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== Agenda ==
== Agenda ==
# How many people will come in October from each group?
# Plans and goals
## Review the goal for this first run: test several quartz/lightguide/PMT prototypes with emphasis on pulse height spectra and sensitivity to backgrounds in the light guides
## Manitoba and UMass prototypes (number of prototypes and concepts)
## Anything else besides the above?
# Preparations at Mainz
## Basic components: test table, trigger scintillators, DAQ system, analysis scripts….
## Envision a modular setup which is self-aligned but will facilitate quick swap-in/out of various prototypes. Get input on this. Frank, Sebastian and I will flesh this out during the week.
## Formulation of a run plan to accomplish both MOLLER and P2 goals during this week
# time of next Monday's phone meeting

Revision as of 10:02, 1 July 2013

Previous meeting: Friday, April 12, 2013 11:00am EST


  1. How many people will come in October from each group?
  2. Plans and goals
    1. Review the goal for this first run: test several quartz/lightguide/PMT prototypes with emphasis on pulse height spectra and sensitivity to backgrounds in the light guides
    2. Manitoba and UMass prototypes (number of prototypes and concepts)
    3. Anything else besides the above?
  3. Preparations at Mainz
    1. Basic components: test table, trigger scintillators, DAQ system, analysis scripts….
    2. Envision a modular setup which is self-aligned but will facilitate quick swap-in/out of various prototypes. Get input on this. Frank, Sebastian and I will flesh this out during the week.
    3. Formulation of a run plan to accomplish both MOLLER and P2 goals during this week
  4. time of next Monday's phone meeting


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