870 04/30/09 02:08 Moffit ROC26 (happex7) rebooted.
269869 04/30/09 01:59 Moffit Beam Charge asymmetry width very large..
269868 04/30/09 01:57 miham Taking Data
269867 04/30/09 01:55 miham Can we take production data without HAPPEX and LUMI
269864 04/30/09 01:40 miham Ready for the production running (Preformatted this time)
269863 04/30/09 01:39 miham Ready for the production running
269862 04/30/09 01:36 Yawei Happex DAQ is gone, and we can not reboot it
269861 04/30/09 01:35 Yawei Happex DAQ is gone, and we can not reboot it
269860 04/30/09 01:14 miham ND HV trip
269859 04/30/09 01:12 miham BAD Beam
269856 04/30/09 00:53 miham Spot++ check (#1684 - Test on 3He before production)
269853 04/30/09 00:47 miham ND HV trip
269850 04/30/09 00:27 miham Spot++ check (6x6)mm
269841 04/30/09 00:17 miham Spot++ check (2x2)mm
269835 04/30/09 00:01 golge Spot ++ Run # 1680
269834 04/29/09 23:59 Saha Shift Summary
269825 04/29/09 23:45 Saha Harp Scan reults
269822 04/29/09 23:36 deng target moved to 3He
269821 04/29/09 23:36 Target target: Spin Flip Report: starts spin flip
269818 04/29/09 23:29 golge Spot++ Run # 1677
269803 04/29/09 21:47 Sirish Compton Setup
269802 04/29/09 20:56 R. Michaels mistake in file
269801 04/29/09 20:43 deng beam current will not be more than 5uA in 3He target until tomorrow day shift
269800 04/29/09 20:42 Yi Qiang Recent update from Todd
269799 04/29/09 20:35 Yi Qiang Preliminary polarization estimation for the previous 3 periods of running
269798 04/29/09 20:16 deng target moved to optics
269793 04/29/09 18:45 Jack (Techs) Left Q2 and Q3 controls problem
269792 04/29/09 18:27 Jack VDC gas system leak at the gas mixer
269791 04/29/09 18:10 Target target: Spin Flip Report: Spin UP test with Vertical Pumping
269789 04/29/09 17:53 brads Cycled Left Q3
269788 04/29/09 17:52 Sirish Compton
269787 04/29/09 17:47 Saha LHRS Q3 tripped
269786 04/29/09 17:14 X. Jiang Lumi voltage, only experts are allowed to change
269785 04/29/09 16:32 deng target moved to empty
269783 04/29/09 15:51 brads LHRS is back, ready to go
269782 04/29/09 15:33 xqian "offline" dead time
269781 04/29/09 15:24 ellie HAND ADC Filters Changed Positions
269780 04/29/09 15:17 brads adaqfs/home/ quota filled yet again.
269779 04/29/09 14:57 ellie ps8=100 again (since between runs 20564 and 20565)
269772 04/29/09 14:39 ellie RHRS/HAND Run 20563 is for HAND Pedestals, p8 changed to =1
269738 04/29/09 12:53 Higinbotham ND Moved, Accelerator Still Down
269733 04/29/09 12:25 Higinbotham RHRS, S1 Right, 2nd Tube
269732 04/29/09 12:21 ellie HAND HV Are Now ON
269731 04/29/09 12:21 Yi Qiang Spin up test is ongoing using 20 minute auto spin flip
269728 04/29/09 12:14 ellie HAND DB files updated to reflect ADC changes
269725 04/29/09 12:09 Yi Qiang Field Rotated to Vertical Down and start pumpig
269724 04/29/09 12:08 Yi Qiang NMR Cross Calibration of Vertical- and Transverse- (snapshots attached)
269723 04/29/09 12:03 Yi Qiang NMR Cross Calibration of Vertical- and Transverse-
269722 04/29/09 11:58 Moffit new database directory 20090429
269721 04/29/09 11:58 ellie HAND Moved to 54 degrees, Lead Wall Added
269718 04/29/09 11:52 ellie HAND ADC Ribbons Moved
269717 04/29/09 11:51 ellie HAND ADC Ribbons Moved
269716 04/29/09 11:51 xqian Can it be a signal cable mapping probme?
269713 04/29/09 11:08 Yi Qiang EPR Calibration for Transvserse Pumping
269706 04/29/09 11:01 Katich Re: Lumi Problems
269702 04/29/09 10:45 Jack HV for the VDCs
269697 04/29/09 10:21 xqian VDC mapping problem?
269696 04/29/09 10:14 Moffit ROC8: hardcoded pedsuppress off
269691 04/29/09 10:08 Target target: Spin Flip Report: Auto spin flip stopped for pass change
269684 04/29/09 09:22 brads MCC lost a power supply -- Hall is going to Controlled Access
269681 04/29/09 08:58 gjin BB MWDC track efficiency of run 1518
269676 04/29/09 08:03 miham Owl Shift Summary (04/29/09)
269675 04/29/09 08:03 Bradshaw TO Report
269669 04/29/09 07:30 Yawei Right arm VDC plots, run#20539
269668 04/29/09 07:27 Yawei Right arm VDC plots, run#20539
269667 04/29/09 07:24 Yawei Left arm VDC plots, run#1653
269666 04/29/09 07:17 miham Scaler snap shots
269665 04/29/09 07:14 miham Spot++ check (#1653)
269664 04/29/09 07:09 miham Right arm and ND online analysis scripts work!!!
269663 04/29/09 07:04 miham ND HV have been turned OFF
269660 04/29/09 06:59 Yawei Lumi HV(not been changed)
269655 04/29/09 06:19 miham Low N2 level in HRS-R
269652 04/29/09 06:12 miham Hall A Tools
269647 04/29/09 05:28 miham Scaler snap shots
269646 04/29/09 05:26 miham Spot++ check (#1650)
269645 04/29/09 05:23 miham Replayed runs and Right-arm replay code problems
269640 04/29/09 05:09 miham Problems with lumi: Can we play with the HV in between the runs?
269635 04/29/09 04:33 miham Late entry with the HARP scan results
269632 04/29/09 04:23 miham Finally production running
269631 04/29/09 04:14 Yawei Lumi detector #1,7 and 8 are saturated
269630 04/29/09 04:12 Yawei Lumi detector#1,7 and 8 are saturated
269629 04/29/09 04:08 miham Scaler snap shots and prescales
269626 04/29/09 04:05 miham Spot++ check (#1647)
269625 04/29/09 04:04 miham Spot++ check (#1647)
269624 04/29/09 03:53 Yawei Lumi detector #1,#7 and #8 are saturated
269621 04/29/09 03:28 miham Spot++ (6x6)mm
269614 04/29/09 03:22 miham Spot++ check (2x2)mm
269611 04/29/09 03:15 Bradshaw Move from Optics to 3He
269610 04/29/09 03:12 miham Spot++ check (#1644)
269590 04/29/09 01:52 Bradshaw Move from Empty to Optics Position
269589 04/29/09 01:49 brads New Happex run started.
269588 04/29/09 01:46 brads All changes to BB ROC8 crl and analyzer database have been reverted
269587 04/29/09 01:33 Moffit Re: New database 20090429... not.
269585 04/29/09 00:46 brads Moved cables from BB ROC8 slot 5 back to slot 2
269581 04/29/09 00:19 brads Moved cables from BB ROC8 slot 2 to slot 5
269572 04/29/09 00:12 G.M. Urciuol Hall A Tools screen
269570 04/29/09 00:06 Moffit New Database 20090429
269568 04/29/09 00:03 G.M. Urciuol swing shift report
269567 04/29/09 00:00 Jack VDC trip hold circuit not functioning correctly
269563 04/28/09 23:49 Yi Qiang Current settings for Transverse- auto spin flip
269560 04/28/09 23:46 deng target moved to empty
269558 04/28/09 23:37 ellie Re: HAND ADC Channels Missing
269557 04/28/09 23:21 Yi Qiang NMR Cross Calibration of Vertical and Transverse
269556 04/28/09 23:20 Yi Qiang NMR Cross Calibration of Vertical and Transverse
269555 04/28/09 23:18 gjin BB sieve of run 1333
269554 04/28/09 23:12 ellie All HAND ADC channels in Slot 02 are missing
269553 04/28/09 22:54 Bo Delay cable change for Preshower 18 (19th block) in RHRS
269552 04/28/09 22:44 Yi Qiang COMET Lasers are now connected to Transverse pumping
269551 04/28/09 22:26 Yi Qiang Third EPR with Anti-Parallel
269550 04/28/09 22:19 mcanan R-arm run #20516 is junk
269549 04/28/09 22:16 ellie HAND HV Change, TDC Ribbon Check, ADC Filter added
269546 04/28/09 22:03 Yi Qiang EPR calibration for Vertical pumping
269544 04/28/09 22:02 Yi Qiang EPR calibration for Vertical pumping
269543 04/28/09 21:53 Moffit Plugged in diag signals into ROC8 scaler.
