TDIS Bi-monthly meeting, 2018 April 17

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  • Target cell test stand [1]
  • Simulation Update (Rachel) [2]


  • Rachel provided an update on various simulation tasks (all on-going), including:
- Solenoid field influence on electron drift (seems acceptable overall);
- GEM simulation to study ion backflow (seems reasonable for Ar:CO2 mix, but a software issue is suspected for He:CH4 mix);
- Lambda decay background in kTDIS (results indicate one may have an handle on those);
- Beam background on detectors ("first glance").
  • Dipangkar presented a drawing of a device to test the target cell: resistance to pressure (up to 2bars), sagging, etc. Most parts have already been ordered.
  • Ed provided an udate on the test stand:
- JLab will get a Common Readout Unit ordered by BNL;
- a rigid design of the Front-End-Cards have been submitted to vendors; one of them offered to produce 5 units for ~$10k (vs ~$15k); at such a price, they consider ordering 2 more.

Organizational details

11:00 AM, JLab meeting room: CC A110
To join the Meeting:
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Meeting ID : 550335940
To join via phone :
  1. Dial:
    +1.408.740.7256 (United States)
    +1.888.240.2560 (US Toll Free)
    +1.408.317.9253 (Alternate number)
    (see all numbers -
  2. Enter Conference ID : 550335940