and Security Notice
Link to December, 2003
Link to October, 2003
Link to September, 2003
Link to August, 2003
Link to June, 2003
Target lab:
- Lingyan:
- One laser looks weaker than the others for the same power setting.
- Jian-Ping suggested to clean the fibers and measure the power of each laser..
Small angle GDH:
- Tim:
- Showed trigger, charge and physics asymmetries for several runs on the left arm.
- The charge asymmetry is sometimes large: more than 1000ppm
- Vince:
- Optics optimization:
* still some distortions appear: phi_tg not good.
* y_tg looks good.
* down stream reconstruction looks better.
* 2 of the 4 runs used for the optimization had raster on: it can be one source of the optimization imperfections.
- Water calibration:
* The deformed background might not be due to the use of the A-phi box but from the subtraction of the slope in the raw signal.
Spin duality analysis:
- Patricia:
- Showed trigger efficiency but a cut is missing on ntrack=1 in the trigger efficiency analysis.
- Showed VDC efficiency for each kinematic with different cuts. Jian-Ping suggested to extract the VDC efficiency for electons selected by the PID analysis.
- Then will have to do the parallel analysis for pions.
- Jian-Ping adviced to extract the efficiencies for all runs (not only for each kinematic).
Target lab:
- Jian-Ping:
- Lingyan Zhu is starting to work on the target in preparation for Transversity.
- The plan is: alignment of the optics, spin up, temperature test and other tests, and then get EPR working.
Small angle GDH:
- Tim:
- looked at the helicity scaler analysis for the left arm.
- saw the 4-peaks structure in the charge asymmetries
- Vince:
- Optics optimization:
* some holes disappear after cutting on elastic peak --> these events lost energy going through the pick-up coils.
* reconstruction of the y_tg peak looks pretty good already.
- Water calibration:
* Used Karl's suggestion of taking the standard deviation of individual sweep to get an error on each point.
* Up sweep with A-Phi box doesn't have the distorded background of the down sweep.
* Need test and study of the A-Phi box in the target lab.
Spin duality analysis:
- Patricia:
- Looked at the VDC and trigger efficiencies but didn't applied the proper cuts. So have to do it again.
- Started to work on the elastic analysis: comparison of the target variables with the simulation without applying any cut on the data.
Target lab:
- Kathy:
- Target lab status is behind schedule.
- Some problem with the oven controller and air flow that need to be optimized.
- Need more work on the laser alignment.
- The plan is to set up everything then to make EPR work and to do all regular polarization tests.
Small angle GDH:
- Nilanga:
- Went back to the matrix elements from John Lerose because only three foils were used during the experiment.
- After optimization, a shoulder appears adjacent to the upstream foil --> probably from the Be window.
- The idea is to apply a cut to remove the Be window during the optimization.
- Vince:
- Water calibration: looked at the CHI2 evolution with interval fitted.
- Tim:
- Worked on the Compton analysis.
- Alexandre:
- Worked on the background study: he is looking at the internal radiative correction in glass.
Spin duality analysis:
- Patricia:
- Used an older version of ESPACE from Seonho than the one used in her analysis so far.
- Now all elastic runs can be replayed.
- But still several runs show a number of events equal to -1 at other energies.
- Karl:
- Worked on the interpolation.
- Need to implement the new elastic tail data generated by Alexandre.
(last updated: 01/31/2004, maintained by Patricia Solvignon)