Beam Polarization Measurement (How to)

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Polarization measurement with Hall A Moller polarimeter

Please, look at these useful documents

Check list before measurements

Helicity, BCM signals in Hall A Counting Room

Patch panel in Counting Room with cables going to the Hall A:

Connector# Signals (all NIM level) (width)
4  - BCM signal for Moller (1us)   from VtoF unit (??) Dx10 
14 - Helicity signal       (33ms)   ----_____---
15 - QRT signal            (33ms)   ----_____----
16 - MPS signal            (200 us) ---__----     front with 1us ahead of front of Helicity signal

Helicity, BCM, 100kHz signals in Hall A Moller electronics rack

  • NIM Module type of PS757 (Fan in/out) in NIM crate of FADC electronics rack
 #input  Signals width
 1 Clock 100kHz  (50ns) 
 4 Helicity      (33ms)
 7 MPS           (200us)
  • ADC V792 in FADC VME crate:
 #CH 00  Helicity signal
 #CH 01  QRT signal
 GATE    1.5us after front of MPS signal, width=130ns
  • Check calorimeter OFFSETs with digital multimeter on NIM modules type of PS748 in slot #1 and PS740 slot #2 NIM crate in old DAQ rack.
    • June 11, 2019 (set with oscilloscope by Simona, LED run)
 PS748 (slot #1) 
Ch #   OFFSET(mV)
  0    0.
  1    0.
  2    0.
  3    0.
  4    0.
  5    0.
  6    0.
  7    0.
  PS740 (slot #2) 
Ch #   OFFSET(mV)
  0    0
  1    0
  2    0
  3    0
    • Dec 1, 2015
 PS748 (slot #1) 
Ch #   OFFSET(mV)
  0    +11.
  1    +12.
  2    +11.
  3    +11.
  4    +12.
  5    +10.
  6    +10.
  7    +12.
  PS740 (slot #2) 
Ch #   OFFSET(mV)
  0    +18
  1    +22
  2    +14
  3    +15
    • Nov 25, 2014
 PS748 (slot #1) 
Ch #   OFFSET(mV)
  0    +18.5
  1    +18.6
  2    +20.4
  3    +21.7
  4    +19.5
  5    +25.5
  6    +19.3
  7    +10.3
  PS740 (slot #2) 
Ch #   OFFSET(mV)
  0    +21.5
  1    +21.6
  2    +22.
  3    +21.5

Helmholtz coils power supply

Target motion

3 July 2019 from Ethan

Power Switch to reboot Target Magnet Cooling and Motion Systems:

IP address is ( in web interface: )
Username: hacuser
Password: as for hacuser

The outlets are labelled:

Outlet 1: Lakeshore 218 (temperature monitor)
Outlet 2: Raspberry pi (the IOC) ( magnet temperature and compressor readout)
Outlet 3 and 4 are empty
Outlet 5: Moller Target controls (not the motor drives though)
Outlet 6: Power supply controller (Probably should NOT reboot this remotely. If this is rebooted, the power supply will likely need to be rebooted as well)
Outlet 7: Portserver
Outlet 8 is empty

Start CODA Moller database (msqld)

Login to adaq1 (since January 2016 we have moved our old DAQ from adaql1 to adaq1) as moller and check if msqld daemon is running:

 adaq1> ps -u moller | grep msqld

if output like that:

 22600 ?        00:00:01 msqld

that means msqld is running.
If not, type to start it:

 adaq1> run_daemon_db msqld &

CODA LED test run

  • To take test run with LED, select "test_LED" in CODA configuration.
 Configuration file for Detector settings in 'mpc' program: 
 and select file "LED_2019"
  • Dead time measurement with LED generator [diagram ] .
 Select "test_LED" in CODA configuration.
 Configuration file for Detector settings in 'mpc' program: 
 and select file "LED_dt"
 SET threshold for "LedDiscriminator" to value that was used with "beam_pol" CODA configuration.