269542 04/28/09 21:51 miham Electrical schemes of the BB trigger
269533 04/28/09 21:44 brads Alarm handler was not running
269528 04/28/09 21:26 brads Hall A Tools snapshot
269527 04/28/09 21:18 brads RHRS VDC tripped at 19:06
269526 04/28/09 21:14 Target target: Spin Flip Report: Vertical Measurement Finished
269515 04/28/09 19:19 G.M. Urciuol HV trip
269510 04/28/09 18:55 Moffit Re: added more words to ROC8
269509 04/28/09 18:52 Yawei the plots of VDC u2 wires and VDC v1 wires are reversed in analyzer, both LHRS and RHRS
269500 04/28/09 18:00 Moffit Added two more diagnostic words to ROC8 readout.
269499 04/28/09 17:49 Moffit Disabled RightHRS EDTM in edtmsetup script.
269494 04/28/09 17:27 Moffit Disabled "goped" for Left and Right arm "pedrun" configurations.
269489 04/28/09 16:40 ellie Changed HAND HV between runs 20503 and 20504
269484 04/28/09 16:01 Ole Hansen Day Shift Summary
269478 04/28/09 15:17 Ole Hansen Auto-snap working again
269477 04/28/09 15:16 Ole Hansen Disk quota for adaq
269472 04/28/09 14:40 W. Luo The run number is 20501
269471 04/28/09 14:40 Yi Qiang Some spin up curvers at different target location
269470 04/28/09 14:36 W. Luo Strange behavior of Right HRS sync check plots
269465 04/28/09 14:19 ellie Scalers Screen Grab
269460 04/28/09 13:43 ellie LHRS Sync Gap (Run 1625)
269459 04/28/09 13:31 ellie Changed RHRS golden run to 20498
269454 04/28/09 13:02 ellie Re: What's up with the HAND
269453 04/28/09 12:58 ellie What's up with the HAND
269450 04/28/09 12:32 Moffit Reset bbcamac2 bbcamac3. Reset ND thresholds to -50mV
269433 04/28/09 11:50 ellie LUMI Screen Grab
269432 04/28/09 11:23 ellie Scalers Screen Grab
269427 04/28/09 10:52 adaq RHRS Sync Gaps?
269426 04/28/09 10:47 ellie HAND Data Returns!
269421 04/28/09 10:28 ellie LHRS Sync Gaps?
269420 04/28/09 10:24 ellie HAND Data Gone!
269419 04/28/09 10:08 R. Michaels getscaler mods
269414 04/28/09 09:38 W. Luo roc sync plot for run 20489 & 1619
269413 04/28/09 09:27 W. Luo From run 1620, 20490 on, change left ps4 = 15, right ps2 = 40
269412 04/28/09 09:26 L. Zhu target: strip plots
269411 04/28/09 09:25 W. Luo screenshots -- run 1618
269406 04/28/09 09:19 ellie Some LHRS histograms blank
269405 04/28/09 09:17 W. Luo screenshots -- run 20488
269404 04/28/09 09:07 ellie Started New HAPPEX Run (31284)
269403 04/28/09 08:55 L. Zhu target: laser absorption spectrum
269398 04/28/09 08:46 Target target: Spin Flip Report: target: halog report at Pol.=89.7%
269393 04/28/09 08:05 miham Owl shift summary (04/28/09)
269391 04/28/09 07:47 miham ND is turned on
269386 04/28/09 07:26 miham Golden runs
269385 04/28/09 07:23 brads re: Yellow trouble light in the hallway
269380 04/28/09 07:01 miham Hall A Tools
269379 04/28/09 07:00 miham Auto snap shot tool problem
269374 04/28/09 06:30 miham Spot++ check (#1614)
269373 04/28/09 06:17 Yawei Lumi plots seems OK.
269372 04/28/09 06:14 miham Scaler snap shots
269371 04/28/09 06:04 miham Synchronization problem
269370 04/28/09 06:02 miham Synchronization problem
269370 04/28/09 06:02 miham Synchronization problem
04/28/09 05:23 miham Run #20480 seems to be ok
04/28/09 05:18 Yawei The events number of run#20480 is 4.3M, it is normal
269361 04/28/09 04:59 miham Spot++ check (#1612)
269360 04/28/09 04:57 miham Run #20481 has again 4.3M events
269355 04/28/09 04:37 miham Low N2 level in HRS-L
269354 04/28/09 04:31 miham Low number of event in HRS-R run #20480 compared to other runs
269349 04/28/09 03:55 Yawei Bad card of RHRS VDC V2 plane???
269344 04/28/09 03:23 miham Scaler snap shots
269343 04/28/09 03:21 miham Spot++ check (#1609)
269342 04/28/09 03:19 miham Yellow trouble light in the hallway
269333 04/28/09 02:35 Yawei Left arm VDC plots. Run#1607
269332 04/28/09 02:10 miham Spot++ check (#1606)
269327 04/28/09 01:53 miham Started next HAPPEX run
269326 04/28/09 01:40 miham Scaler snap shots
269321 04/28/09 01:31 miham Scaler snap shots
269320 04/28/09 01:27 miham Change of the Event LIMIT for the Right DAQ
269319 04/28/09 01:23 miham Serious RIGHT-DAQ problem
269315 04/28/09 00:41 miham Spot++ check (Run #1603)
269314 04/28/09 00:35 miham Run #1602 Start-of-run problem
269313 04/28/09 00:28 miham Stop of run problems
269308 04/28/09 00:05 X. Jiang swing shift summary.
269306 04/27/09 23:55 adaq Lumi plots
269305 04/27/09 23:51 ycwang Save R-arm VDC wires and L-arm VDC wires
269304 04/27/09 23:49 Chiranjib He-3 elastic run numbers
269303 04/27/09 23:42 adaq current scaler ungated for both arms
269300 04/27/09 23:35 Chiranjib He-3 elastic asymmetry
269293 04/27/09 22:56 X. Jiang Ay production run basic conditions
269288 04/27/09 22:19 X. Jiang spot++ screen shot
269283 04/27/09 22:09 adaq Lumi plots
269282 04/27/09 22:06 adaq beam current 6.082
269281 04/27/09 22:06 X. Jiang possible production started.
269272 04/27/09 21:35 brads Lumi HVs
269271 04/27/09 21:32 X. Jiang Very possible first production
269270 04/27/09 21:31 ycwang known issues
269269 04/27/09 21:29 X. Jiang Joe and Xiaoyan adjusted Lumi HV, seems OK now.
269260 04/27/09 21:15 ywang R-arm VDC efficiency OK
269251 04/27/09 20:41 X. Jiang spot++
269248 04/27/09 20:40 V. Sulkosky Strange Plots due to Bad Pedestals
269247 04/27/09 20:39 x. jiang turn off HV of BB and neutron
269244 04/27/09 20:34 V. Sulkosky Corrected Pedestal Files for L-HRS
269243 04/27/09 20:33 ycwang L-arm VDC efficiency OK
269240 04/27/09 20:28 X. Jiang Possible good runs,
269239 04/27/09 20:28 ycwang Something strange
269236 04/27/09 20:21 adaq scaler ungated for left arm
269235 04/27/09 20:19 adaq scaler ungated for right arm
269230 04/27/09 20:05 Bo Re: problems on scaler. Bo is trying to fix it
269227 04/27/09 20:00 Target target: Spin Flip Report: Auto Spin flip enabled; Pol. = 76%
269222 04/27/09 19:42 X. Jiang problems on scaler. Bo is trying to fix it.
269213 04/27/09 19:34 gjin BB MWDC HV turned off
269210 04/27/09 19:26 ycwang WARNING: Synch problems !
269209 04/27/09 19:25 X. Jiang raster 8*5 MCC. Looks like we have 4mm*4mm
269206 04/27/09 19:23 X. Jiang Harp scan results
269203 04/27/09 19:18 X. jiang spot++, no raster.
269195 04/27/09 19:01 ellie HAND N2 Left iscriminator Ribbon Cable on wrong
269194 04/27/09 18:30 V. Sulkosky Updated HV's for Shower
269193 04/27/09 18:21 X. Jiang HV screen shot, left arm and beamline
269192 04/27/09 18:20 X. Jiang Hall A tools screen.
269191 04/27/09 18:09 deng Target moved to optics from empty
269186 04/27/09 18:01 brads MCC starting to deliver tune beam to the Hall.
