Jefferson Lab HALL A Logbook for March 10 - All EXCEPT Automatic Entries
4444 03/31/10 23:46 bob Halog trick to recover March
315184 03/31/10 23:43 A. Camsonne Gem HV off
315172 03/31/10 23:19 pking iocse9 and iocse10 back in autogain
315169 03/31/10 23:14 mercado Updated Panguin
315166 03/31/10 22:59 pking iocse10 is in "gains off", iocse9 is in autogain
315163 03/31/10 22:54 pking iocse9 is set to "gains off"
315156 03/31/10 22:48 pking BPM autogains at 42 uA on the Hall A BCM.
315155 03/31/10 22:35 mcnulty Upper scint HV off
315154 03/31/10 22:30 mcnulty HV's and triggers this evening
315153 03/31/10 22:21 mcnulty Access activity: sieves out, s0 in both arms
315152 03/31/10 21:43 pking Turn VDC HV off.
315151 03/31/10 21:31 pking PREX beam tune recovered; begin setting up for BCM/BPM calibration
315148 03/31/10 20:39 O.Glamazdin Moller commissioning results
315147 03/31/10 20:23 A. Camsonne GEM CRAM pedestal run
315141 03/31/10 19:32 pking Helicity board setting applied for 240 Hz
315140 03/31/10 18:09 Sirish Compton Cavity
315124 03/31/10 17:13 pking Corrected helicity board setting for 30 Hz
315118 03/31/10 17:03 pking Helicity board settings applied for 30 Hz
315116 03/31/10 16:58 Techs Paging the "Tech On Call"
315109 03/31/10 16:41 pking Request change to 30 Hz helicity events
315104 03/31/10 16:06 silwal variables updated in halog start/end script
315102 03/31/10 15:51 X. Zheng Day shift summary
315099 03/31/10 15:40 Meziani Target moved to empty
315098 03/31/10 15:31 Yi Qiang Need to know this numbers
315097 03/31/10 15:30 mercado BCM changes/additions in HAPPEX crate
315096 03/31/10 15:29 Meziani Target screen capture
315095 03/31/10 15:28 X. Zheng Vertical scan finished
315069 03/31/10 14:29 A. Camsonne GEM HV changed from 3750 V to 3700 V starting run 27139
315055 03/31/10 13:38 A. Camsonne GEM HV changed from 3750 V to 3700 V starting run 27139
314998 03/31/10 10:14 X. Zheng Beam away
314983 03/31/10 09:19 mcnulty Took access from 8:30 - 9:00am to fill Moller magnet
314982 03/31/10 09:12 mcnulty VDC and upper scintillator (T5) HV is on for both arms
314980 03/31/10 07:56 ZAFAR AHMED March 31st Owl Shift Summary
314979 03/31/10 07:55 efuchey Screenshots of target devices
314978 03/31/10 07:39 R. Michaels VDCs and HV off
314976 03/31/10 07:38 R. Michaels Septum scan run summary
314974 03/31/10 07:27 efuchey Screenshots of target devices
314973 03/31/10 07:21 efuchey Target Move
314970 03/31/10 07:15 R. Michaels was 600
314965 03/31/10 07:10 francis IPM1C12 saturation and delay
314892 03/31/10 06:07 R. Michaels correction
314887 03/31/10 06:02 R. Michaels raster is off
314880 03/31/10 05:56 A. Camsonne GEM pedestal file updated
314826 03/31/10 05:06 R. Michaels raster turned off
314809 03/31/10 04:38 R. Michaels cycled quads Q2, Q3
314805 03/31/10 04:26 A. Camsonne GEM HV on
314804 03/31/10 04:04 Abdurahim Green Compton Cavity is Locking !
314799 03/31/10 03:44 efuchey Target move
314798 03/31/10 03:34 ZAFAR AHMED Position cavities vs current.
314797 03/31/10 03:31 R. Michaels switching from tune A to B
314796 03/31/10 03:26 ZAFAR AHMED Cavity Monitors from 0 uA to 88uA
314795 03/31/10 03:10 ZAFAR AHMED Pregains of Cavity Monitors.
314790 03/31/10 02:54 M Friend Compton rates (beam going straight)
314779 03/31/10 01:57 O.Glamazdin Moller commissioning results
314778 03/31/10 01:53 ZAFAR AHMED Parity DAQ
314772 03/31/10 00:17 pking Swing shift summary
314770 03/31/10 00:12 pking Hall is at power permit; summary of the moller quad problem
314769 03/30/10 23:58 Abdurahim activity for Compton cavity
314768 03/30/10 23:17 mcanan Target_Screen
314767 03/30/10 23:01 pking Controlled access needed to reset Moller quardupole PS
314766 03/30/10 22:50 pking iochla is recovered, but now trouble with Moller quad settings
314765 03/30/10 22:27 pking iochla was frozen; MCC will reboot
314764 03/30/10 22:21 paschke periodic intensity noise with 5 second period
314763 03/30/10 20:36 pking Started Moller solenoid ramp, opposite polarity
314762 03/30/10 20:01 pking Late entry: Started Moller solenoid ramp test at 19:20
314754 03/30/10 16:40 pking Hall is in power permit
314753 03/30/10 16:17 pking Sweep started
314752 03/30/10 16:14 A. Camsonne HV off on GEM
314751 03/30/10 16:13 A. Camsonne GEM datamap for this run
314748 03/30/10 16:01 dalton Raster current glitch
314746 03/30/10 15:57 dalton BPM effect with multiple raster settings
314743 03/30/10 15:50 A. Camsonne No signal on bottom chamber
314740 03/30/10 15:31 mercado BCMCAVs look saturated
314732 03/30/10 15:04 A. Camsonne UVA GEM installed for test
314731 03/30/10 15:04 A. Camsonne UVA GEM installed for test
314730 03/30/10 13:39 Fansler Checklist
314729 03/30/10 11:57 R. Michaels re: raster and line locking
314728 03/30/10 11:43 jwexler Quartz switched in left arm
314726 03/30/10 10:22 R. Michaels re: raster effect
314725 03/30/10 09:51 paschke BPM wiggle in lumis
314716 03/30/10 07:09 M. Jen 03/30 owl shift summary
314715 03/30/10 06:52 leacock intensity feedback, bcm asymmetry
314714 03/30/10 06:41 leacock intensity feedback, bcm asymmetry
314713 03/30/10 06:40 dalton We asked for a survey and to go to controlled access
314711 03/30/10 06:25 dalton Charge feedback working
314699 03/30/10 05:24 leacock bpm saturation, bpm recovery
314696 03/30/10 05:16 dalton BPM effect depends on raster
314695 03/30/10 05:09 leacock bcm calibration, bpm saturate
314692 03/30/10 05:00 leacock bcm calibration, bpm saturate
314677 03/30/10 03:17 efuchey Target change to empty: actual time 2 a.m.
314676 03/30/10 03:14 riordan Beam Position Scan on Sieve Pattern
314673 03/30/10 02:59 riordan Beam Position Sieve Scan Runs
314672 03/30/10 02:59 riordan Beam Position Sieve Scan Runs
314666 03/30/10 02:24 riordan VDCs off, T5 Scintillator off
314608 03/30/10 00:41 R. Michaels re: bpm
314583 03/30/10 00:00 Z.-E. Mezian Shift Summary
314544 03/29/10 22:52 dalton BPM effects
314515 03/29/10 21:41 riordan Set up for HRS data taking
314514 03/29/10 21:30 Z. Ye Rester Spot check with two sets of BPM values
314513 03/29/10 21:28 D. Dutta Target moved to Ta
314507 03/29/10 19:37 Z. Meziani Q1 panic button interlock
314506 03/29/10 17:34 Folts checklist/tech
314500 03/29/10 17:24 mcnulty The sieve slits are in (they are in a high radiation area now)
314498 03/29/10 15:52 W. Deconinck Target status
314497 03/29/10 14:28 R. Michaels suggested optics study (part II)
314496 03/29/10 14:09 A. Camsonne EEL GEM run 1088
314493 03/29/10 13:12 silwal BCM/BPM calibrations, and feedback work from owl Mar29
314492 03/29/10 12:48 mcnulty Quartz shadows on the VDCs for new and old tune
314491 03/29/10 12:42 mcnulty Projected detector plane dists for new and old tune (left arm)
314489 03/29/10 12:36 mercado Detector Signals in Left Arm OK
314486 03/29/10 11:47 mcnulty Found no problem with det 4's twinax, converter box, and scope signal.
