TDIS Bi-monthly meeting, 2022 Sept 29

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  1. Round table report
  2. your item


Present: Narbe, Ed, Dipangkar, Rachel, Thia, Eric C., Carlos

  • Minutes:
    1. Carlos reported:
      • Salina is not longer postdoc of Nilanga, which left the direct person in charge of the prototype, in principle, on the air. Nilanga also informed that the prototype just need to be assembled.
      • Due to the prior, I mailed Nilanga and Dipangkar, to plan an use of the prototype, which Aruni (future Dipangkar's Postdoc) can test it.
      • Next meeting we will have a presentation from Patrick Barry
      • Due to the small number of participation in the meetings, I proposed to send a poll to investigate the possibility to change the meeting dates.
    2. Eric C. and Thia:
      • concerns about the Multi-Layer-Proportional-Chamber (MLPC) suggestion from Bogdan.
      • high production of ions which increase the noise signal
      • how thin foils could affect the electric field and how distorted they could be.
      • they suggest to have Bogdan present to discuss these issues
    3. Dipangkar:
      • He asked Rachel about the difficulties to simulate Bogdan's MLPC with Garfield++ and it was discussed how this should be done.
      • It was raised the doubt that Sampa Chips are not adecuate to use with the MPLC
      • Aruni, former student from Eric C. at Hampton will join us as Postdoc.
      • he asked Carlos about the fusion between Carlos' and Steve's tracking code. The concept to fuse both is not straight forward, since Steve's use the pad and time information, whereas Carlos' uses the reconstructed space coordinates.
    4. Rachel:
      • She reported the UK funding agency has 0.5M pounds for hardware acquisition and she asked for purchases ideas, although any proposal should be discussed with the rest of Glasgow group which includes Hall B and SoLID.
    5. Ed:
      • he will organize with Eric C. a meeting to discuss the purchase and testing of the Sampa chips


On Monday, October 3rd, Dipangkar sent the answer from the committee about the release of the conditional approval. Document here

Organizational details

ZoomGov meeting.

Topic: TDIS biweekly meeting Time: 10:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)


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