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(LHRS : High Voltage controls)
(LHRS : High Voltage controls)
Line 387: Line 387:
=== LHRS : High Voltage controls ===
=== LHRS : High Voltage controls ===
* Instructions for opening high voltage GUI for HRS
Login as "adev" on the "adaql1" or "adaql2" computers.
Login as "adev" on the "adaql1" or "adaql2" computers.
Line 400: Line 398:
To run the beamline crate: ./hvs BEAMLINE  
To run the beamline crate: ./hvs BEAMLINE  
* Instructions for opening high voltage GUI for HRS
* login as '''adev''' on '''adaq1''' or  '''adaq2''' (eg: "'''ssh adev@adaq1'''")
* login as '''adev''' on '''adaq1''' or  '''adaq2''' (eg: "'''ssh adev@adaq1'''")
* passwords are written on the counting house white board
* passwords are written on the counting house white board

Revision as of 17:57, 8 November 2014

A shift portal page is available with summarized instructions for shift takers.

This page contains a listing of all procedures, including information that may be relevant only in specific cases. This page is obviously in progress; please contribute to it or contact jroche@jlab.org with updates.


ioc_portserver_reboot_locations (dead link: Nov 8, 2014)

Left HRS portserver : hatsv4

DVCS portserver : hatsv21

DVCS reboot switch : hareboot17


  • The start and end of run entries do not show up in HALOG:
    • Make sure you have waited long enough. Automated entries take a while to show up in the HAlog.
    • You want to quit coda, connect to adaql2 as a-onl using ssh, anbd restart coda. Yes even if you are already connect on adaql2 as a-onl, the ssh part is what you need here.
  • Deadtime reading [this halog entry]
  • If the DVCS calorimeter DC readings are frozen: read that [[1]]

Beam Recovery Procedure

Update: October 24, 2010.

  • Empty target, establish correct beam position</li>
    • 5 uA empty target
    • BPM4A (X,Y) = ( 0.0, 0.0) mm
    • BPM4B (X,Y) = ( 0.0, 0.0) mm
    • See white board for updates on these.
    • Tolerances on these : +/- 0.3 mm
  • In standard configuration we run without the raster (ok on cryotarget if beam current is less than 5uA)
  • Put in BeO target, for visual check of spot (if camera still works)
    • 10 uA rastered beam on BeO.

Data Acquisition

Basic Data Acquisition with CODA (updated 11/3)

This assumes runcontrol is already up. If not, go to Starting CODA From Scratch below.

For this data taking we running the Left and the Right DAq completly independent of each other. The Left DAQ setting takes data for the LHRS and the DVCS calorimeter. For the Left DAQ, the data needs to be taken with (regular) LEFT DAQ prescale 9 only. To switch between different type of triggers in the LEFT HRS or on the DVCS calorimeter, one needs to modify prescale on the DVCS trigger module.

  • How to run DAQ on LEFT HRS:
    • From a terminal login as "adaq" on adaq1 machine (do "ssh adaq@adaq1" without the quotes)
    • Password is available on the white board
    • After login to adaq1, type "startcoda" to bring up the runcontrol GUI
    • The default configuration is "DVCS", if it is not loaded you can choose it from the menu "configurations->Cool", select "DVCS"
    • Click "Platform->connect"
    • Click on "Download" button
    • Click on "Start (>>)" button, and acknowledge "start-of-run" pop-up window
    • To end a run click on "End" button
  • How to run DAQ on RIGHT HRS (only for GMP):
    • From a terminal login as "adaq" on adaq2 machine (do "ssh adaq@adaq2" without the quotes)
    • Password is available on the white board
    • After login to adaq2, type "startcoda" to bring up the runcontrol GUI
    • The default configuration is "RHRSnoBuff", if it is not loaded you can choose it from the menu "configurations->Cool", select "RHRSnoBuff"
    • Click "Platform->connect"
    • Click on "Download" button
    • Click on "Start (>>)" button, and acknowledge the "start-of-run" pop-up window
    • To end a run click on "End" button
  • How to kill coda processes
    • At the terminal of adaq1 (for LHRS) or adaq2 (for RHRS), type "kcoda"