269185 04/27/09 17:43 Target target: Spin Flip Report: Spin Flip Subsystem is Ready to Go. Pol. = 70%
269170 04/27/09 16:19 X. Jiang Right arm HV screenshot
269169 04/27/09 16:17 ellie HAND Pedestals Before and After ADC Filters
269168 04/27/09 16:11 X. Jiang beam permit,
269162 04/27/09 15:57 Jack Right Arm Gas Cerenkov position
269161 04/27/09 15:57 Ole Hansen Day Shift Summary
269160 04/27/09 15:53 Jack Right Arm S1 bottom paddle was rotated
269159 04/27/09 15:49 Jack Error in VDC plots
269158 04/27/09 15:49 brads re: Lumi Replay for Shift Workers is Ready
269155 04/27/09 15:44 Jack Right Arm VDCs
269154 04/27/09 15:42 Katich lumi (continued)
269151 04/27/09 15:40 Ole Hansen HRSs to 1.1759 GeV
269149 04/27/09 15:40 Katich Lumi Replay for Shift Workers is Ready
269148 04/27/09 15:36 Ole Hansen Beam ready. Still in access
269143 04/27/09 15:19 R. Michaels scaler synch
269142 04/27/09 15:05 miham Scope move
269140 04/27/09 14:57 Kalyan Scaler inconsistency in left and right arm
269139 04/27/09 14:47 ellie HAND Changed Veto, N4 HV
269138 04/27/09 14:44 R. Michaels L-HRS Retiming check and adjustments
269135 04/27/09 14:38 brads Re: Hall A Charge Asymmetry Width
269128 04/27/09 14:12 miham Onlana Scripts change
269127 04/27/09 14:10 ellie HAND checked Amp -> Discrim wire for N2-6L
269106 04/27/09 13:19 Saha Arc Integral Measurement
269105 04/27/09 13:17 Kalyan R-HRS VDC plots
269104 04/27/09 13:17 Ole Hansen Status
269103 04/27/09 13:09 R. Michaels R-HRS TS0 boot script completed
269102 04/27/09 12:57 Yi Qiang Auto spin flip is ready to go
269100 04/27/09 12:46 atrig Trigger-Download
269099 04/27/09 12:30 V. Sulkosky Updated HV's for Preshower
269098 04/27/09 12:14 R. Michaels DAQ checks, pedrun problems
269088 04/27/09 11:48 R. Michaels ped suppression on ROC5
269075 04/27/09 11:23 R. Michaels re: R-HRS signs and swap
269074 04/27/09 11:20 Yi Qiang 3He spin rotated to back to Vertical-: Pumping Chamber NMR Polarization: 22%
269073 04/27/09 11:05 R. Michaels scaler problems
269066 04/27/09 10:37 G.M. Urciuol Replay Hystograms
269061 04/27/09 10:17 V. Sulkosky Re: inconsistent scaler signs
269055 04/27/09 09:50 Ole Hansen Half Wave Plate IN
269051 04/27/09 09:35 R. Michaels inconsistent scaler signs
269044 04/27/09 09:18 Bo New instruction to synchronize running L-arm and R-arm
269039 04/27/09 09:00 Kalyan Wrong end-of-run BCM asymmetry
269038 04/27/09 08:55 Yi Qiang Logical "1" to both spin state channels
269037 04/27/09 08:54 miham BB threshold Voltage change
269034 04/27/09 08:47 Yi Qiang 3He spin rotated to Longitudinal -
269033 04/27/09 08:46 Ole Hansen Target ready, asking for beam
269032 04/27/09 08:43 Yi Qiang NMR Before Longitudinal Measurement: 60.99%
269031 04/27/09 08:42 Ole Hansen Oops, Not: Shift Summay
269030 04/27/09 08:34 Yi Qiang Target -> 3He
269029 04/27/09 08:33 Ole Hansen Shift summary
269024 04/27/09 08:10 Owl shift Owl Shift summary
269022 04/27/09 08:06 R. Michaels pedrun on R-HRS fix, peds were ok
269018 04/27/09 07:47 Yawei Synch problems in data replay
269010 04/27/09 07:19 adaq HallA tool screen
269004 04/27/09 06:59 bradshaw Moving from Optics to Reference
269002 04/27/09 06:58 Bo spot++ for 4X4 mm
269001 04/27/09 06:55 Bo harp scan
268999 04/27/09 06:29 Move from Empty to Optics
268995 04/27/09 06:19 bradshaw Move target from reference cell position to empty position
268972 04/27/09 04:03 W. Luo Run 1539 is calibration run. Not test run
268967 04/27/09 03:45 Bo Spot++ for 4X4 mm
268948 04/27/09 03:06 bradshaw Move from Optics to Reference Cell
268947 04/27/09 03:03 miham BB threshold Calibration runs
268932 04/27/09 01:50 miham Modifications of the online analysis scripts
268931 04/27/09 01:43 Jin Huang Target -> Back to Vertical Pumping; Pol. is low
268929 04/27/09 01:32 Moffit Beam fluctuations with/without beam half wave plate.
268928 04/27/09 01:32 bradshaw Move from He3 Cell to Optics
268919 04/27/09 00:53 W. Luo Changed left arm ps4 from 210 to 4
268916 04/27/09 00:19 Bo 1/2 wave plate out
268915 04/27/09 00:15 Moffit Download down for all ROCs in RightHRS
268914 04/27/09 00:14 V. Sulkosky Added T1 and T2 (RHRS Triggers) to L-HRS End-of-Run File
268906 04/27/09 00:01 LeRose Shift Summary (swing)
268905 04/26/09 23:49 gjin mwdc wire map problem solved
268904 04/26/09 23:49 V. Sulkosky End-of-run summary for 20412
268903 04/26/09 23:46 V. Sulkosky Added T3 and T4 (LHRS Triggers) to RHRS End-of-Run File
268900 04/26/09 23:38 golge L (#1524) has incorrect characters in the prescale file
268898 04/26/09 23:31 gjin MWDC wiremap problem
268896 04/26/09 23:22 Moffit pedestal suppression for neutron detector
268895 04/26/09 23:04 Jin Huang Also spin signal to all chan logical "1"
268892 04/26/09 22:58 M.Shabestari Target---> strip charts
268891 04/26/09 22:57 M.Shabestari Target---> polarized 3He
268889 04/26/09 22:55 Jin Huang Target -> He3 Long- Pol.
268888 04/26/09 22:49 miham The pedestals in the BB ADCs have shifted
268883 04/26/09 22:21 LeRose spot++
268882 04/26/09 22:18 miham LUMI Plots
268881 04/26/09 22:17 X. Jiang Minimum Checks MUST satisfied before A_y physics starts.
268880 04/26/09 22:07 V. Sulkosky Empty histograms due to Bad Pedestals
268878 04/26/09 21:53 gjin sync problem of right arm run
268877 04/26/09 21:49 gjin wire maps of two arm's VDC's
268876 04/26/09 21:45 gjin empty left arm cerenkov histograms
268875 04/26/09 21:43 gjin empty histogram left arm ADC
268873 04/26/09 21:31 M.Shabestari Target---> 3He reference cell
268868 04/26/09 20:45 gjin wire hits of two arm VDC's
268851 04/26/09 19:22 LeRose No Beam
268850 04/26/09 19:14 M.Shabestari Target--->Strip Charts
268849 04/26/09 19:13 M.Shabestari Target--> N2 reference cell
268844 04/26/09 18:44 miham Another BB threshold voltage change
268841 04/26/09 18:28 miham Another BB threshold voltage change
268840 04/26/09 18:28 Jin Huang Target Spin Signal -> Fake Signal; Plan for the night
268835 04/26/09 18:19 miham BB threshold voltage change
268832 04/26/09 18:14 ellie More HAND HV Change
268831 04/26/09 18:12 Moffit Added ROC8 event info to db_D.dat
268830 04/26/09 18:11 LeRose Hall A Tools
268827 04/26/09 18:08 gjin momentum and reactZ
268826 04/26/09 18:08 ellie Changed HAND HV
268825 04/26/09 18:04 gjin wiremap for left and right arms
268824 04/26/09 18:03 V. Sulkosky Re: R-HRS S1/S2 Final HV Adjustment
268821 04/26/09 17:49 M.Shabestari Target---> Moved to H2 reference cell
268820 04/26/09 17:49 X. Jiang Should break after 2hours of Long. pol. He3 run
268813 04/26/09 17:33 gjin gas shed: one bottle of argon/ethane or ethane empty
268810 04/26/09 17:29 M.Shabestari Target---> rotated field to vertical-
268805 04/26/09 17:10 Moffit 20401: HAND thresholds to -50mV
268800 04/26/09 16:44 Moffit 20400: HAND thresholds to -100mV
268797 04/26/09 16:30 Moffit 20399: HAND thresholds to -75mV
268785 04/26/09 16:01 Holmstrom Day Shift Summary
268778 04/26/09 15:48 Katich Beam Charge Asymmetry plot
268777 04/26/09 15:43 V. Sulkosky R-HRS S1 HV Adjustment
268775 04/26/09 15:41 R. Michaels first buffered run is 20387
268771 04/26/09 15:36 V. Sulkosky R-HRS S2 HV Mostly Set
268768 04/26/09 15:31 Katich Hall A Tools Screen
268767 04/26/09 15:30 V. Sulkosky R-HRS Gas Cerenkov HV Set
268765 04/26/09 15:27 V. Sulkosky Re: Synch Errors for R-HRS Run 20387
268763 04/26/09 15:26 V. Sulkosky Re: sign correction to R-HRS angle in db_run.dat
268760 04/26/09 15:18 X. Jiang Run plan starting Sunday swing
268755 04/26/09 15:12 Kalyan sign correction to R-HRS angle in db_run.dat
268752 04/26/09 15:02 Holmstrom Request 1/2 wave plate IN
268743 04/26/09 14:45 R. Michaels re: L-HRS DAQ check
268742 04/26/09 14:40 R. Michaels DAQ mods (for the best, I hope)
268737 04/26/09 14:35 Kalyan Target longitudinal from run 20383 and 1490
268736 04/26/09 14:33 V. Sulkosky Synch Errors for R-HRS Run 20387
268726 04/26/09 14:08 Kalyan R-HRS scaler o/p definition file updated
268720 04/26/09 13:56 V. Sulkosky Re: RHRS replay scripts
268706 04/26/09 13:09 Katich NMR screen capture
268704 04/26/09 13:06 Katich NMR measurement
268703 04/26/09 13:01 Katich Target moved to 3He position
268698 04/26/09 12:32 Holmstrom Raster on ref. Cell
268697 04/26/09 12:28 Katich spot++ for 5x5 raster
268696 04/26/09 12:26 Katich spot++ for 3x3
268685 04/26/09 11:52 Katich Lumi Stuff Again
268676 04/26/09 11:28 Yi Qiang Target -> Optics
268675 04/26/09 11:03 adaq HAND N2-6L TDC low
268674 04/26/09 10:56 X. Jiang In final analysis a cut on target react_z is needed
268673 04/26/09 10:52 X. Jiang It's OK if we leave the sieve plate on for the moment
268672 04/26/09 10:47 Moffit Re: ND plots
268671 04/26/09 10:38 Moffit ROC8 is in datastream.