314482 03/29/10 11:21 LeRose PREX Magnet Setting
314480 03/29/10 11:16 R. Michaels re: spot with T8 at low-I
314477 03/29/10 10:45 W. Deconinck Moving target to empty position
314476 03/29/10 10:09 ZAFAR AHMED Moller
314475 03/29/10 10:05 mcnulty Left ARM Quartz signals all look good (Why no det 4?)
314474 03/29/10 10:03 paschke Unser acting like bcm
314473 03/29/10 09:31 ZAFAR AHMED Hall is in restricted access.
314467 03/29/10 07:58 jwexler Shift summary: Owl 03/29
314466 03/29/10 07:36 A. Camsonne GEM ruthenium source Run 1084
314450 03/29/10 04:54 jwexler Target screen Owl 03/29
314449 03/29/10 04:52 jwexler Hall A Tools screen Owl 03/29
314447 03/29/10 04:46 silwal PITA scan, IHWP IN, PITA slope of 1.721 ppm/V
314438 03/29/10 04:18 jwexler Detector 4 not working
314433 03/29/10 03:23 Leacock spott++ 4x4mm
314432 03/29/10 03:23 jwexler Quartz back on
314429 03/29/10 03:17 Leacock spot
314426 03/29/10 03:07 M. Jen move the target to Pb#3
314425 03/29/10 02:57 M. Jen spot check on BeO
314422 03/29/10 02:48 M. Jen move target back to BeO
314419 03/29/10 02:34 M. Jen move target back to empty
314416 03/29/10 02:22 M. Jen move target to BeO
314415 03/29/10 02:13 silwal unser not working??
314412 03/29/10 01:42 riordan New Tune Acceptance Study
314400 03/29/10 01:13 jwexler HVs off
314397 03/29/10 01:01 jwexler Attenuator in
314396 03/29/10 00:56 riordan New Tune Optics Runlist
314388 03/28/10 23:53 Meziani/Dutt Shift Summary
314387 03/28/10 23:51 riordan Restoring Previous Tune, p0 = 1.063 GeV
314382 03/28/10 23:43 riordan Septum to 1.079 GeV
314381 03/28/10 23:30 D. Dutta target moved to thin carbon
314380 03/28/10 23:12 riordan Setting back to p0 = 1.063
314371 03/28/10 22:47 D. Dutta Optics target in place
314362 03/28/10 22:32 D. Dutta Target moved to Tantalum
314361 03/28/10 22:30 mcnulty We set the septa to the p=0 setting
314348 03/28/10 22:04 A. Camsonne GEM ruthenium source Run 1083
314343 03/28/10 21:55 A. Camsonne GEM ruthenium source Run 1082
314342 03/28/10 21:54 D. Dutta Thin carbon target in place
314329 03/28/10 21:32 D. Dutta target moved to Ta
314305 03/28/10 19:57 D. Dutta Target moved to Optics target
314296 03/28/10 19:46 riordan HRS to p0 = 1.063 GeV
314295 03/28/10 19:45 D. Dutta MOved to Tantalum
314277 03/28/10 18:41 D. Dutta Target moved to thin carbon
314276 03/28/10 18:30 D . Dutta Last two think carbon runs were thick carbon
314271 03/28/10 18:28 D. Dutta Moved to optics target
314266 03/28/10 18:16 D. Dutta Target moved to Ta
314261 03/28/10 18:06 riordan Septum to p0 = 1.063 GeV
314256 03/28/10 18:01 D. Dutta Thin Carbon target in the beam
314251 03/28/10 17:50 D. Dutta Optics target in place
314250 03/28/10 17:35 D.Dutta Target moved to thin Carbon
314240 03/28/10 17:23 mcnulty All 6 quartz HVs set to -2000V
314239 03/28/10 17:18 mcnulty Access activity (5 - 5:15 pm)
314238 03/28/10 17:08 riordan Controlled Access to Sieve/Quartz
314237 03/28/10 17:07 riordan p0 to 1.079 GeV
314226 03/28/10 16:30 D. Dutta Target moved to Ta
314220 03/28/10 16:10 Solvignon Target on Optics
314215 03/28/10 16:03 A. Camsonne Late entry : GEM work from saturday
314204 03/28/10 15:48 riordan BPMs to 0,0
314194 03/28/10 15:31 riordan VDCs On
314193 03/28/10 15:20 riordan HRS to new optics tune
314192 03/28/10 15:08 Solvignon Target in Thin carbon position
314190 03/28/10 14:41 R. Michaels beam recovery procedure (TO please read !)
314174 03/28/10 13:44 silwal beam back, raster @ 4x4mm
314171 03/28/10 12:41 silwal still no beam, and no estimate on how much longer it is going to be
314170 03/28/10 11:39 silwal no beam for the next ~15 minutes
314169 03/28/10 11:36 silwal Lumi HV before and after adjustment
314163 03/28/10 11:04 R. Michaels super-quick beam on tgt proc
314162 03/28/10 11:03 Solvignon Target screen: 50uA on Pb
314161 03/28/10 11:02 R. Michaels 50 uA on Pb
314157 03/28/10 10:48 Solvignon Target from Empty to Pb
314156 03/28/10 10:44 Solvignon Target in Empty position for MCC to adjust ion chamber levels
314152 03/28/10 10:30 R. Michaels 50 uA on Pb, run 2353
314150 03/28/10 10:18 R. Michaels Run plan for 24 hours
314148 03/28/10 09:55 R. Michaels ramping up beam to 30 uA on Pb
314141 03/28/10 09:25 Solvignon target: 10uA on Pb
314135 03/28/10 09:24 Solvignon Target screen with 5uA on Pb#3
314132 03/28/10 09:15 R. Michaels beam on target procedure
314130 03/28/10 09:10 Solvignon Target at Pb Diamond #3
314127 03/28/10 08:57 Solvignon Spot check on BeO
314125 03/28/10 08:44 Solvignon Target on BeO Viewer
314124 03/28/10 08:36 Solvignon Beam: 50uA on empty
314121 03/28/10 08:26 Solvignon Spot++
314116 03/28/10 08:13 Solvignon Beam back
314114 03/28/10 04:52 adpalmer Target moved to empty
314113 03/28/10 04:35 R. Michaels 1 uA on Pb, then no beam
314109 03/28/10 04:10 R. Michaels Centering beam on Pb target
314093 03/28/10 03:30 R. Michaels Pb target scan, part 1
314085 03/28/10 03:15 adpalmer Moved to Pb diamond #3
314084 03/28/10 03:10 R. Michaels BeO check
314083 03/28/10 02:53 R. Michaels centering and calibrating beam position
314082 03/28/10 02:46 adpalmer mover to BeO target
314081 03/28/10 02:41 adpalmer target moved to Pb Diamond #3
314080 03/28/10 02:38 R. Michaels Hole found (same place as before)
314076 03/28/10 02:25 R. Michaels more fishing for C12 hole
314069 03/28/10 02:02 R. Michaels Hole not reproducible.
314064 03/28/10 01:40 R. Michaels Establishing few nA on holey C12 target
314059 03/28/10 01:15 R. Michaels spot++ check
314057 03/28/10 01:11 adpalmer Move target to carbon hole
314054 03/28/10 00:48 ZAFAR AHMED History plots of 4 detectors and 8 lumi monitors
314053 03/28/10 00:38 ZAFAR AHMED History plots of detectors and lumi monitors
314052 03/28/10 00:32 ZAFAR AHMED History plots of detectors and lumi monitors
314050 03/28/10 00:24 R. Michaels higher current C12 runs
314047 03/27/10 23:59 Solvignon Target screen
314046 03/27/10 23:56 D. Dutta Swing Shift Summary
314042 03/27/10 23:30 R. Michaels 20 uA on C12
314034 03/27/10 22:31 Solvignon Target: Thick Carbon position
314033 03/27/10 21:53 D. Dutta raster established at 4x4 mm^2
314022 03/27/10 20:24 Solvignon Beam update
314016 03/27/10 17:10 R. Michaels suggested optics run plan (new tune)
314014 03/27/10 16:03 M Friend Day shift summary
314013 03/27/10 14:44 mcnulty Beam status update
314008 03/27/10 13:50 silwal no beam until about 5:45 pm or so
314002 03/27/10 09:52 mcnulty Beam Status
313997 03/27/10 04:10 R. Michaels no beam for awhile.