Some common issues with the DAQ

Data appear in /adaq1/data1/dvcs14_NNNN.dat.X where NNNN is the run number and X is the split number. You can find the last run with the command "lastrun"

Triggers, Scalers, and Dead Time

For this data taking we running the Left and the Right DAq completly independent of each other. The Left DAQ setting takes data for the LHRS and the DVCS calorimeter. For the Left DAQ, the data needs to be taken with (regular) LEFT DAQ prescale 9 only. To switch between different type of triggers in the LEFT HRS or on the DVCS calorimeter, one needs to modify prescale on the DVCS trigger module.

Setting prescale factor for the HRS only (updated 11/03)

For this DVCS/GMP run, we use prescale 9 only for the regular LHRS DAQ.

    For Left HRS:
       login as adaq on adaq1 machine
       type "prescaleL &" to open the GUI
       set desired prescale factors (for DVCS enable prescale 9 only)  and click "Save" and Exit 
   For Right HRS:
       login as "adaq" on "adaq2" machine
       type "prescaleR &" to open the GUI
       set desired prescale factors and click "Save" and Exit 
   Definition of triggers:
       T1 = L-arm s0 && S2m trigger
       T2 = L-arm s0 && GC trigger
       T3 = L-arm s2 && GC trigger
       T4 = L-arm s0 && Shower trigger
       T5 = L-arm s2m && Shower trigger
       T6 = L-arm GC && Shower trigger
       T7 = L-arm EDTM trigger
       T8 = 103.7 kHz pulser (for LHRS), 1.024 kHz (for RHRS)
       T9 = LHRS trigger formed in the DVCS trigger module <<=== we want that

Starting xscaler (HRS) and checking raw trigger rates (updated nov 5, 2014)

Raw rates of trigger and detector channels can be accessed using a GUI. Below are the instructions for opening "xscaler" GUI

  • These screens are generally already open on the agen5 machine (above the DAQ machine)
  • If it is xscaler is not open then follow these instructions:
    • login as a-onl on adaq1 or adaq2 machines (eg: "ssh a-onl@adaq1" )
    • passwords are written on the white board
    • type "goxscaler" and follow the instructions printed on the screen
    • type "./xscaler Left" or "./xscaler Right" to access xscaler display
    • Select the "Trig-Cher-S0" tab on the top of the window

For a crude estimation of the deadtime (without considering the effect of the DVCS trigger module), compare T3 (S2m&GC) and L1A. As of Nov 5, 2014, it seems the L1A is double counting, we are investigating.

How to download and check the LHRS MLU trigger (updated 11/05)

By default for DVCS, we will not use this system. The HRS trigger (S2m&GC) is formed by the dedicated DVCS trigger module. If for some reason you still need to work with the MLU, consult the MLU information off the main Hall A wiki page.

How to check the dead time (updated nov 6, 2014)

After you replay the run, ssh to aonl1, aonl2, aonl3 or aonl4 machine and:

> godvcs
> cd marco/deadtime/
> analyzer
> .L deadtime.C
> deadtime(NNNNN)

One can also use the xscaler display (see above).

Setting prescale factor for the DVCS trigger module (updated 11/03)

The DVCS trigger module forms a LHRS trigger (first trigger level) and initiate the search of a valid photon event in the DVCS calorimeter. If a valid event in the DVCS calorimeter is found (second trigger level) the event is recorded. So when setting prescale factor for the DVCS trigger module, one needs to specify what makes the first trigger level and what makes the second one. For more info goto: [this page]

To set the prescales for the DVCS trigger module, connect as dvcs@intelhadvcs1, edit file dvcs_trigger.conf, start the run.

