Thursday, November 14, 2013 2pm EST - Compton

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Previous meeting: Thursday, September 26, 2013 2pm EST - Compton

Tentative Agenda

  1. DAQ update (Bob)
  2. Summary of Plans (Juliette)
  3. Next meeting time (set a regular time?)


Attending: Bob, Sirish, Alex, Juliette, Ryan, Brian, Dustin, Greg

  1. DAQ update
    1. DAQ has a critical frequency of 300 kHz
    2. rates could be as high as a MHz
  2. Summary of e- det plans
    1. will start simulations soon
    2. may start looking at single-crystal diamond here using single channel electronics
  3. Hall see beam toward end of March as part of accelerator commissioning
    1. 6 GeV, 5 uA at most; may not have any
    2. running for 5 weeks at 4 GeV
    3. Compton milestone - transport beam through chicane (3rd week of March)
    4. check beam quality with photon detector
    5. next chance in September during DVCS
    6. may be useful to go down for e- det during spring (with practice run earlier)
  4. photon detector
    1. raising the GSO by 3 inches
    2. historically hot
  5. Next meeting: around Dec 14th (will send Doodle poll about a week before)

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