TDIS Bi-monthly meeting, 2018 July 10
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Target cell preparation plan [1]
Dipangkar presented his plan to craft a target tube of 14 um using a double layer of 7um kapton sheet, to test the "cold" option with ~1 atm differential pressure between target cell and mTPC. (larger kapton thickness from ~20um and above can be available commercially). Discussions were made about how to elaborate a system that will allow to control the amount of epoxy and avoid air bubbles trapped between kapton layers. Another concern is how to remove the rod on which the target cell is wrapped around for gluing after epoxy is cured. An idea could be make a rod with a metal rod with a tube of teflon to wrap the target cell around.
Nilanga has reported that he has still no update on the NSF grant application for the mTPC.
Organizational details
- 11:00 AM, JLab meeting room: CC A110
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- Meeting ID : 550335940
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- +1.408.740.7256 (United States)
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