Meeting solid simulation

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Revision as of 12:55, 14 March 2017 by Xiongw (Talk | contribs) (agenda and minutes)

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meeting info

Date and Location:  Weekly Tuesday at 10:30AM in CEBAF center F226 (announcement in solid_software emaillist)
Conference ID 645531152 
Desktop Sharing 
Phone Call Dial 18882402560 (US or Canada only)  and enter the Conference ID and passcode.  (This is preferred way for best audio quality, REMEMBER to turn off mic and speaker on your PC)
meeting system "bluejeans" howto
Howto share files for the meeting
you may just send the file to
The info below is about how to do it yourself
upload your file to the meeting file dir by "scp your_file"
then you can link it by + yourfilename
note: your account needs to be in 12gev_solid group to be able to upload.

agenda and minutes

  • 2017/03/14
    • [1] SoLID Tracking Weizhi
  • 2017/02/28
    • MRPC update, MRPC digitization update, Sanghwa
    • [2] GEM digitization and tracking update, Weizhi
  • 2017/02/07
    • pdf MRPC digitization, Sanghwa
  • 2017/01/31
    • [3], inclusive electron generator, Yuxiang
    • pptxpdf SIDIS_He3 detection, Zhwen Zhao
    • Solid_MRPC link to MRPC reference
    • [4] EC todo list, Ye Tian
  • 2016/12/13
    • pptxpdf SIDIS_He3 trigger, Zhiwen Zhao
    • SIDIS He3 Collimator optimization pptxpdf, Zhiwen
  • 2016/12/06
    • SIDIS He3 trigger, Zhiwen's update on EC cut pptxpdf, Yuxiang's update pptx
    • GEM digitization, Weizhi pdf
  • 2016/10/18
    • pptxpdf SIDIS_He3 trigger, Zhiwen Zhao
  • 2016/09
    • pptxpdfSIDIS_He3 trigger, Yuxiang Zhao
  • 2016/9/8
    • pdf Kondo, "See attached slides on the quick pedestal noise study, I computed pedestals with 6 time samples APV25 data we took with PRad GEMs at UVa pedestals computed using 1, 3 and 6 time samples (see slides 2), This gives you an idea on the pedestal rms increases with the number of time samples. I suspect in reality could be slightly worse. On page 3 is shown the pedestals rms when the common mode is not corrected"
  • 2016/9/1
  • 2016/08/11
    • [5] GEm simulation, Tim McMullen from UVa
  • 2016/08/04
  • 2016/07/28
    • pdf SIDIS tracking,Weizhi
    • pptx,SIDIS trigger, Yuxiang
    • pptxpdf acceptance, Zhiwen
  • 2016/07/21
    • pptxpdf PVDIS e trigger rate, Yuxiang
  • 2016/06/30
    • pdfBaffles update, Rich
  • 2016/06/23
    • pdf,Ye Tian, pi0 data
  • 2016/05/19
    • pdf Baffles update, Rich
  • 2016/04/14
    • pdf Tracking, Weizhi
  • 2016/04/07
    • pdf Tracking, Weizhi
  • 2016/03/24
    • pdf ECAL (PVDIS) Trigger update, Rakitha
  • 2016/02/25
    • pdf ECAL Trigger update, Rakitha
    • [6] SIDIS Digitization, Weizhi
  • 2016/02/18
  • 2016/02/4
  • 2015/10/01
    • Agenda
      • simulation task and plan, Seamus (see below)
      • detail about using GEMC framework, Zhiwen
    • Minutes
      • Seamus will contact
        • Hai Yan about SIDIS systematic manpower
        • Zein Eddine for student with J/psi backgrounds, systematics
        • Paul for PVDIS systematics
        • Finalize postdoc request institution responsibility
      • Paul Reimer may have someone to help with the magnet simulation work
Short Term (< 6 months)

Acceptances, systematics for 3 experiments	2-3 people (Zhiwen, Syracuse,?)
J/psi bin migration				Temple student
J/psi signal/background				TBD
Backgrounds and generators			Rakitha
Magnet                                          Postdoc TBD

Medium Term (6 month - 12 months)

Magnet,baffles,backgrounds,generators		1 postdoc
General Trigger Simulation, deadtimes		Yuxiang
Radiation/activation				Lorenzo
Kaon identification				TBD

Long Term (Through 2018)

Starting simulation framework R&D/Generators	1 postdoc
Fully digitized with present GEMC
    setup optimization/ background evaluations	1 postdoc

Request - 2 new postdocs

Magnet tasks:
    Iterate with engineering to assess effects of proposed
    magnetic fields on target, detectors, optics.

Baffles tasks:
    Identify optimized configuration as per director's review
    including matierals, placement, number.  Iterate with
    engineers with magnet configuration.

Backgrounds and generators:
    Iterate with detector designs to assess rates and 
    backgrounds.  Produce optimzed set of generators 
        Realisitic assessment of produced hadron rates
        Detailed comparison between available and new generators
        Internal and external radiative effects
        Detailed particle backgrounds and time structure
Long term software
    Experimentation with simulation framework ideas in
    conjunction with analysis group.  This includes 
    tangibily assessing major ideas from the sofware group
    and the document they will eventually produce.

    Solving medium-term needs for fully digitized setup
    within the existing framework to meet the needs of the
    DAQ group to assess rates and event sizes.