Cold Start Checklist (when beam has been off for several hours)

  • Confirm target is “empty target”
  • Call for pulsed beam for tuning
  • Tune beam to beam dump (straight through, no Compton chicane)
  • Call for 10μA beam
    • establish beam position
    • check beam charge monitors
    • check beam position monitors
  • Confirm HRSs set to correct value
  • Move target to THIN Carbon position for detector check out
  • For detector checkout: current = 0.5μA
  • Check out detectors at different currents
  • In standard production configuration, check that the raster is off.
  • Resume runplan

Starting CODA From Scratch

You do not need to do this routinely - only if you are starting from a fresh login or after a computer crash. Log in a a-onl account on adaql2 ( check with Run Coordinator in case you don't know the password )

(Contact: Bob Michaels)

Reboot crates

On one workspace you will see six xterms with names of the crates in the title, e.g. "ROC4--hallasfi4--hatsv40-port6". From each of the six xterms, you should telnet into the appropriate RS232 interface, e.g. for the above, "telnet hatsv40 2006" (if the prompt in the xterm is "->", it is already connected). The "hallasfi4" is the internet name of the crate's cpu.

If the xterms are missing, type "setupxterms".

From these xterms, you reboot by typing "ctrl-X". Yes, you hold down the Ctrl key, then hit X. You can also type reboot but "ctrl-X" is better. You can also reboot from the crate resets GUI on HA Tools.

To power cycle the DVCS crates, type crateOff in a terminal in logged as a-onl and after crateON to turn both ROC17 and ROC18 back on.

For full details about the Hall A DAQ (including reboot procedures) see This or This

Start CODA

Open a terminal and type startcoda.

The runcontrol window will appear: File:Startcoda.png

Hit the "Connect" button, then "Configure" (choose a configuration e.g. LeftHrs), and "Start Run", or, to troubleshoot, "Download", "Prestart", and "Go".

How to Take a Pedestal Run

HRS pedestals

If you've been running the normal spectrometer DAQ configuration, you'll need to press "Abort", then "RunTypes" and select the PEDRUN configuration. Download, StartRun. Run for about 5000 events, then EndRun. You may check the pedestal files in ~/ped (pedN.dat corresponding to ROC #N). See README there for more details. After pedestal run, change back to the running configuration.

NOTE: DONT try to use PEDRUN for anything other than pedestal determination -- its confusing since the prescale factors are in a different file, etc. If you want a run with pedestal suppression turned off, see the README.

DVCS calorimeter

Use the DVCS run type with hrs prescale 9 enabled. Update the [dvcs_trigger.conf file] such that

  1. the entry "Require cluster" shows 0
  2. the entry "PRESCALE_ID _S2M_NCER" shows 1. Triggering on the other LHRS triggers would also be ok.

How to check disk space for writing (updated 11/05)

As adaq@adaq1, type "df -k /adaq1/data1/"

How to start the EDTM system (Expert only) (current as of 11/05)

Expert only means you will need a password. Longwu OU wrote these instructions and has the password. Mongi Dlamini, Kijun Park also has the password.

> ssh -X root@intelha3 (password require)
> cd /root/rpulser/
> ./rpulserl usage
> ./rpulserl start 0 0xa100 0xc339   \\ start pulser  (450Hz on port2)
> ./rpulserl stop 0                  \\ stop pulser

Intel Version

The crate containing the random pulser has both a Vxworks CPU (happex8) and an intel CPU (intelha3). As this crate is being used to read some F1 TDCs, using the intel ROC, the r_pulser library has been ported to Linux to run on intel ROCs, in case the Vxworks CPU needs to be reomved from the crate. This ported version is in /root/rpulser on intelha3. The available commands can be seen by running

 /root/rpulser/rpulserl usage

The pulser can be started with

 /root/rpulser/rpulserl start 0 0xa100 0xc339

This command has been placed in the boot script for intelha3. The equivalent command has been commented out of the boot script for happex8.

