Friday, April 12, 2013 11:00am EST

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Previous meeting: Monday, April 30, 2012 4:00pm


  1. Frank: Mainz test beam basics (time constraints, beam characteristics, local infrastructure…..) emails
  2. Michael: Logistics for test 1) (quartz specifications, light guide design, PMTs….) Slides, brainstorm
  3. Piotr: PREX quartz/light guide design (this will provide us with ideas for designing a light tight geometry quickly for test 1) three documents.
  4. All: Discussion of counting mode DAQ needs: precision charge ADC, trigger scintillators, basic event mode DAQ….
  5. Nilanga: 10cmx10cm test GEM chambers (this will aid us in doing tests 2) and 3), at the very least)
  6. All: Discussion of goals of tests 2) and 3)
  7. KK: Requirements for tests 4) and 5)
  8. All: ideas for 6)

Potential Goals

This section is to define goals of a potential beam test and Mainz, and what we need to know before we go.

  1. Pulse height spectra from various quartz/light guide geometries
  2. Background light from various sources for specific geometries
  3. Dependence of quartz response as a function of position in the quartz
  4. Pulse pair rms widths for various quartz/light guide geometries in integrating mode
  5. Noise test of full parity integrating electronics chain
  6. Tests of prototype tracking devices that could be used for Q2 measurement in MOLLER and P2


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