313996 03/27/10 00:17 R. Michaels status update, plan, and some det. info
313994 03/26/10 23:10 babineau moved target to empty
313991 03/26/10 22:51 mcnulty VDCs, Quartz, and all scintillators HV are off
313990 03/26/10 22:33 solvignon Target screens
313989 03/26/10 22:31 Solvignon Moved target from thin lead to Tantalum
313980 03/26/10 21:52 mcnulty T5 Rates for different targets
313973 03/26/10 21:24 Solvignon moved target from thick carbon to thin lead
313972 03/26/10 21:23 solvigno moved target to thick carbon
313963 03/26/10 21:06 mcnulty VDC and quartz HV now ON
313957 03/26/10 20:41 Solvignon moved target from empty to thin carbon
313956 03/26/10 20:39 mcnulty Carbon Hole position
313945 03/26/10 20:25 mcnulty Establishing 4mm by 4mm raster
313943 03/26/10 20:20 mcnulty Raster size check
313906 03/26/10 17:32 Solvignon How-to: start the target alarm handler
313900 03/26/10 17:02 mcnulty Brief Run plan for the next 1 - 2 hours
313895 03/26/10 16:54 Solvignon Target on Thick Carbon
313892 03/26/10 16:44 mcnulty Holey Carbon position for BPM4Bx=-3.5
313890 03/26/10 16:41 mcnulty Hole position for x=-3.0
313887 03/26/10 16:37 mcnulty holey C position for x=-2.0 (spot moved wrong way)
313879 03/26/10 16:30 mcnulty Trying to center the holey carbon
313874 03/26/10 16:21 mcnulty raster size scan
313869 03/26/10 16:02 Rakitha (SL) Shift Leader Summary
313868 03/26/10 15:49 Rakitha Target-empty
313867 03/26/10 15:42 R. Michaels re: raster
313864 03/26/10 15:22 Buddhini Raster is working.
313863 03/26/10 15:15 Jack Right Arm VDC HV and thresholds
313854 03/26/10 14:26 mcnulty VDC HV off for both arms
313853 03/26/10 14:26 Rakitha (SL) Controlled access
313848 03/26/10 14:08 Buddhini Target : Tantalum, Current : 10nA.
313835 03/26/10 14:02 Buddhini Target : Thick C12 , Current : 10nA
313828 03/26/10 13:53 Buuddhini Target : Super Thin C12 , Current : 10nA
313827 03/26/10 13:52 mcnulty raster scan (holey Carbon)
313824 03/26/10 13:44 jwexler Voltages for specific gains
313815 03/26/10 13:13 Buddhini Target : Carbon hole, Current =0.5uA
313812 03/26/10 13:05 Rakitha (SL) Controll Access Summary
313811 03/26/10 12:57 Buddhini Current target : Empty target
313810 03/26/10 12:51 meekins Target Lifter
313803 03/26/10 11:32 mcnulty A_T events and A_T detector shadow (run 26936)
313802 03/26/10 10:37 mcnulty raster screen
313801 03/26/10 10:19 Rakitha In Controlled Access
313800 03/26/10 09:25 Buddhini (TO Rebooted iocha13
313799 03/26/10 09:01 mcnulty HV off for prex detectors and VDCs (both arms)
313798 03/26/10 08:50 Buddhini (TO Current 100uA (MCC tests)
313797 03/26/10 08:37 Buddhini (TO Target position endocder error.
313796 03/26/10 08:36 mcnulty Tantalum target thickness is 122mg (not 330mg)
313795 03/26/10 08:21 Buddhini (TO Current target : Empty target.
313794 03/26/10 08:19 mcnulty Tantalum y distribution
313793 03/26/10 08:14 mcnulty Tantalum spectrum (Larm run 26937)
313788 03/26/10 08:03 Margaziotis Target to Tantalum
313787 03/26/10 08:03 ZAFAR AHMED March 26th Owl Shift Summary
313779 03/26/10 07:18 ZAFAR AHMED IOC 22 not talking
313778 03/26/10 07:11 ZAFAR AHMED Target alarmed.
313776 03/26/10 06:36 R. Michaels super-thin C12 at 4 nA, poss. A_T
313766 03/26/10 05:53 Higinbotham line optics and raster
313763 03/26/10 05:49 ZAFAR AHMED Target is super thin C12.
313762 03/26/10 05:39 R. Michaels Establishing beam on target, part 3
313755 03/26/10 05:13 ZAFAR AHMED Target is holy Carbon.
313753 03/26/10 05:09 ZAFAR AHMED Target moved. Target is holy Carbon.
313751 03/26/10 03:58 R. Michaels target alarm handler woes, stuck again
313750 03/26/10 03:30 R. Michaels target unstuck (but for how long ?)
313749 03/26/10 03:10 R. Michaels establishing beam on target, part 2
313748 03/26/10 03:02 R. Michaels target mover stuck !
313741 03/26/10 02:39 R. Michaels target lifter problem, again
313735 03/26/10 02:01 R. Michaels establishing beam on target, part 1
313726 03/26/10 01:29 R. Michaels spot_L result
313725 03/26/10 01:26 R. Michaels target lifter problem (intermittent)
313723 03/26/10 01:15 R. Michaels target to empty
313722 03/26/10 01:03 R. Michaels 95 uA on thin C12
313720 03/26/10 00:18 dalton Swing Shift Summary
313717 03/26/10 00:12 R. Michaels super thin C12 rates
313713 03/25/10 23:49 Margaziotis Target to Thin Carbon
313712 03/25/10 23:48 R. Michaels still no T8 on R-HRS.
313710 03/25/10 23:44 R. Michaels HV off except upper Scint
313709 03/25/10 23:43 Margaziotis Target to Empty
313708 03/25/10 23:28 Margaziotis Target to Thin Carbon
313707 03/25/10 23:27 R. Michaels status update, raster issue
313697 03/25/10 22:35 Salvatore spot++
313693 03/25/10 22:23 dalton Beam at 50 uA
313692 03/25/10 22:08 Salvatore spot++
313683 03/25/10 18:56 Margaziotis Status of Shift
313682 03/25/10 17:25 jpchen Target to EMPTY
313681 03/25/10 17:24 dalton Quads cycled, right dipole settling
313680 03/25/10 17:13 dalton Ramping magnets to P0=1.063 GeV
313679 03/25/10 17:08 Margaziotis Target lifter - Hardware fault
313678 03/25/10 17:03 mcnulty More on A_T events
313677 03/25/10 16:40 dalton Raster Status
313666 03/25/10 14:24 Buddhini Empty target
313651 03/25/10 12:45 mcnulty Amplified Quartz signal on Rarm is now the lower Quartz
313648 03/25/10 12:19 hsmith Left Dipole Magnet
313647 03/25/10 10:43 R. Michaels re: norm scalers zero
313646 03/25/10 10:39 mcnulty Rarm scalers work fine
313645 03/25/10 10:37 mcnulty Larm Normalization scalers are all zero
313644 03/25/10 10:32 R. Michaels re: amplified quartz signal and ADC
313639 03/25/10 10:24 mcnulty prex detector HVs all ON, VDC HV also ON
313637 03/25/10 10:12 mcnulty Status of getting Amplified Quartz signals through the DAQ
313634 03/25/10 09:56 Buddhini (TO Current Target : BeO
313630 03/25/10 08:07 Buddhini (TO Current Target : Ta Foil
313628 03/25/10 07:57 hyao both arm magnet tripped or turned off?
313627 03/25/10 07:54 fansler Magnets
313626 03/25/10 07:40 hyao Owl shift summary
313625 03/25/10 06:51 mercado CORRECTION: Run numbers
313624 03/25/10 06:45 hyao target screen
313623 03/25/10 06:44 mercado LUMI Run numbers
313622 03/25/10 06:34 hyao Controlled Access
313621 03/25/10 06:19 mercado LUMI Run - 2uA
313620 03/25/10 06:17 mercado LUMI Run - 5uA
313619 03/25/10 06:16 mercado LUMI Run - 10uA
313590 03/25/10 05:11 hyao Ask MCC for restrict access at 6:30am ( probably at 7:00 )
313587 03/25/10 05:08 hyao Beam comes with small raster size at Tantalum target.