Using flexio module for EDTM measurement

The output of port B of the pulser generator goes to a NIM fan-out module and is then fed into two flexio module. Each module has two output cards and each card has 16 channels. The first module (which has 32 channels in total) provides EDTM pulse to the 32 S2m PMTs, one card for left side and one card for right. Only one card of the second module is used now, and its 14 outputs pulse 10 GC PMTs, GC analog sum and S0 PMTs respectively. Each channel of the output card can be enabled or disabled by setting the corresponding bit of the register.

For GMP and DVCS experiment, S0 and GC PMTs are always pulsed with EDTM signal, while only 2 S2m PMTs attached to two sides of a scintillator paddle are pulsed at one time. Their signals are mixed with EDTM pulse for a little while and then the 2 PMTs with next paddle are pulsed. In this way all 16 paddles get looped over again and again. The command to initiate flexio module to work in this manner is

 ->/root/edtm/flexioctl edtm argu1 argu2 > /tmp/edtm.log &


 ->/root/edtm/flexioctl edtm argu > /tmp/edtm.log &


 ->/root/edtm/flexioctl edtm 2 4 > /tmp/edtm.log &
 ->/root/edtm/flexioctl edtm 4 > /tmp/edtm.log &

When two arguments are provided for the program flexioctl, the first one is the duration (in minutes) of the program. When the program expires, it stops setting the register of flexio module so the loop over S2m paddles will stop. The second argument determines how long each paddle is pulsed in seconds. In the case only one argument is given, this argument does exactly what argu2 does in the other case, and the program will practically run forever.

Data analysis


(Last updated: November 06, 2014)

Login to aonl1, aonl2, aonl3, or aonl4 as user a-onl (password on the white board) and run

$ godvcs
$ analyzer

Once the analyzer has worked its way through the data, look at the data with the following commands:

[] .x online.C+("detectorL", NNNN);
[] .x online.C+("calo", NNNN);
[] .x online.C+("physics", NNNN);

where NNNN is the run number.

For more detailed information, please see the README file at /adaqfs/home/a-onl/dvcs12/onlana/README.

Batch offline analysis

As soon as CODA files go to /mss, a batch job is submitted to the JLab farm to decode each file. Outputs are store under /mss/home/munoz/DVCS2/1stprod. A copy of the last 100 files is kept in the work disks under /work/halla/dvcs/disk1/1stprod.

Online analysis of L-HRS and R-HRS data

Details can be found in the dedicated page on HRS online analysis.

Starting the Port Server Windows

On adaql2 type : start_monitors

this will open 6 xterms with in the title on which portserver to log :

so for example to log on hatsv4 port 3 type :

telnet hatsv4 2003

Spectrometer detectors

How to change the momentum setting of HRS

From the HAC window, there is a P0 SET field for each spectrometer in which you can enter the desired momentum setting. To change to a lower momentum from a higher previous setting, you just need to enter the new momentum value. To raise the momentum setting, you need to cycle the Q2 and Q3 magnets first and then enter the desired momentum setting. To cyle the Q2 and Q3, turn off their regulation (Hall A General Tools, click the button right of P0set), send Q2 and Q3 to 1600 A, wait two minutes at 1600A, set the p0 to the deisred value, turn onn Q2 and Q3 regulations. If you run into trouble with the dipole NMR lock, [this] might help you.

How to change the spectrometer angle

First, do a visual survey of the Hall to make sure nothing is in the spectrometer's path. Also, make sure you are not exceeding the minimum (typically 14 degrees) or maximum (experiment dependent) spectrometer angle.

Typically any motion less than 14 degrees requires techs to be present in the hall

Second, on hacsbc2, click the red "tool box" icon on the linux taskbar, as above. Choose bogies_SetSpec so that you can determine the angle and vernier setting for the spectrometer.
Bogies SetSpec.window.gif
See the window displayed to the right. Enter the spectrometer (L or R), and the angle, and you will get two options for the floor mark and the vernier. Generally choose the vernier closer to zero. Center the cameras on the desire vernier using the Move+/Move- buttons on the Hall A General Tools screen. The TV monitors for these cameras are on the middle shelf, in rack CH01A05.

