Difference between revisions of "Thursday, July 7, 2016 3:00pm EST"

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Attendees: Kurtis
Attendees: Kurtis, Cip, Wouter, Dominic, Seamus, Rakitha, Paul
Not Attending: David, Scott
Not Attending: David, Scott
Scribe: Kurtis
Scribe: Kurtis
** Now has the Hall D Lund generator working in remoll.
** Is able to now compare with the previously implemented Wiser generator.
** Wouter: What is the comparison that you should be making between these two generators? Pion distributions, absolute rates.
*** Seamus suggests we look at hits in radius as well at compare momentum distributions on the detector plane.
** Seamus: Did a comparison for SOLiD between this Hall D and Wiser generator along with measured data. Found the Wiser generator over-estimated the rates when compared with data. Might have compared with Pythia as well. Wiser is factors larger.
** Dominic: Will speak with Rakitha more about his comparisons he did for SOLiD.
** Rakitha compared Hall D, Geant4(long simulations), and Wiser in general. Found Hall D/Lund and Geant4 agree within 30%.
*** Rakitha will send his comparisons to Dominic.
** On vacation, but plans to continue work on the lead wall and strawman detector. Will produce plots of pion rate on strawman detector vs lead wall thickness when he gets back.
** Implemented some overlap code. Found some overlaps. Nothing to be of concern.
** Rakitha will check to make sure there are no overlaps in collimators.
** Wouter checked all volumes.

Latest revision as of 15:19, 7 July 2016

Previous Meeting: Thursday,_June_9,_2016_3:00pm_EST

Meeting Information

BlueJeans Call Information

URL: https://bluejeans.com/624029893

Phone Number: 1-800-240-2560

Meeting ID: 624029893


  • Dominic: Comparing Wiser generator to modified Hall D generator.
  • Scott: Implementation of lead wall and strawman pion detector.
  • Any new business?


Attendees: Kurtis, Cip, Wouter, Dominic, Seamus, Rakitha, Paul

Not Attending: David, Scott

Scribe: Kurtis

  • Dominic:
    • Now has the Hall D Lund generator working in remoll.
    • Is able to now compare with the previously implemented Wiser generator.
    • Wouter: What is the comparison that you should be making between these two generators? Pion distributions, absolute rates.
      • Seamus suggests we look at hits in radius as well at compare momentum distributions on the detector plane.
    • Seamus: Did a comparison for SOLiD between this Hall D and Wiser generator along with measured data. Found the Wiser generator over-estimated the rates when compared with data. Might have compared with Pythia as well. Wiser is factors larger.
    • Dominic: Will speak with Rakitha more about his comparisons he did for SOLiD.
    • Rakitha compared Hall D, Geant4(long simulations), and Wiser in general. Found Hall D/Lund and Geant4 agree within 30%.
      • Rakitha will send his comparisons to Dominic.
  • Scott:
    • On vacation, but plans to continue work on the lead wall and strawman detector. Will produce plots of pion rate on strawman detector vs lead wall thickness when he gets back.
  • Wouter:
    • Implemented some overlap code. Found some overlaps. Nothing to be of concern.
    • Rakitha will check to make sure there are no overlaps in collimators.
    • Wouter checked all volumes.