313584 03/25/10 05:06 Xinhu Yan Spot_R
313574 03/25/10 04:22 ZAFAR AHMED Amplifires of cavity monitors are unplugged
313572 03/25/10 04:03 hyao target moved to tantalum
313570 03/25/10 03:56 hyao target from super thin C to tantalum
313568 03/25/10 03:50 R. Michaels raster checks -- spot too small ?
313563 03/25/10 03:29 R. Michaels modified run plan
313556 03/25/10 02:58 R. Michaels septum locked/tagged OFF (techs)
313554 03/25/10 02:30 R. Michaels so-called lead target commiss, part 1
313553 03/25/10 02:22 R. Michaels cannot turn on septum (techs)
313547 03/25/10 01:09 hyao Target from empty to super thin Carbon
313546 03/25/10 01:09 hyao Target GUI "moving" doesn't work, stil use BDS
313545 03/25/10 00:30 hyao New Target GUI updated
313544 03/25/10 00:28 Ole Hansen Required run database entries
313543 03/25/10 00:22 Ole Hansen Added VDC matrix elements for alternative tune
313542 03/25/10 00:13 puckett Owl shift crew is here; standing by for instructions
313539 03/24/10 23:54 Carlos Swing shift summary
313538 03/24/10 22:24 Margaziotis Addendum
313537 03/24/10 22:22 Margaziotis Target cryostat screen
313532 03/24/10 21:58 dalton Updated run plan
313531 03/24/10 21:08 paschke / si more on beam dithering signals
313524 03/24/10 20:41 dalton Run coordinator daily summary
313521 03/24/10 20:36 folts beam line val;ves
313510 03/24/10 20:13 Meekins Target Status
313509 03/24/10 19:53 mcnulty Present setup of HRS DAQ trigger (Only T5 meaningful)
313508 03/24/10 19:32 Carlos Sweep finished
313507 03/24/10 19:21 mcnulty HV cable mapping for all prex detectors
313506 03/24/10 18:53 Jack (Techs) Left Dipole down for the night
313505 03/24/10 18:25 silwal bmw signals from bsy
313504 03/24/10 18:17 folts checklist
313501 03/24/10 17:41 K. Kumar Addendum to Bob's Run Plan
313467 03/24/10 16:14 R. Michaels PREX target status
313461 03/24/10 14:50 mcnulty Access activity yesterday and today
313452 03/24/10 14:06 riordan Autosnapshots re-enabled
313440 03/24/10 13:31 M Friend Compton diagnostic PMTs
313432 03/24/10 11:23 A. Camsonne GEM work
313431 03/24/10 11:05 riordan, cam GEMs moved to outside LHRS Detector Hut
313430 03/24/10 10:46 Buddhini Correction.
313429 03/24/10 10:05 R. Michaels Lead Target commissioning procedure
313428 03/24/10 08:30 Buddhini Still in restricted access
313401 03/23/10 21:16 mcnulty Initial location of A_T detector (planning for new location)
313400 03/23/10 20:37 dalton Run coordinator daily summary
313381 03/23/10 15:59 jpchen Day shift summary
313378 03/23/10 11:30 dalton Pockels Cell translated
313373 03/23/10 10:39 A. Camsonne Large pedestal fluctuation on Gassiplex right now
313371 03/23/10 10:35 Kiadtisak UVA HV Cable
313361 03/23/10 10:23 R. Michaels A_T hole status
313352 03/23/10 08:45 Rakitha (TO) Pb target work
313351 03/23/10 08:43 dalton One on shift
313350 03/23/10 08:37 fansler Magnets Ramped down
313349 03/23/10 08:15 dalton Helicty board offline, unavailable for a few hours.
313348 03/23/10 08:04 Rakitha (TO) Target Screens
313346 03/23/10 07:40 Xinhu Yan Target Screen
313345 03/23/10 07:01 A. Camsonne GEM focal plane footprint Run 26885
313344 03/23/10 06:45 mercado LUMI runs
313340 03/23/10 06:31 puckett restored LHRS+RHRS to nominal settings
313339 03/23/10 06:30 A. Puckett Owl shift summary
313336 03/23/10 06:22 A. Camsonne Amplitude seen on both INFN chambers
313323 03/23/10 05:40 A. Puckett Optics run list, Tuesday 3/23 owl shift
313321 03/23/10 05:32 A. Camsonne GEM HV turned off for lumi tests
313319 03/23/10 05:28 A. Puckett Optics run plan finished; turning off detectors
313306 03/23/10 04:55 Xinhu Yan Target moved to Tantalum
313295 03/23/10 04:36 puckett starting step 5 of optics run plan, with BPM B X=+2 mm
313288 03/23/10 04:25 Xinhu Yan Target moved to thin carbon
313279 03/23/10 03:57 Xinhu Yan Target moved to Optics
313276 03/23/10 03:49 Xinhu Yan Target Screen
313273 03/23/10 03:45 Xinhu Yan Target moved to Tantalum
313264 03/23/10 03:26 Xinhu Yan Target moved to thin carbon
313253 03/23/10 03:03 puckett VDC efficiency snapshots on waterfall target
313248 03/23/10 02:47 Xinhu Yan Target moved to water cell
313243 03/23/10 02:37 Xinhu Yan Target moved to Tantalum
313232 03/23/10 02:14 puckett Run 26868/6277 is the special -0.28% run on 12C after moving quartz detector
313227 03/23/10 01:46 puckett documentation of quartz detector move procedure
313226 03/23/10 01:43 mcnulty Better graph for A_T event candidates
313225 03/23/10 01:37 puckett Changing to p0=1.0600 = -0.28%
313222 03/23/10 01:29 A. Puckett snapshots of VDC efficiency for waterfall target run at p=1.063
313217 03/23/10 01:18 Xinhu Yan Target moved to water cell
313212 03/23/10 01:10 A. Puckett snapshot of BPMs on thin carbon at 0.5 uA
313203 03/23/10 00:54 Xinhu Yan Target moved to thin carbon
313198 03/23/10 00:44 Xinhu Yan Target moved to Tantalum
313191 03/23/10 00:20 mcnulty more on possible A_T events
313188 03/23/10 00:13 Xinhu Yan Target Screen
313182 03/22/10 23:59 Jin Huang Shift Summary : Mar 22 Swing & Optics Run List
313180 03/22/10 23:54 mcnulty possible A_T events
313177 03/22/10 23:51 Jin Huang HRS -> +0.28%
313173 03/22/10 23:39 gjin target moved to multi-carbon
313172 03/22/10 23:36 R. Michaels reset halog entry number
313166 03/22/10 23:22 R. Michaels Water cell runs, lowi_cav.C script
313165 03/22/10 23:13 gjin target moved to tantalum
313164 03/22/10 23:12 jwexler L. Arm movers in use
313157 03/22/10 22:51 Bob/Jin R-HRS rates twice L-HRS
313156 03/22/10 22:51 gjin target moved to water cell
313155 03/22/10 22:50 gjin target screen snap shot
313153 03/22/10 22:43 R. Michaels cavity studies and C12 w/o sieve
313131 03/22/10 22:13 mcnulty Pulse height dists from run 6149 and 26746
313108 03/22/10 21:33 Jin Huang VDC recovered
313095 03/22/10 21:24 A. Camsonne Turned HV on channel 2 on
313090 03/22/10 21:21 Jin Huang VDC HV trip
313083 03/22/10 20:44 Jin Huang Beam is Back
313078 03/22/10 20:20 R. Michaels no beam -- for hours
313075 03/22/10 20:10 Jin Huang Beam down
313069 03/22/10 19:45 R. Michaels definition of positions for cavity scan
313068 03/22/10 19:34 R. Michaels saw 7 uA (poss. prob. for cavities)
313067 03/22/10 19:32 dalton Run coordinator daily summary
313066 03/22/10 19:08 gjin target moved to thin carbon
313064 03/22/10 19:03 Jin Huang LHRS Top VDC HV Trip
313058 03/22/10 18:43 Jin Huang Beam Ready
313057 03/22/10 18:42 gjin target moved to water cell
313054 03/22/10 18:22 Jin Huang HRSs Ready @ +1.5%
313053 03/22/10 18:19 gjin target moved to empty
313052 03/22/10 18:15 riordan 2 UVA and 1 INFN GEM Correlations
313051 03/22/10 18:15 dalton Seives OUT, left HRS AT hole is OPEN
313050 03/22/10 18:11 Jin Huang LHRS Q2 reset, recycle
313049 03/22/10 18:02 mcnulty recent access activity
313048 03/22/10 18:00 Jin Huang LHRS Q2 remain down; All 7 other HRS magnets are ready
313047 03/22/10 17:58 ZAFAR AHMED Cavity Monitor Downstream X Y Signal Swaped. Crate is ON
313046 03/22/10 17:51 A. Camsonne N1470 HV control instructions
313045 03/22/10 17:50 Jin Huang Hall A Tool Screen Shot
313044 03/22/10 17:49 Jin Huang Chang Momentum setting to +1.5%; LHRS Q1&2 Quench
313039 03/22/10 17:41 jwexler Right A-T hole PMT change