Third, choose bogies_Left (or bogies_Right) in the tool box to bring up the bogies control screen. [image:bogies_RIGHT.window.gif] Click PSM enable and wait a few seconds for PSM OK to read YES. Click DM enable and wait a few seconds for DM OK to read YES.

Make sure the velocity is set to 0 and the direction is CW or CCW as desired. Click on Brake Release and wait for Brakes OK to read YES.

Click on ClampRelease, set the velocity to 700. Once you see the spectrometer start to move in the floor angle camera - you cannot see the spectrometer move in the Hall overview camera, as it only moves a few degrees per minute at maximum speed. For the left arm, to move to a larger angle, the direction should be CCW, while for the right arm CW moves the spectrometer to larger angle. The direction of the spectrometer is reversed by using a negative rpm. Watch the spectrometer motion on the cameras. When you are getting close to the desired angle, slow down to about 300 rpm. To stop, click on the Clamp Release button and the Brake button. Disable DM and PSM, and disconnect to close the GUI. Read off the floor angle mark and vernier, and input the values into the appropriate fields in the Alignment section of the Hall A General Tools GUI.

If the bogie become unresponsive, you might read the section below on how to reset the bogie.

How to reset the Bogie IOC

Sometimes the HRS bogie controllers get in a funny state and will not respond to the GUI. For example, you click on the buttons (PSM enable, DM enable, etc), but the state field doesn't change, even after a patient wait of 5--10 seconds.

The first thing you should try is to close the Bogie GUI window using the disconnect button, wait for 5 minutes and try again. Sometimes the system will correct itself. If it doesn't you may want to try rebooting the Bogie IOC.

Follow this link: Resetting the HRS Bogie IOC

How to reset the quadrupoles

The reset for Q2 is simple, on the front of the power supply there are red lights on when the power supply is tripped. At the bottom of the board that has the red light there is a blue reset button. There may be more than one light on so there may be more than one blue button that needs to be pushed. Push blue buttons until all of the red lights are out. Once all of the lights are out, lower the large lever on the lower right side of the power supply and lift it back into position. this will reset the Q2 and Q3 power supplies locally. For Q1, it's simpler : there is a large sign in the back of the Q1 equipment rack on the power supply balcony that says the blue reset button is here. you press the button and the magnet resets.

How to reboot HRS magnet IOC

Go to the hall A main menu screen.

Click "IOCS". Note that the left HRS magnet IOC's (iocha14) are accessible at http://hareboot10 and the right HRS magnet IOC's(iocha16) are accessible at http://hareboot25 (Username and password for IOC reboot are available in the counting house). Close the "Hall A IOC Systems" window. To reboot:

  • the left HRS magnet IOC's, go to http://hareboot10 and from the pull-up menu next to iocha14, select "immediate reboot".
  • the right HRS magnet IOC's, go to http://hareboot25, click on control, select iocha16, from the pull-up menu select "immediate reboot".

After the IOC reboot, please make sure that the spectrometer-angle information is reentered into the Hall A General Tools GUI.

How to restart the HRS hall probe gaussmeters

This procedure is NEW as of September 28, 2010.

From HALOG 333032:

The Lakeshore gaussmeters for the magnet hall probes are no longer being controlled by the Slow Controls VME crates (iocha14 and iocha16). You will notice that the GUI for each gaussmeter is slightly different than the previous GUI. The functions are still the same. However, if a meter "hangs", a person must notify accelerator Software On Call to reset the interface; ask MCC to make the call. At present this is not something we can do from the Counting House.

DO NOT attempt to reboot iocha14 or iocha16 to correct any problem with a gaussmeter readout. The control is now done through a portserver with an Accelerator PC acting as a "soft"-IOC. We do not have direct access to this PC.