268670 04/26/09 10:35 X. Jiang CODA database, chain-of-command
268669 04/26/09 10:32 Kalyan VDC efficiency plots
268668 04/26/09 10:20 Kalyan React z for N2 run
268667 04/26/09 10:19 Moffit Re: ND not in replay/datastream
268666 04/26/09 10:18 ellie Right Arm V1 Efficiency bins 335 through 336 at 0
268665 04/26/09 10:18 Kalyan Wire map for HRS VDCs - N2 target
268662 04/26/09 10:06 ellie HAND data not being analyzed/replayed
268659 04/26/09 09:52 Katich Reference Cell N2 pressure set to -10 psig
268652 04/26/09 09:33 Katich Reference Cell N2 pressure increased to 15 psig
268649 04/26/09 09:29 Katich Lumi Stuff
268644 04/26/09 09:26 G.M. Urciuol Wrong comments
268643 04/26/09 09:24 Moffit Re: HAPPEX asymmetry plots.
268636 04/26/09 08:58 Yi Qiang Did a couple of more rotation w/o NMR in longitudinal: all good
268634 04/26/09 08:51 Yi Qiang N2 to 5 psig ( gauge reading 0 psig ), previouse log has a typo
268632 04/26/09 08:51 Yi Qiang N2 to -5 psig ( gauge reading 0 psig )
268627 04/26/09 08:27 brads Happex gui asym plots stopped updating
268624 04/26/09 08:22 Yi Qiang Field rotation itself seems fine
268623 04/26/09 08:21 Jin Huang He3 run without polarization : HRS seems fine
268618 04/26/09 08:04 TO -1 psig N2 reference cell (reading is -6 psig)
268617 04/26/09 08:04 Owl shift Owl shift summary
268615 04/26/09 07:59 brads BB MWDC HVs turned ON
268612 04/26/09 07:47 Yi Qiang Reference cell gauge drifted again
268603 04/26/09 07:19 Ibrahim Target at the Reference Cell
268601 04/26/09 07:11 Jin Huang Huge Polarization Loss After Field Rotation
268589 04/26/09 06:37 adaq spot++ 2X2
268587 04/26/09 06:27 adaq spot++ by 8X5
268584 04/26/09 06:23 adaq spot++ by 6X5
268579 04/26/09 06:16 brads Scaler monitor software is restarted (on adaql1)
268578 04/26/09 06:10 Bo Harp scan
268576 04/26/09 06:07 brads adaql2 was rebooted around 21:30, Sat (late entry)
268572 04/26/09 05:59 brads Conrolled access: Sieve are OUT (all spectrometers)
268571 04/26/09 05:33 adaq HallA tool screen
268570 04/26/09 05:25 Jin Huang Target -> He3
268565 04/26/09 05:15 adaq Optics /w Sieve Run; delta = -3%
268562 04/26/09 05:05 Jin Huang Update: Target Spin Signal in ADC; Problem with LHRS copy #1
268561 04/26/09 05:04 brads re: Happex DAQ started on vncserver (pw same as for apar)
268560 04/26/09 05:01 Jin Huang ROC Sync check -> Oline Display
268559 04/26/09 04:58 brads Happex DAQ started on vncserver
268546 04/26/09 04:04 Jin Huang HRS -> p = 1.200GeV
268531 04/26/09 03:05 Jin Huang Optics /w Sieve Run; delta = +0%
268528 04/26/09 02:47 Yawei/Jin Update the LHRS and RHRS replay scripts
268523 04/26/09 02:08 Jin Huang Optics /w Sieve Run; delta = +3%
268518 04/26/09 01:45 miham High rates in BigBite
268517 04/26/09 01:36 miham ND, BB-dE, BB-E HV are truned on
268515 04/26/09 01:09 miham New names of the variables in the BB scaler gui
268513 04/26/09 00:52 Bo harp scan
268512 04/26/09 00:35 V. Sulkosky/ Re: R-HRS Channel 8 Fast Clock Fixed
268511 04/26/09 00:31 X. Jiang Swing shift summary
268510 04/26/09 00:30 miham Changes in the db_DL.dat file (File db_DBB.dat should no longer used)
268509 04/26/09 00:29 Jin Huang Target Spin signal to both ch logical "1"
268508 04/26/09 00:17 Bo Instruction to synchronize running both arms and run them seperately
268506 04/26/09 00:00 X. Jiang Run plan for Sunday, owl+day
268503 04/25/09 23:47 R. Michaels R-HRS DT ok
268500 04/25/09 23:30 R. Michaels T1 apparent deadtime
268489 04/25/09 23:17 R. Michaels new VME cpu on TS0 -- CODA works (gulp)
268481 04/25/09 21:39 R. Michaels DAQ update
268459 04/25/09 20:32 V. Sulkosky R-HRS Channel 8 Fast Clock Irregularities
268458 04/25/09 20:24 X. Jiang Hall in controlled access.
268457 04/25/09 20:24 V. Sulkosky Error Messages from xscaler
268456 04/25/09 20:21 V. Sulkosky A few Scaler Map Changes for R-HRS
268455 04/25/09 20:17 brads Bringing in DAQ experts to look at our problems, going to Controlled Access
268451 04/25/09 19:59 V. Sulkosky/ Connected PV_DIS Triggers to Normalization Scalers
268450 04/25/09 19:59 V. Sulkosky/ Connected PV_DIS Triggers to Normalization Scalers
268449 04/25/09 19:49 X. Jiang Laser room air conditioning, update
268448 04/25/09 19:49 V. Sulkosky Connected PV_DIS Triggers to CAEN Scaler
268446 04/25/09 19:44 x. jiang called beam off
268445 04/25/09 19:42 X. Jiang DAQ problems
268443 04/25/09 19:39 V. Sulkosky R-HRS Scaler Display Updated
268434 04/25/09 19:30 brads TS0 problem (0 for 3), different error
268433 04/25/09 19:26 brads Another TS0 error on download (after reboot)
268432 04/25/09 19:22 V. Sulkosky Re: 1024 Hz clock fixed on R-HRS
268431 04/25/09 19:22 brads TS0 error: MSQL server has gone
268427 04/25/09 19:05 V. Sulkosky Preshower Channel 42 Fixed and 18 Still Wide
268426 04/25/09 19:03 X. Jiang Asked for beam permit
268425 04/25/09 19:00 Yawei VDC preformance of the newest run#20335
268424 04/25/09 18:51 Moffit LeftHRS DAQ up
268423 04/25/09 18:49 V. Sulkosky Crate Reset and Reboots of TS0
268418 04/25/09 18:36 Yi/Chiranjib AC for the Laser ROOM is not working!!!!
268416 04/25/09 18:34 Yi/Chiranjib Laser interlock broken
268401 04/25/09 18:11 Jack Right Arm VDCs - one cable unplugged - one cable flipped
268399 04/25/09 18:07 V. Sulkosky Fixed T3 scaler on L-HRS
268398 04/25/09 18:04 R. Michaels Righthrs CODA database corruption
268396 04/25/09 18:02 ellie HAND HV Adjusted for rough gain matching
268392 04/25/09 17:35 brads halog run number screwed up, should be fixed now
4 04/25/09 17:25 Moffit strange errors from ROCs in LeftHrs config
3 04/25/09 17:19 Moffit Righthrs config working again..
268379 04/25/09 17:08 ellie Added 3 more ADC filters to HAND
268378 04/25/09 17:05 brads BB MWDC HVs turned off
268375 04/25/09 16:57 Bo Instruction to sychronize running both arms and run them seperately
268372 04/25/09 16:38 adaq Added an ADC filter to HAND
268370 04/25/09 16:35 brads LHRS/BigBite DAQ working again
268369 04/25/09 16:25 X. Jiang Both arm at 1.275. Hall A tools screen.
268365 04/25/09 16:11 Ole Hansen Day Shift Summary
268360 04/25/09 15:36 Kalyan VDC wire map for left and right HRS
268359 04/25/09 15:30 Jack Right Arm top VDC U-plane thresholds
268358 04/25/09 15:18 Kalyan delta p in HRS for H2 elastic run
268355 04/25/09 15:16 brads R-HRS VDC status: Comments and pending issues
268354 04/25/09 15:09 Moffit Another signal into BB trigger TDCs
268353 04/25/09 14:54 Ole Hansen Both HRS to 1.275 GeV
268337 04/25/09 13:36 R. Michaels new headers, vx5.5, R-HRS.
268336 04/25/09 13:21 Moffit Re: New EDTM setting
268333 04/25/09 13:16 ellie Neutron Detector HV set to ND_HV_A (original) values
268331 04/25/09 12:58 R. Michaels fixed scaler redundancy
268330 04/25/09 12:50 brads BigBite Sieve plate is still IN (unchanged)
268329 04/25/09 12:31 brads Both HRS sieve plates are IN
268327 04/25/09 12:25 gjin changed 20090422 MWDC database t0 information due to run 1333
268326 04/25/09 12:16 V. Sulkosky L-HRS Scaler Display Updated
268325 04/25/09 12:15 gjin gas shed and gas bubbling ok
268324 04/25/09 11:58 Moffit Recovered two ND HV channels.
268323 04/25/09 11:50 Moffit HV GUI FOUND!
268322 04/25/09 11:44 miham/moffit New EDTM setting
268313 04/25/09 11:34 Moffit BB TS scaler header offset removed
268312 04/25/09 11:31 R. Michaels re: scaler slot nums in bbite
268311 04/25/09 11:21 V. Sulkosky Preshower ADC 42 Missing
268310 04/25/09 11:19 R. Michaels datamon ready, still problem R-HRS
268307 04/25/09 10:56 Ole Hansen Controlled access
268305 04/25/09 10:47 V. Sulkosky R-HRS Synch Errors
268294 04/25/09 10:36 Ole Hansen Beam back
268291 04/25/09 10:04 Ole Hansen Target to Optics
268288 04/25/09 09:56 R. Michaels L-HRS end-run failure, no pool buf, FIXED
268282 04/25/09 09:23 Kalyan R-HRS VDC : dead/hot channel
268257 04/25/09 08:34 Jin Huang Scope Snapshot TDS 3032B BBSCOPE1
268256 04/25/09 08:30 V. Sulkosky Re: RHRS DAQ Warnings
268255 04/25/09 08:23 V. Sulkosky Re: scalar screen of L-arm
268251 04/25/09 08:10 Owl shift Shift summary
268244 04/25/09 07:58 R. Michaels re: scaler rates
268239 04/25/09 07:51 Jin Huang HV GUI is gone
268224 04/25/09 07:24 adaq Error message in ROC5
268219 04/25/09 07:18 adaq DAQ rate
268198 04/25/09 06:45 adaq HallA tool screen
268183 04/25/09 06:19 adaq scalar screen of L-arm
268174 04/25/09 05:59 Jin Huang Update the replay scripts
268169 04/25/09 05:54 Jin Huang Update: RHRS warnings
268158 04/25/09 05:28 Jin Huang Missing T3 Events in Online Display
268148 04/25/09 05:11 Jin Huang ND detector HV change
268143 04/25/09 04:49 Bo A few runs for shower calib.
268142 04/25/09 04:33 Yawei/Jin Update the LHRS replay scripts
268141 04/25/09 04:33 Yawei/Jin Update the LHRS replay scripts
268138 04/25/09 04:26 adaq Spot++ for raster 6X5
268133 04/25/09 04:09 Jin Huang Target -> Ref Cell; 100psig H2 -> Ref Cell
268131 04/25/09 04:00 Jin Huang Target Spin Signal in ADC; Problem with LHRS copy #1
268110 04/25/09 03:29 Ibrahim Scaler Screens
268107 04/25/09 03:18 Yawei spot++,raster size 6x6
268106 04/25/09 03:17 Jin Huang Hot Wire on RHRS VDC u1?
268104 04/25/09 03:14 Yawei spot++,raster size4x4
268101 04/25/09 03:08 Jin Huang RHRS Replay Warnings
268098 04/25/09 02:58 Bo Raster 2X2
268094 04/25/09 02:46 Bo carbon harp scan
268072 04/25/09 01:57 Moffit/Camso Search Entries link works..
268067 04/25/09 00:58 Moffit Access Activity
268062 04/25/09 00:09 Moffit crate 8 warnings from replay_det_R analysis...
268061 04/25/09 00:09 Jin Huang Target -> Carbon
268059 04/25/09 00:02 Chiranjib Fake spin flip signal ON
268058 04/24/09 23:59 Chiranjib Target polarization measurement (NMR)
268057 04/24/09 23:56 X. Jiang Controlled access
268056 04/24/09 23:45 E.Chudakov Moller results
268055 04/24/09 23:32 X. Jiang/Bra Run plan for owl shift (04/25/09)
268054 04/24/09 23:20 Moffit Extra gates in LHRS... Unbuffered mode.
268047 04/24/09 22:29 R. Michaels R-HRS TS0 problems / solution(?)
268041 04/24/09 22:09 A. Camsonne Two peaks in some channels ?
268034 04/24/09 21:57 R. Michaels 1024 Hz clock bad
268023 04/24/09 21:09 V. Sulkosky Re: Preshower Pedestal Fixed for Channel 19
268017 04/24/09 20:47 brads Rebooted ts0 twice to clear the '-1' scaler problem
268015 04/24/09 20:40 yez Target moved to Empty
268012 04/24/09 20:32 V. Sulkosky Re: scaler checks, one mod
268005 04/24/09 20:02 ellie Neutron Detector Pedestal Software Working
267985 04/24/09 19:32 R. Subedi/Xi RHRS shower signal missing
267981 04/24/09 19:22 Yi Qiang First NMR Frequency Sweep with new Settings and Calibration Constant
267977 04/24/09 19:11 Yi Qiang First official EPR calibration for Vertical pumping
267973 04/24/09 19:08 Yi Qiang Official NMR Frequency Sweep Settings for Vertical Pumping
267970 04/24/09 19:03 Yi Qiang Absolute field ftrength is calibrated
267968 04/24/09 18:58 R. Subedi PVDIS discr. Threshold change (Host expt: ignore it)
267956 04/24/09 18:25 gjin MWDC database changed due to Bryan's move of ribbon cables
267935 04/24/09 17:27 Jack Right Arm top VDC U-plane threshold
267934 04/24/09 17:23 yez Target moved to He3
267933 04/24/09 17:22 R. Michaels FLEXIO mod
267931 04/24/09 17:20 R. Michaels scaler checks, one mod
267929 04/24/09 17:17 X. Jiang follow-up,Right arm Preshower raw ADC for run 20209.
267928 04/24/09 17:16 Yi Qiang Field rotated to Vertical Down
267927 04/24/09 17:13 Yi Qiang Vertical coil polarity reversed to normal: Only Vertical DOWN field can be generated!
267926 04/24/09 17:13 X. Jiang Right arm preshower raw ADC spectra in run 20209.
267925 04/24/09 17:04 Higinbotham Shift Summary
267924 04/24/09 17:03 Moffit Significant map changes... new DB directory 20090424
267923 04/24/09 17:02 adev BigBite WireChamber Threshold change!
267922 04/24/09 16:45 Moffit/Mihov Changed RG-8 cable for LHRS T3 to BB weldment.
267920 04/24/09 16:19 Moffit BB EDTM copy into Trigger TDCs/Scalers
267917 04/24/09 16:12 Moffit Changes to ROC10 map.
267916 04/24/09 16:12 Moffit Changes to ROC10 map.
267915 04/24/09 16:05 V. Sulkosky EDTM Signal in L-HRS TDC
267912 04/24/09 15:57 L. Zhu wrong map for R-arm VDC?
267909 04/24/09 15:40 peter Hall A tools screenshot
267901 04/24/09 15:15 atrig Trigger-Download
267900 04/24/09 15:14 atrig Trigger-Download
267896 04/24/09 15:08 Moffit We plan to change in timing of ROC9/ROC10 (BB MWDC)
267895 04/24/09 14:50 L. Zhu status: controlled access
267894 04/24/09 14:17 Higinbotham Beam Current Calibration
267893 04/24/09 13:59 xqian right HRS vertex z
267890 04/24/09 13:44 B. Zhao/V. S Helicity Added to R-HRS Replay
267887 04/24/09 13:08 Kalyan coincidence time spectrum for H2 elastic
267874 04/24/09 12:12 V. Sulkosky Updated Scaler Map for End-of-Run
267869 04/24/09 11:44 Higinbotham 3He Target Quick Check
267860 04/24/09 11:30 Bo sychronizing L-arm and R-arm by run gate from BB
267859 04/24/09 11:23 adev BigBite WireChamber Measured Voltage change!