313038 03/22/10 17:35 A. Camsonne GEM HV mapping N1470
313023 03/22/10 16:01 Buddhini Day shift summary
313021 03/22/10 15:54 whit Target to Thin Carbon
313019 03/22/10 15:36 Buddhini HRS P0=1.047eV/c setting run summary
313009 03/22/10 15:16 Rakitha (TO) Target-Tantalum
312999 03/22/10 15:02 Rakitha (TO) Target-THIN Carbon
312989 03/22/10 14:48 Buddhini HRS P0=1.0584GeV/c setting run summary
312988 03/22/10 14:47 Buddhini HRS momentum changed to 1.047GeV/c
312987 03/22/10 14:41 Buddhini HRS momentum Optics
312986 03/22/10 14:35 M Friend Fast raster
312970 03/22/10 14:00 Rakitha (TO) target-water cell
312960 03/22/10 13:48 Rakitha (TO) Target-THIN Carbon
312953 03/22/10 13:39 Rakitha (TO) Taget-Tantalum
312941 03/22/10 13:08 dalton Changed to P0=1.0584
312935 03/22/10 12:53 whit Beam Position Study from yesterday
312933 03/22/10 12:52 B.Waidyawans HRS P0 = 1.063GeV/c setting run summary
312928 03/22/10 12:49 Rakitha (TO) target-Optics
312922 03/22/10 12:41 whit VDC efficiency
312921 03/22/10 12:39 Rakitha (To) Target-Tantalum
312912 03/22/10 12:28 Rakitha (TO) Target-Water Cell
312901 03/22/10 12:13 dalton Tune changed to APEX tune
312898 03/22/10 11:49 LeRose optics
312897 03/22/10 11:45 whit VDC efficiency in RHRS
312896 03/22/10 11:42 LeRose Magnets and Optics
312883 03/22/10 11:21 Rakitha (TO) target-THIN Carbon
312878 03/22/10 11:13 Rakitha (TO) Target-Tantalum
312873 03/22/10 11:06 B.Waidyawans Wrong display information
312872 03/22/10 11:03 Rakitha (TO) Target-Optics
312863 03/22/10 10:40 Rakitha (TO) target- THIN Carbon
312862 03/22/10 10:37 whit VDC efficiency at high rate
312853 03/22/10 10:01 rakitha (TO) Target-Water Cell
312852 03/22/10 09:01 Buddhini HRS momentum
312843 03/22/10 08:40 Rakitha (TO) Target-Optics
312840 03/22/10 08:35 Rakitha (TO) Current 1 micro A
312836 03/22/10 08:16 Rakitha (TO) Target THIN Carbon
312833 03/22/10 08:14 puckett Run summary, optics, owl shift 3/22/2010
312824 03/22/10 07:37 puckett Changed to Tantalum target before run 6206/26793
312811 03/22/10 06:58 puckett Snapshots at p0=1.079 GeV
312808 03/22/10 06:40 R. Michaels structures in C12 - X distrib.
312807 03/22/10 06:11 R. Michaels cavities -- wha's needed
312806 03/22/10 06:09 puckett changing both HRS to p0=1.079 GeV
312803 03/22/10 05:49 puckett scalers at 0.5 uA
312802 03/22/10 05:49 R. Michaels 10 nA on water tgt: poss. PEAKS !
312797 03/22/10 05:41 puckett Scalers @ 10 nA on Water, sieve IN
312794 03/22/10 05:23 puckett access to put sieve IN
312789 03/22/10 04:51 R. Michaels Establishing 10 nA on C12
312782 03/22/10 04:33 R. Michaels runs 6197 and 26784 were Ta181
312775 03/22/10 04:19 R. Michaels lower rate C12 runs
312772 03/22/10 04:05 R. Michaels beam modifications
312769 03/22/10 03:59 R. Michaels Momentum and X for C12
312764 03/22/10 03:43 R. Michaels rates, 1 uA super-thin C12, no sieve
312763 03/22/10 03:42 R. Michaels access activities, sieve out
312762 03/22/10 03:01 R. Michaels super-thin C12, sieve, 1 uA
312755 03/22/10 02:50 R. Michaels super-thin C12, still low I
312746 03/22/10 02:39 R. Michaels water cell, sieve run, momentum spectra.
312745 03/22/10 02:32 R. Michaels return to normal sieve
312738 03/22/10 02:17 puckett Set all HRS and septum to 1.063
312735 03/22/10 02:11 R. Michaels weird sieve
312734 03/22/10 02:03 puckett Set BIGBOX to 719.3 A
312729 03/22/10 01:51 puckett Right arm "sieve pattern"
312727 03/22/10 01:46 R. Michaels Water cell runs with sieve.
312715 03/22/10 01:31 R. Michaels Water cell, and putting beam at (0,0)
312712 03/22/10 01:22 ZAFAR AHMED Cavity Moniotr EPICS GUI at 10 nA.
312711 03/22/10 01:19 R. Michaels how to get low-current cavity results
312706 03/22/10 00:49 R. Michaels 10 nA "final" scan.
312686 03/22/10 00:05 R. Michaels 10 nA scan, more carefully
312681 03/21/10 23:53 ddutta Swing shift summary
312675 03/21/10 23:46 R. Michaels 10 nA cavity check, etc.
312665 03/21/10 22:56 R. Michaels cavities at 150 nA and 50 nA
312641 03/21/10 22:03 R. Michaels cavity monitor checkout, part 1
312637 03/21/10 21:17 Jack (Techs) Status of the LQ2
312636 03/21/10 18:54 ddutta HRS set for P=1.079 GeV
312635 03/21/10 18:50 hyao target empty to tantalum
312634 03/21/10 18:09 mcnulty put s0 back in the focal plane acceptance on the Right arm
312632 03/21/10 17:19 ZAFAR AHMED Cavity Monitor Amplifiers is ON
312627 03/21/10 16:57 A. Camsonne GEM pedestal run 26769
312618 03/21/10 16:39 A. Camsonne ROC6 crate on hatsv4 2005
312617 03/21/10 16:23 whit Beam Position center for BPM-B
312616 03/21/10 16:20 Buddhini Wai 3-21 Day Shift Summary
312609 03/21/10 14:56 Buddhini Nominal settings of the BPMs before changing them for spot size studies
312608 03/21/10 14:56 whit Raster, Hall A BPM and HAC BPM coordinates
312607 03/21/10 14:55 Buddhini Nominal settings of the BPMs before changing them for spot size studies
312606 03/21/10 13:32 Z. Ye Target moved from BeO to Empty
312605 03/21/10 13:26 whit Raster Size vs Raster Current Study
312604 03/21/10 13:25 Z. Ye Target moved from Thin Carbon to BeO
312602 03/21/10 13:22 whit Beam Position Study
312601 03/21/10 13:21 whit Beam Position Study
312599 03/21/10 13:16 whit Beam Position Study (screens)
312598 03/21/10 13:13 whit Beam Position Study
312597 03/21/10 13:10 whit Beam Position Study
312594 03/21/10 13:07 whit Beam Position Study
312592 03/21/10 13:06 whit Beam Position Study
312588 03/21/10 13:01 whit Beam Position Study
312587 03/21/10 12:58 whit Beam Position Study
312584 03/21/10 12:50 whit Beam Position Study
312583 03/21/10 12:49 whit Beam Position Study
312580 03/21/10 12:39 whit Beam Position Study
312579 03/21/10 12:38 whit Beam Position Study
312578 03/21/10 12:36 Whit Beam Position Study
312575 03/21/10 12:25 whit Beam Position Study
312574 03/21/10 12:24 whit Beam Position Study
312571 03/21/10 12:19 whit Beam Position Study
312570 03/21/10 12:16 whit Beam Position Study
312567 03/21/10 12:11 whit Beam Position Study
312566 03/21/10 12:06 whit Beam Position Study
312565 03/21/10 12:04 whit Beam Position Study
312561 03/21/10 11:36 whit raster
312557 03/21/10 11:25 whit raster
312555 03/21/10 11:19 whit raster
312552 03/21/10 11:09 whit raster
312551 03/21/10 11:02 jwexler PMT gains at -2000V and current locations
312543 03/21/10 09:59 jwexler L. Arm movers add'l movement 02
312539 03/21/10 09:44 jwexler L. Arm movers add'l movement 01
312534 03/21/10 09:25 jwexler L. Arm movers
312530 03/21/10 09:19 ZAFAR AHMED March 20th Day shift summary
312525 03/21/10 08:46 A. Camsonne Q1 and Q3 not cycled
312524 03/21/10 08:44 A. Camsonne Turned regulator on for Q1 and Q3
312523 03/21/10 08:42 Zhihong Ye Target moved from BeO to Thin Carbon
312520 03/21/10 08:34 A. Camsonne Spot right arm
312519 03/21/10 08:29 jwexler Movers - 03/21/2010
312509 03/21/10 07:56 Reimer 3x3 raster
312508 03/21/10 07:49 Reimer BeO Target
312507 03/21/10 07:31 Reimer Target BeO
312498 03/21/10 06:42 K. Saenboonr GEMs Cable Numbers
312497 03/21/10 06:41 S. Riordan / GEM installation / cabling / checks
312489 03/21/10 05:56 riordan INFN GEM to 4200V
312488 03/21/10 05:36 riordan UVA GEM to 3750V
312484 03/21/10 03:08 R. Michaels cavity response at 25 nA !