What/where to check VDC

VDC status can be checked on the HAC Main Control Window. High Voltages and Gas Flows are constantly being monitored.

How to set / reset phototube high voltage

From the Hall A Main Menu on hacsbc2, click on LeCroy HV. Choose the appropriate spectrometer, and then the appropriate detector. Usually the voltages are already plateaued, and you should only need to turn HV on. All voltage numbers are in Volts.

How to reset the VDC high voltage

Bring up the HAC control window per the above instructions. In the "Miscellaneous" section, click on the "Crate Resets" button. This will bring up the "Hall A Slow Controls" window. In the bottom left and right of this window are the reset buttons for the spectrometer subsystems. Click on the relevant "VDC high voltage" reset button. You then need to go back to the main HAC GUI and reset the tripped VDC to 4 kV by entering 4 in the VDC HV window. If the VDC trips again, reset the supply then try to ramp up the voltage slowly. If there are repeated trips, call an expert.

How to start xscaler (HRS) / view the scalers

start xscaler :

  • Go to the hapc5 terminal in the middle of rack CH01A09. If it is not logged in, log in as user "adaq"
  • Type ssh adaq@adaql4 and enter the password when prompted.
  • Type goxscaler
  • Type ./xscaler

to view the scalers :

  • The simplest : login to adaq l1 as adaq
  • Type xscaler
  • Follow what it says

NB : you must be in the correct directory since there are 2 versions of xscaler : the new is ROOT GUI (the previous one is Calvin Howell's GUI)

  • Make sure that the 12V box on the screen "HRS hadron systems FPP carbon doors" are always on (HallA mainmenu, FPP button, carbon doors).

Beam Line

How to Check the Raster (spot) (updated 11/08)

In order to properly analyze data from the raster and bpm runs, whoever is taking the data will need to use the spot_Left code located in my directory. The standard spot++ analyzer has not been updated to include the second (downstream) rasters.

The instructions are:

  1. login as a-onl on adaq1 (eg: "'ssh a-onl@adaq1").
    1. passwords are written on the counting house white board
  2. cd to the rastersize/luke/ directory
  3. From the terminal, type"./spot_Left runnumber max_number_of events" (without the quotes, and where runnumber and max_number_of events should be integers)
  4. root should analyze and display the raster and bpm histograms

This is taken from Luke's elog [2]

Compton Operation

The Compton is out of commission for now

Slow control

How to bring up HAC control window (Hall A Tools)

The machine which runs the HAC GUI is hacsbc2. The monitor is located in the Hall A Counting House in rack CH01A02, just below the NMR dipole oscilloscopes. Click here to see the screen.

Open up a terminal (make sure you are logged in as hacuser, see the paper at the upper right corner of the whiteboard for password) and type NewTools at the prompt. This will open a window with one button: "EOS menu". Left-click on the button and select "EDM (HLA Main)". A separate window entitle "Hall A Main Menu" will appear. One of the entries is labeld "Tools". Clicking on the "Tools" button opens the "Hall A General Tools" screen, which is often referred to as the HAC window.

High Voltage controls (updated: 11/05)

The following information is also available at How to open high voltage GUI.

LHRS : High Voltage controls

Login as "adev" on the "adaql1" or "adaql2" computers.

cd ~adev/slowc

To run the Left HRS alone: ./hvs LEFT

To run the Right HRS alone: ./hvs RIGHT

To run the beamline crate: ./hvs BEAMLINE

  • Instructions for opening high voltage GUI for HRS
  • login as adev on adaq1 or adaq2 (eg: "ssh adev@adaq1")
  • passwords are written on the counting house white board
  • To open Left and Right HRS HV GUI type "hvgui_hrs"
  • A VNC session of the HV GUI will open. If the VNC server is off, then you can start it by doing "start_hvgui_hrs"
    • crate rpi8:2001 is for LHRS
    • crates rpi7:2001 and rpi6:2001 are for RHRS?
    • Never change HV values without an expert's approval

[HV instructions for users]

[HV for experts]

12 GeV DVCS/GMp October 2014 running

DVCS : High Voltage controls

[We do not use the right arm]: For the right arm, login in an adaq computer as adev, and launch the program hvgui_vnc.