267857 04/24/09 11:15 brads BigBite, HAND HVs turned on for runs 1332--1334
267856 04/24/09 11:15 R. Michaels re: scaler ordering
267855 04/24/09 11:14 L. Zhu target: move to empty
267851 04/24/09 11:06 Higinbotham Hydrogen Reference Data
267844 04/24/09 10:46 R. Michaels swapped scaler addresses in online software
267842 04/24/09 10:41 adev BigBite WireChamber Measured Voltage change!
267841 04/24/09 10:40 xqian This is not carbon foil
267840 04/24/09 10:39 Kalyan RHRS VDC issues.
267839 04/24/09 10:37 xqian Right HRS vertex z
267838 04/24/09 10:30 peter TS10 right HRS reboot
267837 04/24/09 10:29 V. Sulkosky Re: one of the gated scaler ( [--] ) not working ?
267836 04/24/09 10:25 L. Zhu target: move to refernce cell
267835 04/24/09 10:23 gjin gas shed ok
267833 04/24/09 10:21 V. Sulkosky re: scaler map R-HRS
267831 04/24/09 10:16 Higinbotham MCC 6x5 = Hall 4x4
267823 04/24/09 09:36 Jin Huang Re: unknown structure in LHRS react z
267822 04/24/09 09:32 xqian Right HRS sync problem?
267819 04/24/09 09:27 brads hatsv3 rebooted to clear connection table
267815 04/24/09 09:20 Higinbotham MCC 10x10 Run 1325
267814 04/24/09 09:18 brads hatsv3 portserver suffering from a port scan(?)
267810 04/24/09 09:11 Higinbotham MCC 8x8 3He Cell
267808 04/24/09 09:06 Higinbotham MCC 6x6
267806 04/24/09 09:03 Kalyan unknown structure in react z in L-HRS
267801 04/24/09 08:36 Kalyan one of the gated scaler ( [--] ) not working ?
267800 04/24/09 08:29 Jin Huang Ref Cell Center Scan
267799 04/24/09 08:20 L. Zhu target: move to He3
267798 04/24/09 08:17 Bo Zhao/Jin Shift summary - 04/24 Owl
267789 04/24/09 07:47 R. Michaels re: scaler map
267776 04/24/09 07:33 Jin Huang Spot++ at 10x10 raster
267767 04/24/09 07:10 Jin Huang LRHS Check
267766 04/24/09 07:09 Bradshaw Evacuate and Refill Reference Cell
267765 04/24/09 07:07 Bradshaw Move from BeO to Reference Cell
267764 04/24/09 07:03 Jin Huang Raster Size Scan
267757 04/24/09 06:37 Jin Huang Bull Eye Scan
267744 04/24/09 04:56 Jin Huang Centering Beam on BeO
267739 04/24/09 04:31 Bo HV trips in BB
267738 04/24/09 04:12 Bo Harp scan screen shot.
267737 04/24/09 04:08 Bradshaw Move From Empty to BeO
267735 04/24/09 03:46 Jin Huang Inverse RHRS Q1 Polarity
267734 04/24/09 03:41 Jin Huang Target Spin signal -> RHRS Online GUI
267732 04/24/09 03:26 V. Sulkosky Adjust R-HRS S1 and S2 Right Side HV
267730 04/24/09 03:01 bradshaw Move from BeO to Empty
267729 04/24/09 02:55 miham BigBite Trigger and Re-timing
267728 04/24/09 02:49 Jin Huang Carbon Vertex are back on LHRS
267725 04/24/09 02:33 V. Sulkosky Re: L-HRS VDC Wire Hits
267722 04/24/09 02:10 V. Sulkosky R-HRS VDC Plots
267721 04/24/09 02:07 Jin Huang Investigating Missing Carbon foils
267720 04/24/09 01:52 Bo T1 trigger rate
267719 04/24/09 01:40 Bo/Vince/Yaw Updates on status of R-arm
267708 04/24/09 00:18 X. Jiang did not see carbon foils.
267699 04/24/09 00:02 yez Target moved to Optics
267698 04/24/09 00:01 adaq 1296 no vertex on single carbon foil
267697 04/23/09 23:53 V. Sulkosky Scripts for db_run.dat Updated
267695 04/23/09 23:51 adaq right HRS cerenkov
267693 04/23/09 23:43 adaq vertex z for run 1294
267688 04/23/09 23:03 adaq vertex z for 1294 carbon foils
267687 04/23/09 23:02 yez Target Spectra screen
267686 04/23/09 23:02 Moffit/Mihov EDTM Setup for LHRS+BB
267685 04/23/09 22:56 yez Target moved to Optics with Hole
267681 04/23/09 22:44 X. Jiang Beam on BeO during run 1294
267680 04/23/09 22:40 X. Jiang spot++, no raster, while MCC is still tuning beam.
267676 04/23/09 22:38 X. Jiang detector check, BeO with Carbon foil
267671 04/23/09 22:28 yez Target moved to Optics
267670 04/23/09 22:23 X. Jiang left arm Cherenkov, raw ADC
267669 04/23/09 22:22 X. Jiang run 1292, beam on air. momentum and react_z.
267668 04/23/09 22:22 Moffit LHRS+BB edtm set
267667 04/23/09 22:22 V. Sulkosky R-HRS Busy Checked and Contected to TS
267666 04/23/09 22:17 X. jiang Left arm VDC hit map, run 1292, beam on air.
267665 04/23/09 22:12 xqian Right VDC
267663 04/23/09 21:56 x. jiang Beam permit.
267662 04/23/09 21:56 yez Target moved to Empty position
267661 04/23/09 21:50 A. Camsonne Retiming check bis
267657 04/23/09 21:12 Moffit Access activity: Left Arm front end busy
267649 04/23/09 20:19 Jack Status of Right Arm VDCs
267633 04/23/09 19:43 brads RHRS HV map file created for BigBite HV GUI
267624 04/23/09 19:03 brads Restarted BB HV gui and RHRS readbacks are all good
267616 04/23/09 18:43 brads RHRS crate is now in BigBite HV GUI
267613 04/23/09 18:31 adev BigBite WireChamber Measured Voltage change!
267611 04/23/09 18:30 gjin change in BB HV map
267610 04/23/09 18:20 adev BigBite WireChamber Measured Voltage change!
267603 04/23/09 17:59 adev BigBite WireChamber Measured Current change!
267602 04/23/09 17:54 R. Michaels re: scaler=-1
267600 04/23/09 17:48 R. Michaels TS scaler crate data format
267596 04/23/09 17:40 Yi Qiang 3He bottle opened and reference cell vented
267594 04/23/09 17:39 adev BigBite WireChamber Measured Voltage change!
267593 04/23/09 17:37 brads Both HRS Sieves are OUT
267591 04/23/09 17:28 adev BigBite WireChamber Measured Voltage change!