312483 03/21/10 02:56 R. Michaels cavity checks, part 4 (going for gold)
312478 03/21/10 02:47 ZAFAR AHMED Epics cavity GUI at (1,1), 25 nA.
312475 03/21/10 02:45 ZAFAR AHMED Epics cavity GUI at (1,-1), 25 nA.
312472 03/21/10 02:43 ZAFAR AHMED Epics cavity GUI at (-1,-1), 25 nA.
312469 03/21/10 02:41 ZAFAR AHMED Epics cavity GUI at (-1,1), 25 nA.
312467 03/21/10 02:35 R. Michaels cavitiy checks, part 3
312464 03/21/10 02:27 ZAFAR AHMED Epics cavity GUI at (-1,1), 50 nA.
312461 03/21/10 02:26 ZAFAR AHMED Epics cavity GUI at (-1,-1), 50 nA.
312458 03/21/10 02:24 ZAFAR AHMED Epics cavity GUI at (1,1), 50 nA
312455 03/21/10 02:22 ZAFAR AHMED Epics cavity GUI at (1,1), 50 nA
312452 03/21/10 02:18 ZAFAR AHMED Epics cavity GUI at (1,-1), 0.5 uA
312447 03/21/10 02:16 ZAFAR AHMED Epics cavity GUI at (-1,-1), 0.5 uA
312443 03/21/10 02:13 ZAFAR AHMED Epics cavity GUI at (-1,1) 0.5 uA.
312439 03/21/10 01:22 R. Michaels cavities, part 2
312436 03/21/10 01:15 ZAFAR AHMED Epics cavity GUI at (1,1)
312434 03/21/10 01:13 ZAFAR AHMED Epics cavity GUI at (1,-1)
312430 03/21/10 01:11 ZAFAR AHMED Epics cavity GUI at (-1,-1)
312425 03/21/10 01:06 ZAFAR AHMED Cavity at (-1,1)
312418 03/21/10 00:11 R. Michaels cavities, part I
312416 03/21/10 00:03 ddutta Swing Shift Summary
312415 03/21/10 00:01 ZAFAR AHMED Cavity at (2,2)
312400 03/20/10 23:08 R. Michaels cavity problem found / fixed
312399 03/20/10 22:42 ZAFAR AHMED Controlled Access
312395 03/20/10 21:48 riordan RQ1 Setting
312382 03/20/10 19:25 R. Michaels saga of A_T hole cont.
312381 03/20/10 19:01 R. Michaels cavity plan-of-action
312380 03/20/10 18:41 ddutta Target moved to empty position
312377 03/20/10 17:58 DDutta Q2 cycled at 1000A
312376 03/20/10 17:40 R. Michaels camera and BeO check (no beam)
312375 03/20/10 17:26 R. Michaels tail at collimator and poss. A_T
312373 03/20/10 17:07 M Friend GSO pointer fixed
312364 03/20/10 16:50 Jack (Techs) Magnet power supply status
312357 03/20/10 15:30 folts checklist
312330 03/20/10 12:37 R. Michaels acceptance study (prelim)
312308 03/20/10 10:18 ZAFAR AHMED Hall A Restricted Access
312303 03/20/10 10:03 A. Camsonne Run list from this night for GEM
312297 03/20/10 09:47 A. Camsonne Target moved to BeO target position
312296 03/20/10 09:34 mcnulty Owl shift summary
312295 03/20/10 09:24 ZAFAR AHMED Contrlled Access Requested
312294 03/20/10 09:19 mcnulty Run Summary of Detector position scans
312293 03/20/10 09:14 jwexler A-T hole movers in use
312288 03/20/10 08:46 jwexler Add'l movement 06
312281 03/20/10 08:20 jwexler New nominal mover origin, and add'l movement 05
312276 03/20/10 08:09 jwexler Add'l movement 04
312272 03/20/10 07:59 jwexler Add'l movement 03
312268 03/20/10 07:53 jwexler Add'l movement 02
312265 03/20/10 07:48 mcnulty Beam is back at 7:45am, resuming detector position scans
312264 03/20/10 07:48 jwexler Add'l movement 01
312261 03/20/10 07:41 mcnulty ADC spectra for x slider scans
312260 03/20/10 07:37 mcnulty Effect of moving main quartz sliders in x direction
312259 03/20/10 07:27 mcnulty Beam tripped off at 7am (no estimate from MCC...RF down...)
312258 03/20/10 07:17 jwexler Movers in use.
312253 03/20/10 06:45 mcnulty Rarm Quartz and Scint ADCs
312238 03/20/10 06:19 A. Camsonne Left arm VDC plots
312233 03/20/10 05:59 A. Camsonne Taking Left HRS CODA in the back room
312231 03/20/10 05:55 mcnulty Rarm optics check out
312226 03/20/10 04:52 R. Michaels turn on L-HRS VDCs
312223 03/20/10 04:39 R. Michaels back to super-thin C12
312215 03/20/10 04:19 R. Michaels Clearer view of sieve
312213 03/20/10 04:16 silwal cavity monitors working (barely) on HAPPEX DAQ
312212 03/20/10 04:15 R. Michaels cavity checkout, part I
312199 03/20/10 03:48 R. Michaels momentum spectrum
312195 03/20/10 03:41 R. Michaels tests with super-thin C12
312186 03/20/10 03:00 R. Michaels septum magnet turn-on test
312182 03/20/10 02:25 R. Michaels Q2-R reset completed.