For the left arm and beamline, go in the Lecroy item in Hall A EPICS menu

For the DVCS calorimeter:
The HV control GUI should be running and you should be able to interact with it through a VNC server.

  • login a-onl@aonlX (X=1,2,3, and 4)
  • type "vncviewer --shared adaq1:1" (option, "--shared" MUST be used !)
    • you will need to authenticate with the adaq password
  • go to HV session window
  • open terminal, type: ssh -X a-onl@aonl2
 → I know this is awkard, but it is easy control in VNC server and not distract to adaq DAQ machine
  • a-onl@aonl2> cd slowc/
  • Type ./hvs DVCS
    • There are two tabs with high voltages. When switching the high voltage on or off, make sure to do the switch for both tabs!

For more information about the HV control for the DVCS calorimeter see HV_CALO

How to start DVCS HV GUI on adaq@adaq1.jlab.org

Login as "adaq" on the "adaq1" or "adaq2" computers. 
(1) cd /adaqfs/home/adaq/dvcs3/slowc/
(2) ./RunDVCS_CalHV_Crates.exe 

hv_set file : /adaqfs/home/adaq/dvcs3/slowc/DVCS/hv_set/allcalo_halla.hv

HV crates in the Hall are labeled new names (DVCS Cal HV1(upper) and DVCS Cal HV2(middle))

PortServer: hatsv17 (
DVCS Cal HV1(upper) : hatsv17:2002
DVCS Cal HV2(middle): hatsv17:2003

HV Frame Configuration file:

DVCS HV map file:

HV map Configuration file:

How to start DVCS ADC readout through EPICS

Login as "opsll.acc.jlab.org" that is accelerator computer. You need an accelerator computer account.
I have tested thorugh this:
> ssh -X parkkj@opsll.acc.jlab.org
> edmRun /a/opsuser/mccops/edm/HALLA/DVCS/dvcsCalorimeter-new.edl

How to read DVCS Calo HV/Anode current and record Start_Run_Log

<b>MAKE SURE HV GUI IS RUNNIGN ONLINE</b> because hvcli uses TCP/IP protocol only  
Login as "adaq" on the "adaq1" or "adaq2" computers. 
> /adaqfs/home/adaq/scripts/epicsRunStart

make sure you call current version of "hv_proc_dvcs.com" in the "epicsRunStart"
look at the line# 1507, 1510: They should:

/adaqfs/home/adev/dvcs3/slowc/hv_proc_dvcs.com -D DVCS -c GET -P MV -m 0:12,0:15 >> $epicsfile
/adaqfs/home/adev/dvcs3/slowc/hv_proc_dvcs.com -D DVCS -c GET -P MC -m 0:12,0:15 >> $epicsfile

Links to more HV help

These two links provide some old but useful information.


For experts


or contact to Kijun Park <mailto:parkkj@jlab.org>

LED table control

The LED driver is located in the DVCS IOC. To access it:

  • open a terminal, and type the command: "telnet iochacs"
  • load the LED control library by typing: "ld < NewLedLib.o"

Then it is possible to control the led. Few commands:

  • SetFrequency(prescalefactor1,prescalefactor2), to turn off the LED put a large prescale factor SetFrequency(0xffff,0xffff)
  • To switch ON the LED corresponding to a particular block: SetBlock(columnNbr, rowNbr)
  • To scan several blocks of the calo with the LEDs: ScanCalo(MaxColumnNbr, MaxRowNumber, Number)
  • SetDelayTrig(Step)
  • SetDelayLed(Step)
  • To turn the Led Off LedOff()
  • To turn the Led On LedOn()

Reboot calorimeter VME ADCs crate

If the DC current are not read out ( ie GUI frozen and time out in the end of run ) that could mean that the IOC iochacs ( is down.