267589 04/23/09 17:19 folts checklist
267575 04/23/09 16:07 ellie Changed TDC windows
267574 04/23/09 16:03 peter Day shift summary
267569 04/23/09 15:58 Bo/Yawei update on scalar problems in RHRS
267568 04/23/09 15:56 ellie Changed TDC window for ROC8
267565 04/23/09 15:52 L. Zhu target camera
267563 04/23/09 15:45 brads re: Strange raster current readback for run 1254
267562 04/23/09 15:42 R. Michaels scalers injected on both HRS
267557 04/23/09 15:23 R. Michaels ROC9 unstable, also missing gates on 9,10
267556 04/23/09 15:13 R. Michaels Buffered mode working now
267553 04/23/09 15:03 R. Michaels re: EDTM check
267552 04/23/09 14:58 V. Sulkosky Re: pedrun ROC 2 Exceptions Updated
267551 04/23/09 14:57 A. Camsonne Ramping down HV for EDTM overlap check
267548 04/23/09 14:53 L. Zhu oven tempature and RTD strip plot
267547 04/23/09 14:48 R. Michaels R-HRS scaler mods
267544 04/23/09 14:08 gjin small change in MWDC database
267543 04/23/09 13:51 Yi Qiang Pumping started
267542 04/23/09 13:42 brads Re: Strange raster current readback for run 1254
267540 04/23/09 13:22 V. Sulkosky Re: Strange raster current readback for run 1254
267538 04/23/09 13:03 V. Sulkosky L-HRS Synch Errors for ROC 9 and 10
267537 04/23/09 13:01 L. Zhu current R-arm VDC wires
267528 04/23/09 12:27 jpchen lasers unlocked
267521 04/23/09 11:56 peter Right HRS VDC ramp up
267520 04/23/09 11:29 miham Correct plots for the E-R13-R24 pedestals
267517 04/23/09 11:20 miham New Pedestal values for the BB ADCs
267515 04/23/09 11:16 Jack RTV on leaks of Right Arm top VDC
267511 04/23/09 11:01 R. Michaels LeftHRS DAQ revival
267509 04/23/09 10:57 R. Michaels re: R-HRS scalers
267508 04/23/09 10:55 R. Michaels re: R-HRS scalers
267505 04/23/09 10:46 jpchen Lasers locked-out
267503 04/23/09 10:36 V. Sulkosky Preshower Pedestal Large for Channel 19
267502 04/23/09 10:34 V. Sulkosky spot++ from R-HRS
267500 04/23/09 10:29 V. Sulkosky Raster Currents from R-HRS
267499 04/23/09 10:16 R. Michaels re: pedrun
267498 04/23/09 10:10 brads Follow-up on Raster issue
267496 04/23/09 10:09 R. Michaels R-HRS DAQ configs redone
267489 04/23/09 09:20 peter hall update
267484 04/23/09 08:30 brads Strange raster current readback for run 2054
267483 04/23/09 07:49 folts reset of Q1 power supplies
267482 04/23/09 07:48 V. Sulkosky Re: Harp Scan Results
267481 04/23/09 07:37 V. Sulkosky Raster Plots on L-HRS Look Strange
267480 04/23/09 07:32 Chiranjib Issues
267479 04/23/09 07:07 Chiranjib Momentum / react Z
267476 04/23/09 07:03 Chiranjib S1 ADCs / S2m ADCs
267475 04/23/09 06:58 Chiranjib Target \theta, \phi , dP and y
267473 04/23/09 06:56 Chiranjib left VDC s
267472 04/23/09 06:55 Chiranjib Left Cerenkov
267467 04/23/09 06:12 Chiranjib Hall A tools
267465 04/23/09 06:04 Chiranjib Ref cell RTDs and pressure
267462 04/23/09 05:59 Chiranjib Rates with 5X5 raster on N2
267461 04/23/09 05:58 Chiranjib 5X5 raster on N2
267457 04/23/09 05:51 Chiranjib N2 ( raster 3X3)
267454 04/23/09 05:47 Bradshaw Move from BeO to Reference Cell
267451 04/23/09 05:39 Chiranjib 3X3 Raster @ 5 uA Be0
267445 04/23/09 05:08 Chiranjib 4X3 raster @ 2uA (Be0)
267442 04/23/09 04:46 Chiranjib 5X4 raster @ 2uA ( Be0)
267438 04/23/09 04:33 Chiranjib Raster @ 2uA ( Be0)
267433 04/23/09 03:49 Chiranjib Harp Scan Results
267432 04/23/09 02:34 Moffit LeftHRS buffered synch mismatch warnings.
267430 04/23/09 02:08 Moffit RHRS Coda back up...
267429 04/23/09 01:53 miham Target Pictures
267428 04/23/09 01:50 miham and mo The coincidence trigger and the BB re-timing problems
267427 04/23/09 00:56 V. Sulkosky Disk Space on adaql1 Looks Fine
267426 04/23/09 00:55 V. Sulkosky Disk Space on adaql1 Looks Fine
267425 04/23/09 00:48 V. Sulkosky R-HRS TS and Error Messages
267424 04/23/09 00:31 Chiranjib Beam positions look okay
267422 04/22/09 23:58 Jack No, I think things will be fine (sorry, I'm tired)
267421 04/22/09 23:53 miham DB change (db_DL.dat and db_DBB.dat)
267418 04/22/09 23:35 Jack Right Arm top VDC status
267417 04/22/09 23:22 V. Sulkosky Spot++ Now Points to L-HRS Data Files
267414 04/22/09 23:14 A. Camsonne Compton electron detector out and off
267412 04/22/09 23:13 X. Jiang Hall in beam permit
267411 04/22/09 23:13 B. Zhao/V. S Problems of Scalar in RHRS
267402 04/22/09 21:47 adev BigBite WireChamber Threshold change!
267400 04/22/09 21:41 A. Camsonne T3 and T4 shift
267396 04/22/09 21:24 X. Jiang Magnet setting for HRS, BigBite magnet at I=518 A
267394 04/22/09 21:09 R. Michaels re: data-moving scripts and /raw.dup fixed
267389 04/22/09 20:23 Jack Left Arm Shield House Door staus
267388 04/22/09 20:15 X. Jiang both HRS set at 1.20264 GeV/c
267386 04/22/09 20:01 V. Sulkosky First R-HRS VDC Spectra
267384 04/22/09 19:56 X. Jiang Door of left-arm detector hut, closed now.
267383 04/22/09 19:45 V. Sulkosky Adjusted Gate Width for Raster and BPM on R-HRS
267382 04/22/09 19:40 X. Jiang C12 elastic kinematics with detailed energy loss.
267381 04/22/09 19:38 Jin Huang Target Data Daily Backup for Ay
267380 04/22/09 19:27 Jin Huang Fake spin flip signal ON: 20s/flip
267378 04/22/09 19:14 A. Camsonne Retiming test
267365 04/22/09 19:00 Yi Qiang Right side downstream pickup coil is moved out by 1mm
267364 04/22/09 18:58 Yi Qiang Fiber to spectro analyzer for Transverse direction is intalled
267363 04/22/09 18:54 atrig Trigger-Download
267356 04/22/09 18:45 brads Both arms set to 1281 MeV/c.
267350 04/22/09 18:27 ellie Added Neutron Detector HV Map to HV GUI
267348 04/22/09 18:13 gjin track positions (images available )
267347 04/22/09 18:08 brads Both the LHRS and the RHRS are at 17 degrees
267346 04/22/09 18:07 A. Camsonne More retiming check
267345 04/22/09 18:06 gjin track positions
267340 04/22/09 17:44 A. Camsonne Retiming check left HRS
267331 04/22/09 17:18 Yi Qiang Reference cell is now filled with N2 : 135 psig
267326 04/22/09 17:06 Moffit Start of run keyword appears to be fixed.
267325 04/22/09 17:05 Yi/Scot Reference Cell Gauges Calibrated
267322 04/22/09 16:48 dezern Checklist-April 22,09
267320 04/22/09 16:30 gjin modified MWDC database
267319 04/22/09 16:28 gjin turning off wire chamber HV and setting wire chamber threshold
267318 04/22/09 16:25 brads Guards removed from BB MWDC chambers
267315 04/22/09 14:56 adev
267312 04/22/09 14:06 adev
267311 04/22/09 13:46 adev
267307 04/22/09 12:20 adev
267306 04/22/09 12:08 V. Sulkosky New Database Directory for Podd
267305 04/22/09 12:05 V. Sulkosky R-HRS 1875 Dropped from ROC 2 and Updated Crate Map
267304 04/22/09 12:02 Yi Qiang Target is cooled down
267303 04/22/09 12:01 adev
267301 04/22/09 12:00 adev
267299 04/22/09 11:57 Yi/Miha Optimal temperature setting 230deg
267298 04/22/09 11:56 adev
267296 04/22/09 11:56 adev
267293 04/22/09 11:47 adev
267292 04/22/09 11:47 Yi/Miha EPR Calibration of Vertical puming at 235C
267290 04/22/09 11:33 adev
267288 04/22/09 11:21 adev
267287 04/22/09 11:14 R. Michaels LeftHrs DAQ mods, pedrun, etc.
267280 04/22/09 11:00 Yi Qiang Spin up test done for 235C
267275 04/22/09 10:07 Yi Qiang Target Moved back to 3He Position
267274 04/22/09 09:56 adev
267272 04/22/09 09:39 adev
267270 04/22/09 08:36 adev
267269 04/22/09 02:11 Moffit ND Cosmics
267268 04/22/09 01:54 adev
267266 04/22/09 00:23 adev
267264 04/21/09 22:43 adev
267259 04/21/09 22:04 adev
267258 04/21/09 21:03 V. Sulkosky Swapped HV card 1461 N Chassis #1 R-HRS
267257 04/21/09 21:02 Bo adjustment of Retiming signal delay
267256 04/21/09 20:52 Moffit Beginning Sweep of Hall A for hot checkout.
267254 04/21/09 19:52 Moffit/Long EDTM Setup for RHRS+ND
267253 04/21/09 19:32 V. Sulkosky Re: EDTM time offset, L-HRS
267252 04/21/09 19:10 adev
267251 04/21/09 18:37 Bo T1 & T2 triggers in RHRS
267250 04/21/09 18:14 Yi Qiang NMR spinup test started: 235C and Vertical pumping
267248 04/21/09 18:11 adev
267247 04/21/09 17:59 V. Sulkosky Re: L-HRS Strobe input to MLU Checked
267246 04/21/09 17:43 Yi Qiang Oven temperature increased to 240C
267245 04/21/09 16:37 R. Michaels trig. mods, other problems
267244 04/21/09 16:25 atrig Trigger-Download
267243 04/21/09 16:10 R. Michaels EDTM time offset, R-HRS
267242 04/21/09 16:02 Yi/miham EPR measurement of vertical pumping at 230deg
267241 04/21/09 15:22 Yi Qiang NMR snapshot of 230 Spin up
267240 04/21/09 14:30 Yi Qiang 230 C Spin up done
267239 04/21/09 12:38 Bo/Ramesh HV crate change in RHRS
267238 04/21/09 10:41 R. Michaels FLEXIO added to PVDIS crate
267237 04/21/09 09:30 R. Michaels mods to trigsetup
267236 04/21/09 09:26 atrig Trigger-Download
267235 04/21/09 09:12 atrig Trigger-Download
267234 04/21/09 07:30 atrig Trigger-Download
267233 04/21/09 06:46 R. Michaels re: EDTM rate
267232 04/21/09 06:42 R. Michaels re: run gate between HRS
267224 04/20/09 22:47 Moffit HAND Cosmics run started.