312179 03/20/10 01:49 R. Michaels activities: reset R-Q2, etc
312176 03/20/10 01:32 A. Puckett Left HRS Dipole NMR locked
312174 03/20/10 01:20 A. Camsonne GEM plan
312173 03/20/10 01:11 R. Michaels Q1-R polarity change
312172 03/20/10 00:51 A. Camsonne NMR was not locked
312171 03/20/10 00:09 silwal Left HRS dipole stuck??/techs
312170 03/19/10 23:07 silwal Right HRS Q2 tripped, tried to cycle @ 1200/techs
312169 03/19/10 23:07 Jin Huang BigBox control
312168 03/19/10 22:24 Ole Hansen Updated VDC matrix elements
312167 03/19/10 22:22 folts/tech checklist
312166 03/19/10 21:36 mcnulty Revised translation table
312165 03/19/10 21:14 mcnulty PREx detector translation map: ADC, TDC, HV for Left and Right
312164 03/19/10 20:27 Jack (Techs) Status of the magnets
312163 03/19/10 20:25 Jin Huang Hall Status
312158 03/19/10 18:26 A. Camsonne Left CRAM GEM pedestal run 26712
312154 03/19/10 18:03 A. Camsonne Offset ADC INFN
312153 03/19/10 17:41 brads Moller detector HVs turned OFF
312152 03/19/10 17:26 Jin Huang Target @ Empty
312151 03/19/10 17:07 cisbani GEM Uva+INFN test: Cable mapping
312145 03/19/10 16:43 A. Camsonne Gem Left arm cratemap
312137 03/19/10 16:15 Jin Huang Target GUI screen shot
312135 03/19/10 16:03 R. Michaels target status
312111 03/19/10 12:32 brads Halog PHP scripts updated
312110 03/19/10 12:15 brads testing
312091 03/19/10 11:08 A. Camsonne Left arm CRAM pedestal run 26709
312089 03/19/10 10:54 A. Camsonne Left arm CRAM pedestal run 26709
312068 03/19/10 09:15 mcnulty Results from Left arm Cosmic tests (everything but the GEMs)
312067 03/19/10 07:00 R. Holmes
312066 03/19/10 06:18 R Holmes Drip stopped
312065 03/19/10 04:51 A. Tobias Water Dripping from Pipes above right side of A-line in Hall A
312064 03/19/10 04:41 Folts cryo He loss
312000 03/18/10 14:03 brads Moller FADC cosmics snapshot and MPS, QRT, HEL timing
311976 03/18/10 11:57 LeRose NMR meter tests
311917 03/17/10 15:46 Jack New argon setting for the GEMs mixing system
311916 03/17/10 14:53 jwexler, sjo Gain calibrations for 5000V
311907 03/17/10 14:37 A. Camsonne GEM chambers out from Left HRS
311902 03/17/10 13:39 Jack GEMs gas mixing system proposed change
311894 03/17/10 12:55 A. Camsonne GEM CRAMS pedestal run 26699
311890 03/17/10 12:41 A. Camsonne End of run works fine
311884 03/17/10 12:31 A. Camsonne DAQ issues and a few fixes
311868 03/17/10 11:56 jwexler Gain calibration for ZK4035
311860 03/17/10 11:37 R. Michaels fixed end-run scalers to halog
311851 03/17/10 11:16 jwexler Gain calibration for PMT ZK5366
311847 03/17/10 10:59 mcnulty ROC3 and ROC4 are not sampling data
311843 03/17/10 10:48 mcnulty Reboot ROC3 in LHRS
311837 03/17/10 09:49 riordan GEM to 3600V
311832 03/17/10 07:42 fansler Magnet power supplies
311831 03/16/10 20:30 Bob & Ahmed trigger status, L-HRS
311827 03/16/10 19:53 atrig Trigger-Download
311824 03/16/10 18:51 R. Subedi Magnet reset procedure
311823 03/16/10 18:38 A. Camsonne Lent portservers to Yi
311810 03/16/10 16:34 A. Camsonne Gem cosmics run 26677
311805 03/16/10 16:22 A. Camsonne Gem pedestal run 26675
311795 03/16/10 15:51 A. Camsonne VDC HV tripped on Left arm
311792 03/16/10 15:50 A. Camsonne GEM pedestal loaded was not the right file
311780 03/16/10 13:17 riordan GEM Channel 1 Was Disconnected
311777 03/16/10 13:07 jwexler Changed bases on PMT ZK5369
311776 03/16/10 12:59 riordan VDC Tracks in GEMS - Both UVA Chambers Produce Signals
311762 03/15/10 23:53 A. Camsonne Hall A hot checkout completed at 22:22
311758 03/15/10 20:22 R. Michaels CH crate clean now
311756 03/15/10 18:20 jwexler Gain calibrations for PMT ZK5369
311755 03/15/10 18:05 jwexler Gain calibration for PMT ZK5553
311754 03/15/10 17:50 jwexler Gain calibration for ZK5555
311753 03/15/10 17:47 jwexler ZK5401 Gains
311751 03/15/10 17:44 R. Michaels DAQ / ET tests -- zero deadtime from ET now.
311730 03/15/10 16:16 R. Michaels change to et_start params
311722 03/15/10 15:40 romanip MPS signal width for Moller DAQs
311678 03/15/10 12:33 riordan Left GEM HV to 3700V
311675 03/15/10 12:24 jwexler Gain calibration for ZK5401
311665 03/15/10 11:38 Franklin Compton
311631 03/15/10 01:56 A. Camsonne Quartz detector test
311613 03/14/10 21:17 A. Camsonne Run after my change are junk
311606 03/14/10 19:38 A. Camsonne By passed discriminator for Quartz on Cer adc channel 4
311600 03/14/10 18:51 mcnulty Still missing ADC from upper quartz (cer.a[4])
311596 03/14/10 17:37 dalton Helicity at 240 Hz
311594 03/14/10 17:02 mcnulty changed discriminator channels for both quartz signals
311581 03/14/10 16:16 mcnulty Quartz ADC spectra
311580 03/14/10 16:14 mcnulty Quartz ADC spectra
311568 03/14/10 13:20 A. Camsonne GEM HV changed to 3500 V
311566 03/14/10 13:18 A. Camsonne Mover cable gas cer 5 to input 16 of cerenkov discriminator
311557 03/14/10 11:42 A. Camsonne ADC spectrum cosmics run 26638 quartz signal
311547 03/14/10 09:54 cisbani Cosmics run 26637 / comments
311542 03/14/10 03:02 A. Camsonne GEM installation in HRS - Cosmics run 26637
311540 03/14/10 01:55 A. Camsonne GEM CRAM pedestal run 26636
311536 03/14/10 00:32 A. Camsonne GEM CRAM pedestal run 26635
311534 03/14/10 00:15 A. Camsonne Left HRS triggers
311533 03/14/10 00:05 A. Camsonne Left HRS triggers
311531 03/13/10 19:17 R. Michaels re: deadtime
311530 03/13/10 19:15 R. Michaels re: wierd DAQ
311528 03/13/10 18:22 mercado Also get ADCX errors
311526 03/13/10 18:12 mercado DAQ weirdness because of strange helicity settings.
311514 03/13/10 15:20 riordan GEM Hit Correlations
311512 03/13/10 14:49 A. Camsonne Left GEM CRAMS cosmics run 26631
311511 03/13/10 14:49 A. Camsonne Left GEM CRAMS cosmics run 26630
311498 03/13/10 13:18 Alex,Megan,B Compton DAQ status
311494 03/13/10 12:37 A. Camsonne Left GEM CRAMS cosmics run 26628
311493 03/13/10 12:35 A. Camsonne Left GEM CRAMS cosmics run 26628
311489 03/13/10 12:31 A. Camsonne Left GEM CRAMS pedestal run 26626
311484 03/13/10 12:03 A. Camsonne Left GEM CRAMS pedestal run 26623
311483 03/13/10 12:00 Jack (Techs) Left Dipole serial connection
311480 03/13/10 11:24 R. Michaels helicity at 30 Hz
311474 03/12/10 18:01 M Friend Compton photon detector table position
311454 03/12/10 12:22 M Friend Compton photon detector moved
311453 03/12/10 12:18 mercado New 18-bit ADCs installed successfully
311446 03/12/10 11:55 Franklin Compton
311421 03/12/10 09:57 R. Michaels mod. vme_left(right).boot
311408 03/11/10 17:50 Bob,Zafar trigger work today
311407 03/11/10 17:43 atrig Trigger-Download
311399 03/11/10 16:03 R. Michaels decision re: 18-bit ADC
311387 03/11/10 15:06 paschke light cover fell in RHRS
311382 03/11/10 14:24 M Friend More Compton FADC DAQ changes
311378 03/11/10 13:57 g0inj crate datamap modified
311365 03/11/10 12:41 M Friend Compton FADC DAQ changes
311336 03/11/10 00:54 A. Camsonne Compton electron detector current after plane change
311335 03/11/10 00:52 A. Camsonne Compton electron detector first noise check
311320 03/10/10 17:58 R. Michaels R-HRS Trigger work (not completed)
311319 03/10/10 17:49 atrig Trigger-Download
311297 03/10/10 12:19 M Friend Compton FADC DAQ latching scaler
311295 03/10/10 11:57 R. Michaels Mods to CH crate and DAQ software
311292 03/10/10 11:39 R. Michaels parity DAQ tests, part 1
311268 03/10/10 09:56 brads re: Settle time duration question (MPS signal)
311254 03/09/10 18:05 R. Michaels HAPPEX DAQ tests, part 2
311250 03/09/10 17:58 brads Settle time duration question (MPS signal)
311236 03/09/10 17:23 R. Michaels HAPPEX DAQ tests, part 1
311220 03/09/10 15:56 M. Jen CompSimple time stamp w/ 10kHz pocket pulsar as photon signals
311217 03/09/10 15:49 M. Jen wrong MPS increment in Compton run tests
311213 03/09/10 15:28 R. Michaels re: ADC18 messages (csr = 0xffffffff)
311202 03/09/10 14:42 R. Michaels backup restore for Panguin
311195 03/09/10 09:54 M Jen, R. Mi Compton test runs
311194 03/09/10 09:44 R. Michaels Caen 560 scaler 0 unplugged
311193 03/09/10 09:21 R. Michaels Photon times from std Comp. DAQ
311192 03/09/10 08:41 A. Shahinyan Hall A Tools
311191 03/09/10 05:08 silwal ET rate @ 240 Hz, ~200Hz
311190 03/09/10 04:50 silwal left helicity @ 240 Hz
311155 03/09/10 02:03 silwal Counting House Crate ADC18 errors
311132 03/08/10 21:41 brads Moller calorimeter signals have significant DC offset, also light leak?