For the moment: (11/05) There's not been established a mechanism set up for this ioc. We need a serial console port and hard rebooot outlet be set up for iochacs (Will update later)

a network controlled power strip to be installed for setup for HV and IOC.

Meantime, You need a hardware reboot by pushing the reset button in the hall VME module is in the middle size black rack beside DVCS HV rack. You see the "reset" button on the top-front panel of module.

The IOC is plugged on a remoter control power strip which is using the hostname src2

The plug assignements are

5 DVCS Bottom HV

8 network switch

12 DVCS Top HV

15 iochacs

End CODA run first (see modified instructions in halog 342245 [[3]])

Login on the src2 host ( use the username and password for hacweb8 ) and go outlet control and select reboot immediate on the selected plug. Here is a detailed procedure in halog 341127 [[4]]


Starting HALOG

If no halog guis are up and running, log in as user "adaq" on any "adaq.." machine. Type halog a yellow and blue and gray window will appear Enter text in the large message area, your name in the User area, and a title in the Keywords area. Remember that experiments tend to suffer from too little documentation, not too much. Also, halog entries allow people to remotely check on the experiment progress without bothering you with phone calls. When complete, after pressing the "Make entry" button, the text in the message center to the lower right corner of the window should read 'Entry Complete', otherwise something is wrong. It often takes several minutes for entries to show up in halog. Entering graphics: Click 'Grab Screen' in the bottom button row of the halog window. The halog window will disappear, and the window the cursor is in will become the active window, its outline flashing. By moving the cursor you can select any window to be selected, by clicking on the left mouse button. You also can select an arbitrary part of the screen by holding down the left mouse button and dragging the cursor along. All the time a rectangle will flash that indicates the selected area. Releasing the mouse button will then cause this screen area to be included into the entry. It will show up as a thumbnail picture in the halog window, where you can discard it or accept it, and then make a second screen grab. The images are in GIF format.

How to bring up the Alarm Handler

From the "toolbox" icon in the taskbar, press the "Alarm Handler" label. Alarms are indicated by a beep and the alarm handler button flashing. The color red indicates values far out of range, while the color white indicates a communication failure. Clicking on the alarm handler button will bring up an alarm handler list. A detailed list is given in the left panel, and clicking on items here brings up a more detailed list in the right panel. The alarm can be acknowledged and silenced by clicking on the button beside the alarm indicator.

You can plot time dependencies of EPICS variables

Pressing the "toolbox" icon and launch "StripTool", which enables you to plot any EPICS variable(s) versus time. To find out the name of a particular EPICS variable, click on it with the middle mouse button on the MEDM GUI.

How to bring up the Beamtime Time Accounting Table (updated 11/05)

See http://hallaweb.jlab.org/equipment/daq/abu.html for information.

What/where to check target temperature and pressure

The target temperature and pressure is displayed on the target GUIs running on cryotarg as well as on the camera monitors in the rack (CH01A06) left of the target computer. Look at the camera monitor on the top right of rack CH01A06. It displays the temperatures for the three loops on three white temperature controllers, with loop 1 at the top and loop 3 on the bottom. Ask the TO for help if you can't find the temperature or it doesn't make sense. The adjacent camera displays the JT valve controller readings and tachometers.

Blank lists (shift check list, run list, compton run list)

If missing blank lists in the counting house, you can retrieve and print the checklist and the checklist how-to. The data run list is available in a white binder in the counting house. In order to generate more runlists, follow the instructions below:

  • Log into a-onl@aonl1.
  • cd dvcs/dvcs-gmp_runlist.
  • Open runlist.tex and edit the line \Setcounter{run}{'put the latest run number here'}
  • do: latex runlist.tex
  • do: dvips -o runlist.ps runlist.dvi