Polarized He3 and Transversity Collaboration Meeting

(Feb. 2-3, 2006 at JLab L102-104)

Feb. 2 Morning

  9:00    Welcome  and Schedule -- Kees de Jager

  9:20    Transversity requirements  and considerations -- Xiaodong Jiang ( .pdf)

  9:40    (e,e'd) requirements  and considerations -- Doug Higinbotham ( .pdf)

10:00    A_y requirements and considerations -- Todd Averett ( .pdf)

10:20    Parasitic tests during Gen -- Xiaodong Jiang ( .pdf p12,p13)

10:40    Break

11:00    Pol.  3He target status from Gen -- Aiden Kelleher ( .pdf) /Ameya Kolarkar

11:20    Transversity target progress -- Huan Yao (.pdf)

11:40    Target progress at UVa, W&M -- Gorden Gates/Todd Averett (.pdf p4,p5)

12:00    Discussion

12:20    Lunch

Feb.  2 Afternoon

 1:30   HRS status and tasks -- Lingyan Zhu ( .pdf, rich_slides.pdf)

 2:00    BigBite status from Gen --Bogdan/Nilanga
 2:20    BigBite status and tasks --Doug Higinbotham/Xiaodong Jiang( .pdf p4+)

 2:50    d2 requirements and considerations -- Brad Sawatsky (.pdf)

 3:10    Heavy gas Cherenkov design -- Brad Sawatsky

 3:30    Pol.  3He target status and tasks -- Jianping Chen

 4:00    Break

 4:20    Discusssions   -

 4:40    Thesis subjects

 5:10    Manpower, responsibilities, readiness and milestones

 5:30    Organization, other issues

 6:00    Meeting Adjourn

Feb. 3 (on SAGDH and Spin-Duality Analylsis and GDH Papers)

4:00    End of the collaboration meeting