311125 03/08/10 18:49 ZAFAR AHMED MPS and other signals.
311124 03/08/10 18:41 ZAFAR AHMED Cavity monitors in RHRS DAQ
311117 03/08/10 17:53 Ahmed. High Voltages for Moller scintillators and calorimeters are on.
311108 03/08/10 17:11 R. Michaels Left HRS trigger work
311075 03/08/10 14:27 mercado Helicity at 30Hz
311074 03/08/10 14:27 mercado Helicity at 30Hz
311072 03/08/10 14:23 R. Michaels small CODA database fix
311061 03/08/10 13:44 mercado Helicity @ 120Hz
311025 03/08/10 08:53 R. Michaels recompile panFFB with chunk 500
311021 03/08/10 08:44 R. Michaels buffer change in CRL
311013 03/07/10 17:54 R. Michaels HAPPEX DAQ status
311011 03/07/10 17:44 R. Michaels Switch HAPPEX DAQ to adaql5
310993 03/07/10 16:53 R. Michaels more CH ADC18 tests
310964 03/06/10 15:00 R. Michaels CHInj2 check.
310962 03/06/10 14:55 R. Michaels more tests on ADC18 in CH crate.
310933 03/05/10 17:42 R. Michaels DAQ tests -- CH ADC18 problem
310932 03/05/10 17:40 mercado DAQ work Summary
310927 03/05/10 17:14 R. Michaels re: strange MPS
310906 03/05/10 16:16 pking Restored BPM 0R06YM signal
310903 03/05/10 15:54 fansler LD1 N2
310878 03/05/10 13:59 romanip MPS, QRT, HEL timing updates for Moller DAQs
310820 03/05/10 00:47 A. Camsonne SIS scaler for GEM left crate
310814 03/05/10 00:27 silwal pasch Differential motion transmission in the 100 keV injector
310811 03/05/10 00:09 silwal pasch beam jitter through injector
310810 03/05/10 00:06 silwal pasch Differential motion transmission in 100keV injector
310803 03/04/10 23:42 silwal pasch candiate optimized position, RHWP = 50 degrees
310802 03/04/10 23:37 silwal RHWP scan, IHWP IN, bpm1I02, PITA=60, after cathode rotation, after PC adjustment with translation scans
310801 03/04/10 23:36 silwal RHWP scan, IHWP IN, bpm1I02, PITA=0/120, after cathode rotation, after PC adjustment with translation scans
310800 03/04/10 23:34 silwal RHWP scan, IHWP OUT, bpm1I02, PITA=0/120, after cathode rotation, after PC adjustment with translation scans
310797 03/04/10 23:31 silwal RHWP scan, IHWP OUT, bpm1I02, PITA=0/120, before cathode rotation
310796 03/04/10 23:28 silwal RHWP scan, 80-100 degrees, before & after cathode rotation, IHWP OUT
310793 03/04/10 23:22 silwal RHWP scan, IHWP IN, bpm1I02, PITA=0/120, after cathode rotation
310792 03/04/10 23:21 silwal RHWP scan, IHWP OUT, bpm1I02, PITA=0/120, after cathode rotation
310791 03/04/10 23:19 silwal RHWP scan, IHWP IN, bpm1I02, PITA=0/120, before cathode rotation
310790 03/04/10 23:17 silwal RHWP scan, IHWP OUT, bpm1I02, PITA=0/120, before cathode rotation
310750 03/04/10 19:00 silwal modified epics Wein variables in runstart/end logger, increased the delay in fastEpicsLogger to 30 sec
310724 03/04/10 15:45 silwal RHWP scan, bpm1I02, PITA=120,120Hz
310722 03/04/10 15:41 Apar RHWP scan, Pol right, 120Hz, Happex cathode, PITA=0
310719 03/04/10 15:24 romanip MPS, QRT, HEL timing notes for Moller DAQs
310718 03/04/10 15:22 aserg L-HRS trigger
310698 03/04/10 13:14 silwal helicity @ 120 Hz
310651 03/04/10 09:26 aserg R_HRS, VDC wires
310648 03/04/10 08:30 A. Shahinyan VDC spare card 10.
310647 03/04/10 08:23 A. Shahinyan Hall A Tools
310495 03/03/10 11:26 mercado Helicity Signals now at 120Hz
310478 03/02/10 19:38 aserg VDC, spare cards test.
310477 03/02/10 19:33 aserg R-HRS, S2 test
310476 03/02/10 19:27 aserg routine test R-HRS
310474 03/02/10 17:52 R. Michaels DAQ restored on adaql1
310467 03/02/10 17:42 R. Michaels more 240Hz testing. Conclusions
310463 03/02/10 17:12 atrig Trigger-Download
310456 03/02/10 16:58 atrig Trigger-Download
310455 03/02/10 16:57 R. Michaels DAQ tests at 240 Hz and others
310454 03/02/10 16:56 atrig Trigger-Download
310453 03/02/10 16:54 atrig Trigger-Download
310446 03/02/10 16:27 R. Michaels helicity board at 240 Hz
310409 03/02/10 12:08 R. Michaels xscaler working again (both HRS)
310408 03/02/10 11:33 silwal RHWP scan, bpm1I02, PITA=120, Polarization Left, Happex III cathode, 30 Hz
310407 03/02/10 11:24 silwal RHWP scan, bpm1I02, PITA=0, Vertical Polarization, Happex III cathode, 30 Hz
310402 03/02/10 10:57 R. Michaels switched back to adaql1
310400 03/02/10 10:56 R. Michaels re: ET performance on adaql5
310393 03/02/10 10:32 R. Michaels DAQ on adaql5, part 2
310390 03/02/10 10:22 R. Michaels DAQ tests on adaql5, part 1
310368 03/02/10 08:18 A. Shahinyan Hall A Tools
310367 03/01/10 20:36 adaq Helicity Board Settings Changed to 240 Hz
310366 03/01/10 19:32 aserg HRS-R test
310360 03/01/10 17:50 adaq Helicity Board Settings Changed to 30 Hz
310324 03/01/10 15:00 silwal RHWP scans for cathode at 47 degrees, bpm1I06, PITA=120
310323 03/01/10 14:58 silwal RHWP scans for cathode at 47 degrees, bpm1I06, PITA=0
310322 03/01/10 14:55 silwal RHWP scans for cathode at 45 degrees, bpm1I06, PITA=120
310321 03/01/10 14:53 silwal RHWP scans for cathode at 45 degrees, bpm1I06, PITA=0
310319 03/01/10 14:31 paschke Summary of Injector work Feb 28, 2010
310318 03/01/10 14:13 R. Michaels ET tests
310317 03/01/10 13:54 R. Michaels DAQ restored to adaql1
310310 03/01/10 13:29 R. Michaels further DAQ tests
310308 03/01/10 13:18 R. Michaels log warnings from ROC31
310296 03/01/10 12:14 R. Michaels DAQ test #2 -- run on adaql5
310279 03/01/10 10:39 R. Michaels ET DAQ test #1
310271 03/01/10 10:09 R. Michaels restored CRL files
310267 03/01/10 10:02 R. Michaels Helicity to 240 Hz
310263 03/01/10 08:15 A. Shahinyan Hall A Tools
310262 03/01/10 00:14 silwal RHWP scans for cathode at 45 degrees
310261 03/01/10 00:03 dalton PQB studies summary