Check Helicity signals and scalers data in CODA data file

In ~/paw/moller start paw.
To check helicity, QRT signals type in paw:

 paw> exe run run=15623
 Run=15624 is attached to lun=21
 paw> nt/sca //lun21/1 nsca>0 50 1 ! itick itrig(1) itrig(6) itrig(8)

This is output for 30Hz helicity (pair):

| Event |   itick     |   itrig(1)  |   itrig(6)  |   itrig(8)  |
|     2 |  11155369   | z'0'        | z'1'        | z'0'        |
|     5 |  11155373   | z'0'        | z'0'        | z'1'        |
|     8 |  11155377   | z'0'        | z'0'        | z'1'        |
|    11 |  11155381   | z'0'        | z'1'        | z'1'        |
|    14 |  11155385   | z'0'        | z'0'        | z'1'        |
|    17 |  11155389   | z'0'        | z'1'        | z'1'        |
|    20 |  11155393   | z'0'        | z'1'        | z'1'        |
|    23 |  11155397   | z'0'        | z'0'        | z'1'        |
|    26 |  11155401   | z'0'        | z'0'        | z'0'        |
|    29 |  11155405   | z'0'        | z'1'        | z'1'        |
|    32 |  11155409   | z'0'        | z'1'        | z'1'        |
|    35 |  11155413   | z'0'        | z'0'        | z'1'        |
|    38 |  11155417   | z'0'        | z'1'        | z'1'        |
|    41 |  11155421   | z'0'        | z'0'        | z'1'        |
|    44 |  11155425   | z'0'        | z'0'        | z'1'        |
|    47 |  11155429   | z'0'        | z'1'        | z'1'        |
|    50 |  11155433   | z'0'        | z'1'        | z'0'        |


 itick   -  VxWorks time ticks (set in ~/daq/coda2/crlppc/moller_onl.crl to 8.33mS)
 itrig(1) - ADC gate on input #1 of TIR board
 itrig(6) - Helicity signal on input #6 of TIR board
 itrig(8) - QRT signal on input #8 of TIR board

To check scalers data type in paw:

 paw> nt/sca //lun21/1 nsca>0 50 1 ! itick isca(1) isca(2) isca(3) isca(4) isca(5)
| Event |   itick     |   isca(1)   |   isca(2)   |   isca(3)   |   isca(4)   |   isca(5)   |
|     2 |  11155369   |  9315       |  9315       |  9315       |  0          |  0          |
|     5 |  11155373   |  9463       |  9463       |  9463       |  0          |  0          |
|     8 |  11155377   |  9611       |  9611       |  9611       |  0          |  0          |
|    11 |  11155381   |  9760       |  9760       |  9760       |  0          |  0          |
|    14 |  11155385   |  9909       |  9909       |  9909       |  0          |  0          |
|    17 |  11155389   |  10057      |  10057      |  10057      |  0          |  0          |
|    20 |  11155393   |  10205      |  10205      |  10205      |  0          |  0          |
|    23 |  11155397   |  10353      |  10353      |  10353      |  0          |  0          |
|    26 |  11155401   |  10502      |  10502      |  10502      |  0          |  0          |
|    29 |  11155405   |  10650      |  10650      |  10650      |  0          |  0          |
|    32 |  11155409   |  10798      |  10798      |  10798      |  0          |  0          |
|    35 |  11155413   |  10946      |  10946      |  10946      |  0          |  0          |
|    38 |  11155417   |  11095      |  11095      |  11095      |  0          |  0          |
|    41 |  11155421   |  11243      |  11243      |  11243      |  0          |  0          |
|    44 |  11155425   |  11391      |  11391      |  11391      |  0          |  0          |
|    47 |  11155429   |  11539      |  11539      |  11539      |  0          |  0          |
|    50 |  11155433   |  11688      |  11688      |  11688      |  0          |  0          |


isca(1)  - Left arm (LG and Ap)
isca(2)  - Right arm (LG and Ap)
isca(3)  - Coincidence Left and Right arms
isca(4)  - Accidentals Left and Right arms
isca(5)  - BCM
isca(6)  - PLU out 7; in LED setup - number of LED flashes
isca(7)  - 
isca(8)  - 
isca(9)  - 
isca(10) - (Helicity delayed)*Clock(100kHz)
isca(11) - !MPS
isca(12) - PLU out #6 (TimerGenarator * helicity window)	
isca(13) - 
isca(14) - 
isca(15) - Clock TimerGenerator 100kHz