267223 04/20/09 22:43 V. Sulkosky/ R-HRS Fast Clock Ready
267221 04/20/09 22:31 V. Sulkosky/ LHRS to RHRS Cable Connections
267220 04/20/09 22:18 V. Sulkosky Re: EDTM Setup
267218 04/20/09 22:11 V. Sulkosky Re: HV Gui white
267209 04/20/09 19:33 miham E-plane HV cables change
267204 04/20/09 17:14 A. Camsonne HV Gui white
267203 04/20/09 15:33 R. Michaels EDTM setup
267202 04/20/09 15:31 atrig Trigger-Download
267201 04/20/09 14:30 Jin Huang Web Page for Target & Beam Real Time Status is Back ON
267200 04/20/09 13:26 atrig Trigger-Download
267198 04/20/09 12:20 Yi Qiang NMR spinup test started: 230C and Vertical pumping
267197 04/20/09 12:12 yawei/Miha/Y Power test result of Jlab COMET laser I and Jlab COMET laser II
267196 04/20/09 12:12 yawei/Miha/Y Power test result of Jlab COMET laser I and Jlab COMET laser II
267193 04/20/09 11:19 Yi Qiang EPR Calibration of Vertical puming at 220C
267192 04/20/09 11:18 yawei laser fiber map
267191 04/20/09 10:59 R. Michaels PMT after-pulsing
267189 04/20/09 10:10 Yi Qiang 220 C Spin up done
267188 04/20/09 09:49 atrig Trigger-Download
267187 04/20/09 08:15 A. Camsonne Compton electron detector vacuum chamber closed
267138 04/19/09 15:25 yawei LHRS VDC matrix elements updated & add target information to RHRS quick check list
267133 04/19/09 14:08 Yi Qiang NMR spinup test started: 220C and Vertical pumping
267131 04/19/09 12:59 Yi Qiang Fake spin flip signal OFF
267130 04/19/09 12:57 Yi Qiang Laser enabled for spin up test
267122 04/18/09 21:16 Moffit/Mihov BB to RHRS cable connections
267119 04/18/09 19:58 V. Sulkosky R-HRS S1 and S2 TDC Plots
267118 04/18/09 19:25 V. Sulkosky R-HRS Scaler Cables Swapped
267101 04/18/09 17:02 atrig Trigger-Download
267091 04/18/09 16:35 atrig Trigger-Download
267090 04/18/09 16:31 atrig Trigger-Download
267064 04/18/09 11:40 V. Sulkosky Re: L-HRS S1 and S2m TDC Plots
267063 04/18/09 11:33 V. Sulkosky L-HRS S1 and S2m TDC Plots
267062 04/18/09 11:28 V. Sulkosky L-HRS VDC Checkout
267061 04/18/09 07:38 R. Michaels re: files no in /raw.dup
267060 04/17/09 20:47 R. Michaels Files not going to MSS duplicate
267057 04/17/09 20:34 Moffit Trigger and Misc signals into BB TDCs.
267055 04/17/09 19:04 Jin Huang Helmholtz Coil Current-Voltage Calibration + New Data/Code Folder on Target Computer for Ay/e'D
267008 04/17/09 11:48 R. Michaels HAPPEX problem (and workaround)
267005 04/17/09 11:28 Moffit/Sulko TS11 moved to branch 4 of TS12
266998 04/17/09 10:09 V. Sulkosky L-HRS HV and Gas Cerenkov On
266995 04/17/09 09:51 atrig Trigger-Download
266994 04/17/09 09:48 atrig Trigger-Download
266993 04/17/09 09:47 atrig Trigger-Download
266991 04/17/09 09:44 atrig Trigger-Download
266990 04/17/09 09:44 atrig Trigger-Download
266988 04/17/09 09:36 atrig Trigger-Download
266986 04/17/09 09:34 atrig Trigger-Download
266985 04/17/09 09:28 atrig Trigger-Download
266984 04/17/09 09:26 atrig Trigger-Download
266983 04/17/09 07:21 Jack CAMAC crates in HRSs
266980 04/16/09 22:58 miham Problem with channel dE-20L
266972 04/16/09 20:44 Moffit Reset thresholds on MWDCs
266958 04/16/09 18:43 R. Michaels re:L-HRS busy
266957 04/16/09 18:33 Moffit BB-EDTM to slave
266956 04/16/09 18:26 Moffit ND: Reseated N1-19R base
266955 04/16/09 17:56 R. Michaels L-EDTM to master
266951 04/16/09 17:26 R. Michaels L-FB sent to BB
266948 04/16/09 16:51 R. Michaels missing gates on R-HRS (not)
266926 04/16/09 13:59 Yawei/Miha/Y laser power test detail
266925 04/16/09 13:56 Yawei/Miha?Y laser power test detail
266916 04/16/09 02:43 Yi/Miha/Yawe Laser power test and EPR aligment done
266902 04/15/09 16:01 Jin Huang Fake Target Spin Signal On
266898 04/15/09 13:54 R. Michaels network / portserver repair R-HRS
266884 04/15/09 01:31 Yi/Miha/Yawe Laser alignment for Transverse and Vertical pumpings is done
266762 04/10/09 18:14 Jack Right Arm VDC is down
266755 04/10/09 12:59 brads Previous (pi0) Hadron stack location vs. now
266754 04/10/09 12:15 Yi/Chiranjib 3He Cell installed
266746 04/09/09 20:37 Yi/Chiranjib Vertical Compass Measurement DONE
266736 04/09/09 10:24 V. Sulkosky R-HRS HV GUI Updated
266734 04/08/09 16:56 brads Updated 'threshold_BB' command to match Hadron stack config
266733 04/08/09 16:01 V. Sulkosky Re: Disabled mysql database scripts on adev account
266731 04/08/09 09:54 Yi Qiang BigBite Current set to 518A
266730 04/07/09 20:55 Yi/Chiranjib Compass ready to survey
266729 04/07/09 19:50 R. Michaels updated DAQ guides
266728 04/07/09 19:32 V. Sulkosky Checked S1 and S2 TDC Signals Against TDC Gate on R-HRS
266723 04/07/09 17:30 V. Sulkosky Fans for L-HRS S2m Discriminators
266722 04/07/09 17:27 V. Sulkosky L-HRS Gas Cerenkov Cables Reconnected
266721 04/07/09 17:18 brads Swapped out PMT#12 in BigBite Cerenkov
266720 04/07/09 17:04 Yi Qiang BigBite Current set to 390A
266719 04/07/09 16:15 R. Michaels HAPPEX gate ready.
266718 04/07/09 15:29 R. Michaels low pressure alarm
266717 04/07/09 14:34 brads BigBite MWDC gas is flowing
266716 04/07/09 14:26 Yi Qiang Current Settings for Compass Survey
266715 04/07/09 08:46 R. Michaels R-HRS DAQ gates restored
266712 04/06/09 21:02 V. Sulkosky Checked S2m TDC Against Gate on L-HRS
266711 04/06/09 20:45 V. Sulkosky R-HRS Delay Removed for S1 and S2 TDC Signals
266710 04/06/09 20:38 V. Sulkosky R-HRS S1 and S2 TDC Change
266709 04/06/09 17:46 R. Michaels R-HRS DAQ problem
266695 04/06/09 15:47 R. Michaels added TIR to R-HRS TS
266691 04/06/09 15:14 R. Michaels LeftHRS downloading and working normally now
266688 04/06/09 14:53 R. Michaels HAPPEX DAQ revival
266665 04/03/09 16:51 R. Michaels LeftHRS "working" (sorta)
266652 04/03/09 13:09 R. Michaels L-HRS DAQ basic setup
266639 04/03/09 08:06 Jack Left Detector Stack is back in
266638 04/03/09 08:00 Jack (Techs) Status of Left and Right Q1s
266636 04/02/09 19:16 R. Michaels re: scaler header
266615 04/02/09 15:10 Moffit Scaler changes in ts_scaler for bbite
266608 04/02/09 14:13 Moffit Modified db_cratemap.db
266594 04/01/09 16:08 Moffit Added two 1877s to ROC8 FASTBUS crate
266593 04/01/09 14:40 R. Michaels R-HRS scalers and other to-do
266590 04/01/09 13:58 V. Sulkosky Analyzer Cratemap Updated for ROC 4
266589 04/01/09 11:54 V. Sulkosky Dropped 1875 in Readout of ROC 4