Meeting solid software

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software ideas

meeting info

Date and Location:  Thursday at 2PM in CEBAF center B101 (announcement in solid_software emaillist)
Conference ID 136870725 (participant passcode 7012)
Joining and Desktop Sharing (You don't need to call in by phone if your PC has a mic and a speaker)
Phone Call Dial 18882402560 (US or Canada only)  and enter the Conference ID and passcode.  (REMEMBER to turn off mic and speaker on your PC)
meeting system "bluejeans" howto
How to share files for the meeting:
you may just send the file to
The info below is about how to do it yourself
upload your file to the meeting file dir /u/group/halla/www/hallaweb/html/12GeV/SoLID/download/software/talk from any jlab server
then you can link it by + yourfilename
note: your account needs to be in 12gev_solid group to be able to upload.

meeting record

  • 2016/06/09
  • 2016/05/26
    • How to write a service in art. Example: Geometry service in art's "toyExperiment" slides (Ole)
  • 2016/05/06
    • Software talk from May 2016 collaboration meeting slides (Ole)
  • 2016/04/07
    • Updates
  • 2016/03/25
    • Take-away from recent workshop on Future Trends in Nuclear Physics Computing slide (Ole)
    • Beginning of software framework to-do list slides (Ole)
  • 2016/02/04
    • Software Framework Comparison slides (Ole)
    • Fermilab course on using art/LArSoft agenda/talks
  • 2015/12/03
    • [1] analysis script, Zhiwen
    • [2] [3] simulation update, Zhiwen Zhao
  • 2015/10/29
  • 2015/10/15
    • Discussion of initial experience with FairRoot/PandaRoot/EICRoot framework
    • Brief discussion of basic L3 trigger requirements
    • Discussion of near term simulation goals, primarily SIDIS digitization
    • Suggestion to investigate genfit & RAVE tracking/fitting libraries
  • 2015/10/01
    • Lessons learned from CLAS12 & GEMC development (Mauri) pdf
    • Take-away from EIC software workshop 9/25 (Ole) pdf
    • For reference: Talk given at EIC software workshop 9/25/15 (Ole) pdf
  • 2015/09/17
    • Framework design ideas (continued from collaboration meeting discussion) (Ole) pdf
    • Further dsicussion of geometry database prototyping
    • Preparation for next week's EIC software workshop at JLab
  • 2015/08/20
    • Overview of PHENIX Fun4All framework and development for sPHENIX (Tom) ppt
    • Virual Geometry Model info page at CERN [4]
    • "Geometry and GEANT4" note from Maurik Holtrop (June 2011) [5]
    • Summary of our current ideas/desired features for geometry/calibration database (Ole) pdf
  • 2015/07/23
    • Progress reports
  • 2015/07/09
    • Continue discussion of geometry classes (ROOT's TGeometry, EIC geometry package etc.)
  • 2015/06/18
    • Ideas for geometry classes (ROOT's TGeo, EIC geometry package etc.)
  • 2015/06/11
    • Key features of Hall D framework (Ole) pdf
  • 2015/05/07
    • Preparation for May collaboration meeting (Ole) pdf


sPHENIX software and simulation workfest

EIC Software Meeting, September 24-25, 2015

Future Trends in Nuclear Physics Computing, March 16-18, 2016

GlueX Computing Document

ccdb Hall D website

note about Geometry and GEANT4 from Maurik Holtrop (June 2011) [6]

Virtual Monte Carlo Run geant4 with TGeo

Virual Geometry Model used by VMC to convert TGeo to geant4 geo

VecGeom [7][8] replacing TGeo and Geant4 geo with MUCH better performance, support since geant4.10, planned adoption in Root, keep backward compatible with Tgeo, refer its webpage and [9] [10][11]

LBNE "General Geometry Description" (GGD or GeGeDe) [12]


delphes, fast sim


  • Zhiwen's DD4hep test installation on ifarm in the following steps
    • cd /group/solid/gitanl
    • install eic_container by "module load singularity/3.5.3","setenv PATH /apps/cmake/bin/:{$PATH}" and follow container instruction
    • source /group/solid/gitanl/setup.csh (assume your default shell is tcsh)
    • enter container by "container_dev" (somehow graphic is not working in this container, maybe due to X11 forwarding when running on ifarm)
    • "source" inside container (default shell in container is bash and default installation location is /group/solid/gitanl/development), every step below is inside container
    • mkdir -p /group/solid/gitanl/EIC/tutorials && cd /group/solid/gitanl/EIC/tutorials
    • get and test tutorial "git clone"
    • cd /group/solid/gitanl/EIC
    • get and test NPDet "git clone"
      • cd NPDet && mkdir build && cd build
      • cmake ../. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/group/solid/gitanl/development
      • make -j4
      • make install
      • cd /group/solid/gitanl/EIC/NPDet/src/ConceptDetectors/solid/compact
      • scripts/run_example solid_sidis.xml