ADC Pedestals check

  • Set HV ON on moller detector. (Need link to HV ON)
  • Select configuration "moller_puls" in old CODA, download it.
  • In "mpc" programm load configuration "PULSER_SET" to detector electronics and start CODA run.
  • Take 3000-5000 events and stop run.
  • In ~/paw/moller start paw:
 > paw
 paw> exec run run=15627
 paw> exec lg_pedes run=15627 pulschk=1
  • Copy first 12 lines of output results into text file with name "pedes_#RunNumber.dat", where #RunNumber is CODA "pulser" run.
  • Edit file "lg_spectra.kumac", replace:
   ve/read pedes,pedcut pedes_14754.dat


 elseif [run]<#RunNumber then
   ve/read pedes,pedcut pedes_14754.dat	
 ve/read pedes,pedcut pedes_#RunNumber.dat
  • For scintillators:
paw> exec sc_pedes run=15627 pulschk=1
  • Copy first 12 lines of output results and add to the end of file with calorimeter pedestals (see above).
  • Edit file "sc_spectra.kumac", replace:
   ve/read pedes,pedcut pedes_14754.dat


 elseif [run]<#RunNumber then
   ve/read pedes,pedcut pedes_14754.dat	
 ve/read pedes,pedcut pedes_#RunNumber.dat

Software to start

  • CODA
    • old DAQ ( data in /adaq1/data1/raw ):
 ssh moller@adaq1  
 adaq1> start_coda 
  • Detector settings and HV control GUI
 ssh moller@adaql2
 adaq2> cd Java/msettings/
 adaq2> mpc		
  • FADC DAQ ( data in /data1/raw ) :
 ssh moller@hamoller (open 3 terminals)
 hamoller> start_coda_fadc
  • FADC settings:
 hamoller> cd crl/FADC/
 hamoller> gui_fadc_par
  • FADC online monitor:
 hamoller> cd fadc_online/mollmon/
 hamoller> mollmon -n moller25 -h hamoller
  • EPICS control
 ssh adaq@adaq1
 adaq1> monticello (OS Menu -> EDM -> Hall A -> HallA Moller polarimeter control)


 adaq1> jtabs (Beam Setup -> HallA-> Magnets-> Moller-> Combo)

Epics screens

Start JMenu (login to 'adaq1' as 'moller' and type):


input password for user 'adaq'
Then select from JMenu:

  • Helicity Control
 JMenu->Beam Setup->Injector->Parity->Helicity Control
  • Moller Combo (Magnets Q1-Q4, Dipolem Solenoid (sup.cond.) control, Target motion control, )
 JMenu->Beam Setup->Hall A->Hall A Moller->Combo
  • Target Motion Control
 JMenu->Beam Setup->Hall A->Moller Measurements->Moller Target Control
  • BPMs position
 JMenu->Operations->Bpms->Hall A Absolute Spikes 


 JMenu->Operations->Bpms->Hall A Relative Spikes

Moller magnet settings and beam tuning

  • Ask target operator to remove the main Hall A target
  • Raster OFF
  • Moller magnet settings: (Q1,Q2,Q3,Q4, Dipole-OFF)
   1st Moller quadrupole magnet Q1 - MQO1H02 
   2nd Moller quadrupole magnet Q2 - MQM1H02 
   3rd Moller quadrupole magnet Q3 - MQO1H03
   4th Moller quadrupole magnet Q4 - MQO1H03A
   Moller dipole magnet            - MMA1H01
  • Get magnet settings for energy (as example) e0=7.37GeV
   paw> lcd mag_optim
   paw> exec sett_magp11 e0=7.37 	
   .       Q1          Q2         Q3          Q4         Dipole
   kG   -4.2742     -1.85808     1.994       4.345     10.8837
   kG*m -30791.3    -16358.5     14315.3     30839.5     1.78793E+06
   A    -197.853    -93.5748     97.3212     208.451     399.068
  • Ask MCC operator for beam current 0.5uA
  • Beam position tuning with magnet settings (Q1,Q2,Q3,Q4) on IPM1H01 BPM ~0.2mm (absolute X,Y)
  • Turn Beam OFF
  • Turn ON Moller Dipole
  • Ask Beam current 0.5uA
  • Beam position tuning with Dipole ON on IPM1H01 BPM ~0.2mm
  • Set Moller target on beam (as on March 15, 2019)
 1: Empty,  2: Fe 10.0um,  3: Fe 4.0um,  4: Fe 1.0um

