Thursday, December 21, 2017 4PM ET

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Previous meeting: Thursday, December 7, 2017 4PM ET

Media:KK's MOLLER Task List.pdf

Tasks for Simulation Subsystem to track:

1) LA Tech and SBU -- Simulation/Shielding and Activation : Optimizing the shielding design and develop first order practical design that can be passed to engineers, Radiation load on target clam-shell (o-ring) and magnet coils, Activation studies for various components.
2) Wouter -- Pion Simulation (Muon Pair Production): could be significant for pion detector
3) TBD -- Detectors/Simulation (Slit scattering bkgd): Comprehensive note summarizing the elimination of all 1-bounce and leading 2-bounce sources
4) Seamus and Yury -- General/Simulation (Radiative corrections for all physics processes): Incorporate radiative corrections for e-e and inelastic e-p scattering
5) Pion and Simulation Group -- Simulation/Pion (Hyperon background estimation): Strategy to evaluate the hyperon bkgd using full suite of detectors
6) David and Seamus -- Simulation/Tracking (Optics collimator for Q2): simulated Q2 analysis and the use of tracking GEMs and special collimation


Tasks which overlap with Integrating Detector Subsystem:

7) Pion Group -- Pion Simulation (Beamdump bkgd impact): beamdump bkgds may affect some detectors
8) Manitoba and SBU -- Detectors/Simulation (PMT backgrounds): Comprehensive estimate of all bkgds at the main detector PMTs
9) UVA Group -- Detector/Simulation (Main detector geometries): Optimize radial and azimuthal ring dimensions to optimize background asymmetry correction determination and systematic (Yuxiang's approach)
10) UVA Group -- Simulation (PMT double difference): From Qweak experience, evaluate upper limit to possible systematic from A_T in showerMax and thin quartz
11) SBU Group Detectors/Simulation (ShowerMax splashback): Estimate possible bkgds in main detector PMTs from shmx splashback
12) SBU Group -- Detectors/Simulation (Detector shielding optimization): Figure out the configuration of heavy- and light-Z shielding (First need shielding Geometry)
13) SBU Group -- Detectors/Simulation (Crosstalk evaluation): Evaluate impact on specific detector measurements of bkgd from other sources


Task List Summary

put your slides or links to elogs here:

  1. Background study: Ciprian slides

Attendance: Rakitha, Dustin, KK, Cameron, Ciprian


  • Background study benchmark using Yuxiang's code. There are discrepancies in background rates in few cases (eAl-elastic). Rates Yuxiang obtained do not match with what Ciprian is getting using the same code.
  • We will have to simulate the effect of an aluminum window if we going to keep the magnets under vacuum in such a way that keep scattered electrons under vacuum
    • To test this we will add a simple vacuum window (aluminum) few hundred microns thin US of the collimator 4. Then set the US side of the window under vacuum and DS side under air.
    • Cameron will implement a simple aluminum window and implement vacuum and air configuration discussed in above point
    • Ciprian will then can run the simulation with moller and elastic generator to compare rates with just air in the hall and vacuum to air interface using aluminum windows.

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