TDIS Bi-monthly meeting, 2022 Oct 13
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- Patrick Barry talk:
Pion PDFs accessible in TDIS Abstract: A renewed attention has spawned in recent years to the pion parton distribution functions (PDFs). In 2018, the JAM collaboration included not only the pion-induced Drell-Yan data from Fermilab’s E615 experiment but additionally the leading neutron electroproduction data from HERA for the first time in a global QCD analysis. Unfortunately, further useful experimental data have been scarce. With the upcoming tagged deep inelastic scattering (TDIS) experiment at JLab, which is a fixed-target complement to the leading neutron experiment, we have an opportunity to further study pion structure. Because of the low Q^2 and high x_pi nature of TDIS, a natural question arises as to what level of impact these data can reliably have. In this talk, I will discuss to what extent the pion PDFs can be constrained with the TDIS experiment, with a special focus on the resonance region of the pion.
- Dipangkar, open discussion about the answer from the committee to release the conditional approval. Document here
- Patrick Barry presentation
- It was decided to have a meeting next week to discuss the answer from the committee to release the conditional approval.
Organizational details
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Topic: TDIS biweekly meeting Time: 10:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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