Detector HV tuning

  • HV for Moller detector:
  portserver: hatsv5:2003
  slot #5: ch:(0-3) - Calorimeter Left  (1-4); 
	   ch:(4-7) - Calorimeter Right (1-4)
  slot #6: ch:(0-3) - Aperture Left  (1-4); 
	   ch:(4-7) - Aperture Right (1-4)
  • HV prediction (printout predicted HV calorimeter values for energy e0):
 paw> exec hvlg e0=7.3 set=0
  1. Tune detector HV
  2. Start CODA run
  3. Check signals peak position at ADC channel.
 paw> exec run run=15625
 paw> exec lg_spectra run=15625			
  • Change HV for calorimeter in order to align the Møller peak position at ADC channel 300 for each block.
  • Repeat from #1
  • FADC DAQ: check signals peak position on online monitor 'mollmon'

Thresholds tuning

Polarization measurements

  1. Start dbedit on adaq1, select "mollerpol_l" database and set in "beam_pol" configuration table in row "code" parameter "adcevents" from 9 to 2: " ... adcevents=2"
  2. Make at least two CODA runs in order to use both coil polarities.

Data analysis

  1. old DAQ: adaq1:~/paw/moller/
      > paw
      paw> exec run run=15625
      paw> exec lg_spectra run=15625
      paw> exec time run=15625
      paw> lcd mag_optim
      paw> exec anpow_set e0=7.37 (E0 - beam energy in GeV)
      paw> lcd ..
      paw> exec asym19 anpow=0.7735 gate=0.033 run=15625 
     (gate=0.033 for 30Hz helicity frequency, gate=0.008 for 120Hz,  gate=0.004 for 240Hz, gate=0.0008 for 1kHz)
  2. The above steps have been tested and are up to data as of November 17th, 2018 - Bill H.

  3. FADC DAQ: hamoller:~/fadc_analysis/moller_fadc-17Dec2015/
      > bash
      > source
      > cd onlana
      > analyser
      analyser> replay_test(3023)
      analyser> .x do_analyse(3023)

Bugs To Fix in Software[1]

Results presentation

  • Results of all runs from "asym19" stored in files:, res.dat
  • These files are not rewritable (just add new lines)
  • Do copy these files to paw/moller/meas:
 > cp meas/
 > cp res.dat meas/res.dat.#RunBeg-#RunEnd
  • 1. To plot and average results, edit file: ~/paw/moller/asym_avt.kumac
    comment old beam polarization data and add new one, modify output of 'ps' file and titles with date then run it.
  • 2. To plot and average results, run (plot is stored in file ''):
PAW> exec asym_avv run1=#RunBeg run2=#RunEnd

Spin dance

  • Values of beam polarization, errors, wien angles - are defined inside kumac file. It used 'wave.f' function to fit spin dance points, like:
  • To run it, set beam polarization, errors, wien angles, range in kumac file, then in PAW type:
> lc spin
> exec spin_prec_21
> lc ../
  • It produced plot file:


  • Power Switch to reboot Target Magnet Cooling and Motion Systems:
IP address is ( in web interface: )
Username: hacuser
Password: as for hacuser

The outlets are labelled:

Outlet 1: Lakeshore 218 (temperature monitor)
Outlet 2: Raspberry pi (the IOC) ( magnet temperature and compressor readout)
Outlet 3 and 4 are empty
Outlet 5: Moller Target controls (not the motor drives though)
Outlet 6: Power supply controller (Probably should NOT reboot this remotely. If this is rebooted, the power supply will likely need to be rebooted as well)
Outlet 7: Portserver
Outlet 8 is empty

  • VME crates reboot
  1. Software reboot if VME crate is running:
    1. old DAQ hallavme5:
      	  > telnet hatsv5 2004
        	  > reboot
      	  Ctrl and "]"
      	  telnet> quit
    2. Boot parameters of VME CPU (as on 26 Oct 2016):

      VxWorks (for Motorola MVME2300 - MPC 604r) version 5.3.1.
      Kernel: WIND version 2.5.
      Made on Mar 25 1998, 08:54:04.
         boot device          : dc
         processor number     : 0 
         host name            : adaq1
         file name            : /adaqfs/home/moller/vxworks/vx2306_14
         inet on ethernet (e) :
         host inet (h)        :
         gateway inet (g)     :
         user (u)             : moller
         flags (f)            : 0x20 
         target name (tn)     : hallavme5
         startup script (s)   : /adaqfs/home/moller/vxworks/hallavme5_c4.boot

    3. FADC DAQ:
      	  > telnet hatsv12 2005
        	  > reboot
      	  Ctrl and "]"
      	  telnet> quit

      Boot parameters of VME CPU (as on 26 Oct 2016):

      VxWorks (for Motorola MVME6100-0163 - MPC 7457) version 5.5.1.
      Kernel: WIND version 2.6.
      Made on Feb 23 2009, 15:41:51.
          boot device          : geisc
          unit number          : 0 
          processor number     : 0 
          host name            : adaq1
          file name            : /adaqfs/home/moller/vxworks/vx6100_v4.1big
          inet on ethernet (e) :
          host inet (h)        :
          gateway inet (g)     :
          user (u)             : moller
          flags (f)            : 0x20 
          target name (tn)     : bbspare1
          startup script (s)   : /adaqfs/home/moller/vxworks/fadcmoller.boot
  2. Hardware reboot if crates not response:
    1. On adaq1 start firefox old DAQ hallavme5:
      Go to: http://hareboot26
      (outlet #3)
      	  user: hlauser
      	  select in "ON" box Outlet #3,	
      	  select in small box Outlet #3,	
      	  select Action "Reboot Immediatly" and
      	  press "Next" button to activate menu.
      	  press "Apply" button to activate action.

      Wait for few minutes while VME crate is rebooting.

    2. FADC DAQ crate:
      Go to: http://hareboot26
      (outlet #1)
      	  user: hlauser
      	  select in "ON" box Outlet #1,	
      	  select in small box Outlet #1,	
      	  select Action "Reboot Immediatly" and
      	  press "Next" button to activate menu.
      	  press "Apply" button to activate action.

      Wait for few minutes while VME crate is rebooting.

  • Moller target softIOC reboot
    You can reboot it from jtabs. Here are the steps:
          ssh hlal00
          jtabs (or jmenu)
          select System Experts
          select Control System
          select Individual IOCs by Area
          select Hall A IOCs
          and select  iocsofthahfm
          push button Reboot

    Or you can call MCC to have operator reboot it for you.

  • HV control
    HV GUI is running on adaq1 computer.
    To check measured voltages of detector go to directory and type
      adaq1> cd ~/daq/coda2/scripts   
      adaq1> get_hv hatsv5:2003
    To disable or enable HV channels for Moller detector type:
      adaq1> 0   (disable all channels)
      adaq1> 1   (enable  all channels)

  • Remote Threshold setup for modified Discriminator PS708
    Modified NIM Discriminator PS708 (8ch) (left NIM crate slot #12 [photo]) and VME board DAC VMIVME-1440 are installed in the Hall A as spare discriminator with remote control. Software to setup thresholds for PS708 is only low level for today. But it allows to setup thresholds from VxWorks shell terminal,
    like: set_thr_708(channel,threshold_in_mV).
      To setup threshold use command from VxWorks shell:
         adaq1> telnet hatsv5 2004
         -> set_thr_708(0,200)     set threshold 200 mV to channel 0 (channel, threshold_mV)
         -> get_thr_708(0)         get threshold from channel 0 

    28 May 2019. Measured threshold value on T check point of discriminator PS708 vs setting threshold for DAC VMIVME-4140:

     #set_thr_708()    Measured value on "T" point of PS708, V (10 times of real threshold)
     #set value, mV   Multimeter BK2703B 
     10               0.09
     50               0.48 
     150              1.46 
     250              2.41
     350              3.38
     500              4.83
     700              6.77
     900              8.70
     1000             9.68

  • Data analysis