TDIS Bi-monthly meeting, 2018 June 26
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- GEM update (Nilanga);
- Target test stand quick update (Dipangkar);
- Electronics test stand quick update (Ed);
- GEM update highlights:
Response for MRI to come in shortly (1-2 weeks); Planning to start very soon on the construction single module prototype (will require design of a pressure vessel); Needs additional input from simulations.
- Target test stand update:
arrived at JLab; being assembled by Jessie, and to be shipped to MSU soon.
- Electronics test stand update:
Ed is in possession of 15 (?) SAMPA chips; FE cards have been delayed from beginning of June to mid-July.
Organizational details
- 11:00 AM, JLab meeting room: CC A110
- To join the Meeting:
- To join via Room System:
- Video Conferencing System: -or-
- Meeting ID : 550335940
- To join via phone :
- Dial:
- +1.408.740.7256 (United States)
- +1.888.240.2560 (US Toll Free)
- +1.408.317.9253 (Alternate number)
- (see all numbers -
- Enter Conference ID : 550335940
- Dial: