Monday, July 8, 2013 11:00am EST

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Previous meeting: Monday, July 1, 2013 11:00am EST


  1. Status of motion system discussions at Mainz (not finalized yet). We are looking at a very simple linear motion of 50 cm in one transverse dimension that can be set on a table and one two dimensional motion system that can move 30 cm in one dimension and 15 cm in the vertical dimension. We might want to consider running in 2 phases using one or the other and then changing systems after the first 2 days for example.
  2. Brief discussion of possible triggering system. Frank says there is a standard one that they have used in the past which should be good enough for this test.
  3. Brief qualitative discussion of vacuum window. Thickness can be less than 500 microns and can be made thinner if we provide a physics reason for it.
  4. How to converge on Manitoba/UMass PMT order? Mainz is making an independent order. We should make a list of prototypes (see below) and then figure out (quickly) how many new PMTs are needed.
  5. What energies do we want? I suggest 200 and 800 MeV
  6. HV, DAQ and CAEN module all available and local group is already working on it
  7. Propose a meeting on July 22, same time, where:
    1. each of the 3 groups making prototypes i.e. UMass, Manitoba and Mainz each discuss the geometries being proposed and numbers of prototypes they are bringing
    2. What are the final decisions on POs for quartz (Mainz only), light guide materials and PMTs
    3. What is the timeline for each group to fabricate and get test results on cosmics?
  8. Start fleshing out a run plan:
    1. For each prototype: standard measurements at preferred orientation as a function of impact position of electrons on the quartz
    2. For 3-4 specific prototypes:
      1. Sensitivity to angle of impact
      2. Background in light guide as a function of position and orientation
      3. Responses as a function of "high pass" filters
    3. Test a couple of specific "crosstalk" geometries


Attending: Seamus, Juliette, Rupesh, Dustin, Michael, KK, Sebastian, Peiqing, Dominic

  1. motion system
    1. A CAD drawing will be sent around
  2. triggering system
    1. if scintillator too thick, need to move to back of quartz
  3. vacuum window
    1. flange with foil glued on (definitely <0.5 mm)
    2. could redesign and make hole smaller with thinner foil
  4. Manitoba/UMass PMT order
    1. each group determines what they need in a meeting in a few weeks
    2. Michael and KK will talk offline
  5. What energies do we want? I suggest 200 and 800 MeV
    1. Is it worth it to go to 855 MeV?
    2. The moliere radius will be different for 200-800 MeV compared to > 1 GeV, RMS width will be worse than in real experiment
    3. Need a simulation to compare results (Peiqing)
    4. We're stuck after Friday afternoon with whatever energy we have
  6. HV, DAQ and CAEN module all available and local group is already working on it
    1. Basic setup
  7. Propose a meeting on July 22*, same time, where:
    1. each of the 3 groups making prototypes i.e. UMass, Manitoba and Mainz each discuss the geometries being proposed and numbers of prototypes they are bringing
    2. What are the final decisions on POs for quartz (Mainz only), light guide materials and PMTs
    3. What is the timeline for each group to fabricate and get test results on cosmics?

  8. Start fleshing out a run plan:
    1. For each prototype: standard measurements at preferred orientation as a function of impact position of electrons on the quartz
    2. For 3-4 specific prototypes:
      1. Sensitivity to angle of impact
      2. Background in light guide as a function of position and orientation
      3. Responses as a function of "high pass" filters
    3. Test a couple of specific "crosstalk" geometries

*Michael is traveling so meeting time may change.

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